You may remember this story about Jean Kalonji and his wife Angelica, the purchaser of a foreclosed home in Newton County GA. While changing the locks on their new home, they were threatened and held at gunpoint by two of their white neighbors. When the local sheriff deputies arrived they arrested the Kalonjis without checking to find out if they were the homeowners, and took no action against the men who threatened and assaulted Jean and Angelica with their firearms and held them against their will for no apparent reason other than that 61 year-old Jean Kalonji was black.
Well, it seems the Newton County Sheriff’s Department has had a change of heart about the actions of these two vigilantes (though the Kalonji’s lawyer’s meeting with the Sheriff and the local DA on Monday may have helped clarify the situation for them). Yesterday, Robert Canoles and his son, Branden, were taken into custody and charged with “aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal trespass.” Frankly I am surprised, but also grateful that the Newton County authorities reversed themselves and made the proper decision to charge these two morons. These idiots took it upon themselves to assault a 61 year old black man and his 57 year old white spouse and cause them to fear for their lives merely for lawfully occupying their own property. Nonetheless, shamefully, both men reacted with defiance and an utter lack of remorse at what they had done to these two innocent people.
Porterdale resident Robert Canoles said he has no second thoughts about interrupting what he thought was a robbery in progress Thursday night at his neighbor’s house — though he is now facing criminal charges just days after deputies lauded his armed response.
Canoles said he and his teenage son, Branden, heard noises from the once-foreclosed home next door, vacant for seven months. They grabbed their AR-15s and snuck up behind a man and woman fiddling with the front door lock.
For roughly 10 minutes, the Kalonjis — who moved to the U.S. from Zaire in the late 1990s to escape persecution from the brutal Mobutu regime — stood nervously, arms lifted over their heads, backs turned to the gunmen.
“I didn’t know who they were,” Jean-Joseph Kalonji told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Monday. “Were they there to rob us?”
The situation could very easily have resulted in the shooting or death of either Jean or Angelica. The Canoles are very fortunate their stupidity and the desire to take the law into their own hands did not result in a much greater tragedy. I don’t know what my reaction to being confronted by two men with AR-15 rifles on my own property might have been, but I can imagine that if Mr. or Mrs. Kalonji had said the wrong thing, or demanded that the Canoles leave their property, or if either had had a panic attack (my likely reaction), or otherwise acted in a manner that the Canoles could argue justified “self defense,” they might very well have shot either or both Jean and Anjelica Kalonji dead. Certainly the Canoles’ statements indicate they have little understanding of the illegality and injustice of their actions. They don’t deny what they did in the least. They don’t give a damn regarding the fear and suffering they needlessly caused the Kalongis. Indeed they still seem to consider themselves the heroes of this sordid tale.
And the sad thing is that these gun-toting fools had the support of the local law enforcement officials who at the time of the incident arrested the Kalongis for “loitering and prowling” while letting the men with the guns walk away free.
Canoles, meanwhile, said he was praised by the responding officers.
“The police told me I did a good job,” said Canoles, 45, who was never questioned that night. He spoke again with deputies on Friday and said he was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Thank god someone higher up in the Newton County justice system reevaluated that initial response. Rewarding vigilantism by bigots only begets the potential for more acts of violence by racists using their guns to “protect their neighborhoods” from anyone with a darker skin tone than their own. If you think I am employing hyperbole here and overreacting, just read this quote by Canole Sr. on Monday before he was arrested:
“I don’t know what they can charge me with,” Canoles said late Monday afternoon, before the interview with authorities. “This is my Second Amendment right. Look, this is the country out here, and we protect our own.”
His second amendment right to “protect his own?” If that doesn’t speak to a racist mindset that led to his pulling a gun on the bi-racial couple who were his new neighbors, I don’t know what does. And by the way, Mr. Canole, the Second Amendment doesn’t give you the right to pull a gun on an unarmed man and his wife on their own property just because they aren’t one of “your own.” The very idea that the Second Amendment gives people a free pass to use their guns to threaten and assault anyone they like is absurd on its face. The right to “bear arms” does not give one carte blanche to ignore our criminal laws, which Mr. Canole and his son clearly violated.
