I wish Schwarzenegger luck. I really do. But I think that at least in the short term, it is hopeless. We have a two-party system and one of our parties has the political equivalent of rabies. They can’t be put down or quarantined, so they must be contained and watched carefully until they die of old age. There is no other way.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Maybe it’s mean, but i am biting my lip not to laugh.
what a girly-man.
“There is room for those whose views, I think, make them sound like cavemen. And there is also room for us in the center, with views the traditionalists probably think make us sound like progressive softies.”
He will wake up and understand the Republican party has passed his political stance on the right. The Democrats are sitting just right of center, Arnie may join the Kennedy fold after all. European socialism in the passed 30 years has been replaced by the Third Way of Tony Blair, Bill Clinton and the Dutch under leadership of Ruud Lubbers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
He has to know in his heart that the cavemen are running the show. And his feeble attempt at extending an olive branch along with a weak little “why can’t we all get along” will only be meet with shouts of “RINO GO HOME!!!”. Arnold has been cast outside the gate, and he knows it. Come on over to the sane side, Arnold. The people in your crazy tribe would just as soon see your head on a pike as to listen to one word you have to say.
“…will only be meet with shouts of “RINO GO HOME!!!…”
And that’s exactly what I saw in the second comment on that story. He was dismissed as a RINO that the Republicans didn’t need.
I believe that the true “Third Way” is predicated on control of the masses through the use of media. When that means of control is available and working on a highly effective level…and believe me, it is definitely both available and extraordinarily effective in the developed countries of Europe, North America and the Pacific Rim…the elite (the winners of political and /or financial battles that start in their teen years) can dictate to the proles exactly what is going to happen while the proles think that they figured it out for themselves.
In countries where this “Third Way” is not happening, violent contention of all sorts is much more likely to break out than it is in the more media-satiurated countries. In my world travels I have noticed over and over again that second-rate media produces a great deal of dissonance in its societies whereas first-rate media actually calms everything down. The U.S. has “dissonance,” of course…contention of various kinds…but compared to say almost every third world country in the world? HOO boy!!! Y’got placard-carrying Tea Partiers and Occupy people on one hand versus Joseph Kony and the Taliban on the other.
Pragmatic, this “Third Way?”
Considering the almost total ignorance of how the media lead them by their noses that is evinced by a huge percentage of Americans?
I’d say so.
Wouldn’t you?
Awnold needs to get a more accurate historical perspective and it may help him to start from the present and go backwards. He should first read Mann’s and Ornstein’s new book, “It’s Even Worse Than it Looks”. He needs to come to grips with a national Republican party SO intent on small government that they will plunge into default rather than compromise one bit.
The problem is far beyond inclusiveness (which has been pathetic for decades). Setting aside for a moment the dead 19th century policies of the party, the ceiling debt fiasco alone shows their tactics are far beyond rational politics. Government by hostage taking is their main tactic of choice. Compromise is not in their vocabulary.
if he were being honest, the only historical perspective he’d need is remembering how the CA repubs treated him. He had no influence at all with “his” party’s state legislators. He could never have been elected the first time if he’d had to run in a repub primary.
And if he wants to be more helpful, he can create/join “Republicans For Obama”.
He writes as if he is sixth grade writing a civics paper. He’d get a C.
And if he’s asking CA Republican to ask, “what would Ronny do?” he should ask how he did as governor compared to trick Dick and Reagan. He pretty much sucked and not just because his party fought him.
Can’t wait to hear Rush mock him tomorrow.
But if a local GOP party is likely to regain its senses, I think CA may be one of the more likely states.
Actually I think the GOP is more likely to go the way of the Whigs. But since we have a two party system they can’t practically and politically really go away until the people replace them with something. That should interesting (or scary)
>>f a local GOP party is likely to regain its senses, I think CA may be one of the more likely states.
I’d like to hear why you think that. It looks to me like those parts of CA that elect repubs, though shrinking, are as wingnutty as ever.
Meh. CA is a long way politically from SC. And there are lots of spots in between.
CA is decidedly not Red. If the GOP has any hope of winning statewide elections they need to spend more time paying attention to the center.
There are a lot of states where they win no matter what… for now.
I don’t know what Arnold is thinking, but given that the Republican anti-tax wave started in California with Prop 13 (1978), as did the anti-immigrant wave with Prop 187 (1994), maybe there’s hope that California Republicans will also be ahead of the curve in coming to grips with what it means to be a conservative party in 21st century America.
Awwwww….cut the poor fella a break, why don’tcha. Ya gotta remember, English wasn’t his first language.
His first language was…
Awwww haw haw haw haw haw haw haw!!!
Couldn’t resist.
But seriously, folks. He isn’t a politician or a thinker or an ideologue or anything like that; he’s just a dumb, ambitious bodybuilder who took a lot of steroids, won some contests, fell into an acting career and became a frontman for the CA Ratpublicans. The same ones who created the superhero Ronald Reagan out of a semi-stupid, third rate, “Bedtime For Bonzo” level actor. They tried again and failed.
What did you expect?
Noam Chomsky?
Franz Fanon?
Arnold doesn’t get any more cred than Frum when he mews that Republicans are nice people who just have a fringe that has lost its way.
They have become a caricature of George Lucas’ famous Star Wars line, “Who’s more stupid, the stupid guy or the ones that follow him?” over the cliff?
I don’t care if his comments are realistic or intelligent. If they convince even a few California Republicans to question the party line, I will encourage him as much as possible.
See comments Obama congratulates new [Socialist] French president
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Sheesh! Do you suppose they pay those morons by the word to write that spew?