I did a lot of things in high school that I regret, including being mean to kids who were a little weird in my estimation. I’m ashamed of that behavior and there are still a few people I ought to apologize to. I never physically harmed anyone, and I never committed any kind of assault. It was basically verbal in nature. And I never picked on anyone because of their race or sexual orientation. My problem was just a certain basic level of insecurity. I’m not going to excuse what I did, nor do I want to exaggerate its seriousness, but it’s a quite common phenomenon among high school boys. I was sometimes the victim of such behavior myself. My hope is that I’ve vindicated myself with my behavior over the last twenty-five years. I wouldn’t want to be judged by the person I was at seventeen years of age. So, I don’t want to make too big of a deal out of the story coming out about Romney’s atrocious behavior in high school. It doesn’t speak well of him that he assaulted a kid because he didn’t like his hair-style and was presumably gay. The incident, where he and several other students pinned the kid down and cut his hair, is appalling. But, in itself, this incident from nearly fifty years ago shouldn’t define who Mitt Romney is or say much about what kind of president he would be. What is troubling is Romney’s response to the revelations. Even though the incident is vividly remembered and recounted by five students, Romney says he has no recollection of it.
Romney is now the presumed Republican presidential nominee. In a radio interview Thursday morning, Romney said he didn’t remember the incident but apologized for pranks he helped orchestrate that he said “might have gone too far.”
His campaign spokeswoman, Andrea Saul, said in a statement that “anyone who knows Mitt Romney knows that he doesn’t have a mean-spirited bone in his body. The stories of fifty years ago seem exaggerated and off base and Governor Romney has no memory of participating in these incidents.”
Campaign officials denied a request for an interview with Romney. They also declined to comment further about his years at Cranbrook.
The appropriate response here is genuine remorse. Saying that he doesn’t remember the incident leads to two unpleasant conclusions. Either he is lying, or such incidents were so commonplace that no single incident made much of an impression on Romney. There are five people who have come out to discuss this, four of them on the record. They are still haunted by their participation. And Romney says he doesn’t recall it. He characterizes this assault as a “prank.”
I understand that this is a damaging story and that his campaign wants it to go away as soon as possible. If he says he remembers the incident, he’ll have to talk about it. But some things should not be treated as mere public relations where you do damage control. Romney needs to make things right with the man he assaulted as a child. His victim died in 2004, but that doesn’t mean he can’t make amends.
For one of the witnesses to say that the incident has stayed with him to this day offers the argument to Mitt that it was memorable to a man of conscience.
Looking at Mitt’s business tactics together with the the tactics of the campaign, it would appear that bullying is a default reaction to this day.
Of course it is. And pinning someone down and cutting their hair isn’t normal, even for what generally passes as bullying in Grades 5 through 8 .. plus high school. An incident like that just tells me R-money started being a psychopath as a teenager and his Bain work was just a logical extension.
I’ve thought the same in my own personal experiences, Booman. I mean, I’m turning 24 this year, so high school wasn’t that far back — nor was middle school — but in just that short time frame I’ve looked back on some things I did with, “What the hell is wrong with children sometimes?”
Like you, I never physically assaulted anyone. I also rarely ever participated in the jeering and such. However, in middle school and early parts of high school (up until I was like 13 I guess), my friends and I in our Boy Scout troop did make fun of the mentally challenged kid in our troop. Quite often, actually. I remember making amends with the kid in freshmen year of high school, and I wrote and mailed him a card when he got his Eagle.
That was pretty much the extent of my engagement. But I still feel sickened by myself for not doing anything when it happened in high school, even though I stopped participating myself. There was this kid nicknamed “Cheeseburger” because he would suddenly turn violent if you said the word “cheeseburger” at him in order to instigate him. I’m not sure what his condition was — he was a big guy who looked kind of like an ape and mumbled “bub bub bub” to himself throughout the hallways — but he was taunted by over 50% of my graduating class (and I graduated in 2006).
I think a lot of people in my class felt the way I do, but because of mob mentality you’re afraid of saying, “Dude, wtf is your problem?” Not to mention…kids are damn cruel sometimes.
So yes, Romney’s response is cruel and sickening to me.
So it’s not mean-spirited to find pleasure in firing people? Or is that just the invisible hand offering a colonoscopy?
This for me seem to have delicious parallels to the whole Swift Boat thing. 😀
I am also beginning to see a pattern with Mitt that he has some personality disorder where he doesn’t feel certain normal emotions of empathy and sympathy.