I sincerely hope both father and son are convicted and serve time in prison for what they did.
Ps. Take a good look at the Canoles’ mugshots at the link to the AJC story on this arrest. I would have thought they were robbers, too, if they had “snuck up” on me at my home brandishing AR-15s.
You know, you might ask people what they’re doing there instead of making them stand with their backs to you at gunpoint until the cops arrive. I can kind of understand thinking that unknown people on a neighboring property that has been vacant for a long time might be up to no good. Calling the cops is a reasonable reaction. Going all Charles Bronson on them is not.
“This is my Second Amendment right. Look, this is the country out here, and we protect our own.”
Errr…I believe Springsteen said, “We Take Care of Our Own”.
They got it all wrong.
And why the fuck do dad and doofus need TWO matching AR-15s in the house? No doubt to shoot those terrorists who are trying to vote.
Or maybe it is a father son bonding thing. Maybe they also watch porn together while they clean their guns.
they were arrested because they rolled upon the wrong ones, and the wrong ones had an attorney
Get these boys into a commercial for the NRA. That’s responsible and civic minded gun ownership right there.
Based on their actions, it appears to me these people knew their new neighbors were not robbers. If they actually thought they were robbers, they would have called the police and stayed in. It’s just an empty house – who cares? And confronting actual robbers entails a significant amount of risk. Why would they care so much to take that risk? I don’t think they cared at all.
No, I think the fact that they took this action indicates they wanted to rough up the new neighbors an send a message.
I think they just wanted to finally play out whatever crazy fuck notion they had about why they paid a lot of money for AR-15s.
They run about $900 each. That’s would buy a lot of Keystone Light beer.
Sorry no jail. These 2 need community service. Cleaning public toilets or given an orange vest, pointed stick, and a black plastic bag to put the garbage found on some interstate in GA. They need to feel some of the humiliation they dished out.
l disagree, especially given the seriousness of the charges and the obvious callous disregard for the victims.
if they’re tried and convicted for the felony counts a little time to contemplate their stupidity within the confines of the new and improved, privatized, penal system might be a bit more educational than picking up litter, eh.
an additional benefit would be as convicted felons, they’d be barred from ever owning firearms again. definitely a good thing imo.
Gotta agree.
Community service is actually intended to bring a person out of their selfish self and gain a sense of worth by serving other.
And it generally works at that, at least for the willing.
Getting raped in prison is generally more humiliating.
Jus’ sayin’
Why not both? Plenty of sentences have both a jail and a community service element.
But please, no rape in jail jokes. Rape is rape, and it’s not funny, or appropriate, even when it’s done to assholes as deserving of degradation as these.
Rape sucks
It should happen to no one.
Including those in prison.
We agree.
But being paraded out to pick trash should also not be considered humiliation. If public humiliation is the point there are far more effective ways to do that than picking up trash.
Except for those who think that is beneath them.
really? how the hell did you get there from what l wrote?
if you really think that’s what l’m advocating l have nothing more to say to you other than, you sir, are an ass.
Very fair enough.
But to drive down the road mocking people with pointy sticks and garbage bags and thinking they should feel humiliated is in the same territory. That was my point.
Try sitting in a 6×8 cell with a roommate and no known exit or actually doing court ordered community service before you decide what is or is intended to be humiliating.
Good ole Steve, causing trouble and spreading flame wars at the Great Orange Satan.
A flame war can get started at DK by writing, “Good morning, I hope you are all doing well today.”
His diary got hijacked right out of the chute by a tangential pie war on the 2nd amendment.
I just realized that I haven’t visited the GOS in… I dunno. A very long time.
Markos should set up a Movable Type blog again under a pseudonym. I loved Daily Kos when it was just him and a couple of others posting articles. It’s been mostly noise since user diaries were added. Useless.
What blogs do you visit these days that you find valuable for politics?
That certainly puts a different “color” on the situation.