Why They Hate So Much
We get it. You can’t play a musical instrument, you’re not too good at sports, you have no artistic ability, the popular kids think you’re a dork, you don’t excel at academics, and no one seems to share...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Apr 27, 2012 |
We get it. You can’t play a musical instrument, you’re not too good at sports, you have no artistic ability, the popular kids think you’re a dork, you don’t excel at academics, and no one seems to share...
Read MorePosted by MassCommons | Apr 27, 2012 |
There’s nothing quite like a public school concert for renewing your faith in the American experiment. No offense to Mitt Romney, but when a bunch of 13 year olds—at least half of whom are immigrants—sing...
Read MorePosted by Steve M. | Apr 27, 2012 |
In a new ad, the Obama campaign is asserting that Mitt Romney wouldn’t have gone after Osama bin Laden: President Obama’s campaign is … argu[ing that] Mitt Romney would not have launched the raid to capture...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Apr 27, 2012 |
Ruth Marcus is concern-trolling again: Or, maybe she’s trying to reassure the Villagers that Obama isn’t a secret socialist. I can’t even tell the difference anymore. In any case, Ms. Marcus doesn’t think...
Read MorePosted by BooMan | Apr 27, 2012 |
When Democrats say stuff like this, the Romney campaign complains that they’re dividing the country: “Thanks to President Obama, bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive,” [Joe] Biden continued. “You have to ask...
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