This is a serious question. The Hill lists nine things that Congress needs to do before the election to avoid bad to catastrophic stuff from happening. Things like keeping the Post Office running and the Import-Export Bank from failing and preventing student loan interest rates from doubling and funding our highways. How many of those nine things do you think John Boehner will actually be able to handle?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Is he bad at his job? Or is he implementing the GOP plan to discredit government? Maybe both?
Republican Response:
How many of those nine things do you think John Boehner will actually be able to handle?
I think we all know the answer to that one.
Toll roads?
Not until they sell the roads off to private industry so they can profit from the tolls.
Ideally they sell it to a foreign company making tax collection harder.
On #5, it’s not Russia. It’s the Soviets, you libtard.
IMO over/under on the list is three of nine
Speaking of the Post Office, I had to get some important mail from DFW to NOLA for a reasonable price.
I went to the college post office and I mailed the letter via Priority mail on Friday morning about 9am. It was delivered to the address I wanted to in NOLA the following Monday. My business was completed within 1 week after mailing my thing to NOLA.
So my appreciation for the work that the Post Office does for a reasonable price knows no bounds.
If Boehner can get earmarks back 3 and kick everything else into 2013. No earmarks and they default the government.
OT, but Mitt Romney at the Celtics game. Could this dude be anymore obvious. This is like Single White Female. Next thing you know Romney gonna be getting a new “tanner” face!
From Charles Barkley mouth to God’s ears.
Charles Barkley, just now, seeing Mitt Romney at the Celtics game: “he seem like a nice guy, but this fall, you goin’ down, bro.”
Orange Julius is very bad at his job
I don’t dispute that Boehner is a bad Speaker, but how much leverage does Boehner really have over the Tea Party caucus? When the chips are down they act more like a third party than like Republicans. I suppose a better Speaker than Boehner would recognize this fact, cut out the Tea Party, and make deals with Democrats to get the essential legislation passed.
From Boehner’s perspective, if he breaks with the extremists in his caucus and cuts a deal with House Dems and Senate Republicans to pass legislation, then he runs the risk of losing his job—because the extremists make up roughly half of the House Republican caucus. (Not saying it’s right; just saying it’s the way it is.)
Yes, working with Democrats would cost Boehner his job, but at least he’d go out knowing he did the right thing. He might be going out no matter what.
I have a ridiculous vision of Cantor challenging Boehner for Speaker and Boehner contesting it, thus splitting the GOP votes roughly 50/50 and Speaker Pelosi being re-elevated to Speaker on a GOP majority House.
Boeher would be considered a bad speaker if he were Leader of a reasonable caucus, but given his disaster of a caucus he’ll be lucky if he can rise to disaster. Besides, the right has more important things to keep securing funding for.
Another link on the F-35, this time to Boehner.