There is some hope for the Washington Post.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s nice that they published the piece, but one column does not make hope. Nor does one series, nor even one hire. People need to hear a viewpoint like this over and over before internalizing it, and there has been no sign, none, that the WaPo will go there outside this article.
Plenty of people have been making the exact point in this article for years now (including Boo, obviously). But this got published in WaPo only because it was written by two people (balance!) from major DC think tanks. How many Villagers are likely to echo this theme publicly? My guess: Not many, and WaPo won’t look hard to find them.
Patience, Geov.
It’s all part of the fix, and the fix is in. Bet on it. You don’t want to give away the plot too quickly in a fix or the marks will get wise. This drumbeat..just as in this article, from the supposed left and the supposed right, both of which live quite comfortably together in the PermaGov middle…will sound a steady crescendo until it is sure that the swing vote is convinced enough to give Obama an electoral college majority. Then it will back off and only sound if the calculations prove faulty. After all, a Dem sweep wouldn’t be good for the PermaGov either. How would it run its middle game without the excuse of a stalled and divided legislature?
But don’t believe.
It used to be said “Follow the money.” Well, OK, but in the case of the PermaGov, it’s often easier to simply follow the policy towards Israel, our burr under the saddle of the Middle East.
Ornstein and the right wing is pretty much a given. But the so-called left? Subtler.
Here’s what the Brookings Institution has to say on the matter. By its actions, not necessarily by its words.
Follow the AIPAC.
P.S. For those dog-whistle howlers out there, this is in no way an “anti-semitic” post, because I do not consider AIPAC or the whole economic imperialist rigamarole that founded and has supported Israel to be anything other than an expression of Western European/U.S./NATO power. Had those powers been uninterested in controlling of the Middle East and its oil after WW II and wanted to truly help the survivors of the Holocaust they could have simply opened their arms and their borders to the few million Jews who ended up up as “Israelis” and done the whole “Give us your tired, your poor, your hungry, your huddled masses” routine.
But NOOOOOooooo…there was work to be done in the Middle East and the Jews were (
s)elected.Anyone who thinks that 6 million or so Jews are somehow “controlling” the unbelievable power of the United States needs to step away from the media with their brains in the air. Israel is a satellite of the United States, not the other way around, and the United States is the PermaGov.
Dwight Eisenhower knew. In his farewell address, he stated:
He warned us. And it happened anyway.
So it goes, and wake the fuck up.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
All true. I just wanted to make sure people saw this rare species in an unnatural habitat.
The thing that depresses me is that this has been the case in California for many years, and even though that state is OVERWHELMINGLY democratic, the GOP has managed to wedge itself into anti-democratic structures there that allow them to veto anything anyone else manages to do.
If they can configure things just right, they can hang on to the power of obstructionism for another generation or two at the national level, too. One way they are doing that is through the judiciary.
Ron Reagan called in to the Steph Miller show on Current yesterday and she asked him what his dad would have said about Grover.
Reagan was quick to say he didn’t like to speak for his dad but that he was quite sure he would tell him ‘Get out of the way little man”. Of course you can change that to ‘men’ and cover Newt’s hand in this as well.
Whether it’s the frog in the tepid to boiling water syndrome or lazyness, the centrists of the party, the leaders and George Will intellectuals…remained virtually silent, as the piece points out, every time the insanity shouted ‘you lie’. They allowed the chipping away, gave it permission by their absence and now they seem to just throw up their hands and retire.
And lastly we have the SCOTUS. The highest court in the land and 4 members have compromised her integrity.
This article is proof that the media on the right has known this all along, they just choose to ignore it. I found the same thing doing research some years ago on German events of the 1930’s. I had new in-law relatives from Austria and I completely bought their argument that they knew nothing of the dark side of the events caused by their swing to the extreme right at that time. I expected to find no widespread knowledge of the consequences of their actions but when I began to read legitimate historical accounts I learned that most people in positions of responsibility knew the truth, right from the start. They all had some reason or another to publicly ignore it while providing plenty of acknowledgment as to the likely outcome of their horrible path in private. I see the same thing here, especially the timing of this article. They would never publish this article until the primary was decided and Newt was out.
This is just setting them up to forgive and forget when the republicans let some judges be confirmed or something. Wank pieces will be published about how Magical Mitt is already Moderating the party.