Saying he doesn’t remember either means it was truly not memorable despite the impact it had on another human, or that he thinks it’s OK to say he doesn’t remember and that most people won’t think it had much impact on the victim.
Just like of course it is OK to put your dog on the roof and you can’t imagine that anyone would have had a problem, let alone be horrified.
Or that employees are of little consequence when making decisions based on available leverage and physical assets.
Or that it doesn’t really matter if you take and keep a position on anything.
Or on and on and on.
When it’s not a stand-alone incident and his behaviour was more common, he may truly not remember this single incident. Is this the right way to end speculation for Mitt Romney? Surely not, he should be very open and upfront that this was bad behaviour. To admit a fault would be too human …
PR advice managing a crisis – honesty and transparency counts
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Even Bill Clinton (bogusly) fessed up: “Yeah, I smoked pot, but I didn’t inhale”.
Hah hha!! riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
That NYT story may be the most devastating character profile of major political candidate that I’ve ever read. People should read it.
I may have read it but am not sure which one you are referring to.
Oops, my bad. I meant the WP story.
Booman’s link is to the Washington Post. Unless you just got the paper wrong by mistake, do you have a link to the NYT article? Thanks!
My mistake. WP not NYT.
Darn! I was hoping another major paper had an equally disastrous article about Romney.
The victim suffered sheer terror.
This was premeditated and cruel.
Romney has no conscience.
When I was in high school, I used to beat the shit out of people like Willard Romney… for sport.
When I was in High School I got the shit beat out of me BY people like that.
Now, I go to the school re-unions and I’m about the only one there with enough $$$ to retire early (I’m 61) and travel all over the world.
Living well IS the best revenge
fwiw, and I am a small sample size, when I went college in MI, everyone I met from Birmingham, Mi was a clueless ass.
Probably just me tho.
But seriously, that was not true in my experience of students I met from the other rich Detroit suburbs.
No, it wasn’t just you. I did kind of date girl from Birmingham who wasn’t clueless. She was definitely an exception.
A bully with a sense of entitlement.
We’ve got another Dubya here.
I’d wonder, now that the victim is dead, whether he was posthumously converted to LDS as Mitt’s means of ‘apologizing’ for his sociopathic behaviour in high school
Poor Mitt. Again he is unable to get anyone to pay attention to his cut the taxes economic plan. Today he must explain why he was a bully in high school.
I went to a high school reunion last year, with the specific intention of talking to the people who had mistreated me as a teenager. I wanted to learn why they had done what they did, and how they felt about it now. But it turned out that I was the only one who remembered the incidents. Or perhaps people merely said they didn’t remember because it reflected badly on them and they didn’t want to discuss it.
If I learned anything at the reunion, it was that there is an enormous variation in how much people remember about their past. It’s possible Romney doesn’t recall much about those years.
Willard was a senior when he organized and was the principle tormenter of this younger kid. Much too old to claim it was but a prank.
C’mon….this is just not fun for the Romney camp.
Let’s go back to talking about Obama tasting dog meat when he was a child.
To be sure; but we already know clownservatives don’t do remorse, empathy, compassion, altruism, etc.
If Limpbaugh or Hannity have not done so already, it won’t be long until this incident is said to have been “oh, just an innocent college hazing prank; it happens all the time!”
Problem is hazing, and fatalities due to hazing are on the increase.
I see the Romney camp is reaching out to old Mitt pals to see if they will collaberate a storyline from Mitt of “We only cut a little bit”.
Completely clueless and his excuses are beginning to bite him. Martin Bashir is doing a piece on this fiasco and Michael Steele is just shakin his head wordlessly.
Inadequate, lying, bully, entitlement, another dubya.
My impression of bullies is that they rarely feel remorse for their actions even years later. Romney’s inadequate non-apology “apology” is pretty much par for the course.
speaking as someone who WAS bullied for a long time because I was small and Jewishy (dad’s a jew, mom isn’t) I concur with what you’re saying here.
My folks were able to put me in private school from grades 3-8, when I finally got expelled for one too many fights. Romney reminds me all too much of the jerks I went to school with 6th-8th grades, kids who were way bigger than me beating me up because they thought they could. I finally had to learn how to do damage back. or first, in some cases.
it’d be one thing if he said “yeah I was a dick back then, and I’m sorry.” Instead it’s cowardly evasions. Typical bully.
I would like to remind folks that when this happened Willard’s daddy was GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN.
Yeah, sure, this kid thought he’d get a break if he reported it.
What color is the sky in your world if you actually believe this.
But, it confirms everything I ever remotely believed about Willard.