We get it. You can’t play a musical instrument, you’re not too good at sports, you have no artistic ability, the popular kids think you’re a dork, you don’t excel at academics, and no one seems to share your values. The only girls you can get are the ones looking for a sugar daddy. We get it, you hate cool.
You hate cool. You hate the kids in the band. You hate the jocks. You hate the artsy-fags. You hate anyone smarter than you. You hate people who read Shakespeare and talk about Proust. You hate your professors. You hate women who work for a living and have no use for your old-fashioned ideas about gender roles.
You like Rush Limbaugh. You hate cool.
American Unexceptionalism
Or, no talent mo-f’ers.
I’m beginning to think that part of the Obama campaign strategy to keep pressing on Romney many statements. I know that the MSM are aware of the strategy turn, but I think another aspect of the strategy is to be so precise in their attacks and leaving no “real” room for R-Money and the R-Money millionaires campaign to maneuever. I think it works. Using Romney’s exact quotes to ring his neck is very effective, because unlike R-Money’s campaigns’ decision to distort and out right lie about what Obama actually said/says, the Obama campaign can point out that R-Money campaign is lying and that Obama did not say that. Can R-Money’s campaign really say the same about their client with all the evidence including video, articles, recording, etc that are available. I think they’ll try, but with ALL the gaffes and downright stupid statements from their candidate I just don’t think they will be able to keep up unless Obama, Biden, Axelrod and Ploufe and ‘nem have unforced errors.
Citizens United is the only saving grace R-Money has to even the playing field.
WTF!!! WOW, JUST WOW! This dude really doesn’t understand that the majority of American CAN’T borrow money from their parents for college. For middle class and poorer students…COLLEGE IS EXPENSIVE!!!!
Romney’s Advice To Students: Borrow Money From Your Parents. http://thinkprogress.org/special/2012/04/27/473096/romney-borrow-money-parents/
My first thought when I hard her say that was, “What are they supposed to do? Get the money from Daddy?”
I guess the answer really was “Yes”.
“Let them eat cake!”
And you’re not sure why, but you really, really hate the black kids.
This is why POTUS and the Dems have such a big advantage with women voters:
Could R-Money speak on women’s issues with as much passion as this?
President Obama at the Women’s Leadership Forum
Obama at the Women’s Forum: “women are not an interest group. You are 80% of my household if you count my mother in law and I always count my mother in law…”
He just won the mother-in-law vote with that one!