And I mean pointing a gun at President Obama’s head as part of an campaign claiming without any evidence whatsoever that Obama plans to ban One Million Guns. No lie. Here’s the image and the letter:

Stochastic terrorism anyone?

The National Association for Gun Rights, based out of Virginia, is alleging (with no factual support other than their fevered imagination) that President Obama plans to ban millions of guns. And this isn’t the first time they pulled this kind of stunt in an effort to raise donations:

NAGR’s website also features a second image of a gun pointing at Obama’s head, this time next to an image of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton. Sen. Paul was attached to that campaign as well — which sought to raise funds off fear over the United Nations’ small arms treaty — but unlike its smaller promotional image, the group’s main banner for that fundraiser did not feature the president’s face.

President Obama has not advocated for any form of national gun ban, and has actually signed several measures that enhance the rights of gun owners.

Aides to Sen. Paul and NAGR did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

The same conspiracy promoted by the head of the NRA, Wayne La Pierre:

These people are deadly serious about ratcheting up the fear among uniformed and bigoted individuals against the first African American President in our nations history. Two motives are possible: greed for more money for their pissant organization and the hope that some “lone wolf” might succeed in assassinating our President or killing and/or intimidating other Democrats, and associated liberal organization. I believe that both are in play.

And we all know what happened in 2008 through the present day when this sort of incitement was ramped up by the right. James David Adkisson, anyone? A plot to murder and kill people in the San Francisco ACLU. A white supremacist bomb plot narrowly avoided in Portland before the MLK march. The murder of three Pittsburgh police officers by a disturbed man convinced the government intended to confiscate his guns. Firebombings and vandalism of local Democratic campaign offices. A plot to assassinate Obama at the 2008 Democratic convention in Denver. A Republican editor of a county Republican newsletter advocating a coup d’etat. The murder of Dr. George Tiller gunned down at his church by an individual who was encouraged to act in part by Bill O’Reilly’s frequent references to the doctor as “Tiller the Baby Killer.” Sharon Angle, Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada. The list of cases inciting violence, violent actions or plans to commit violence by right wing nutcases is long, could go on and on. These are just off the top of my head.

I’m sorry if I’m violating community standards, but these are one notch below the tactics employed by the Nazis and by the Rwanda government and its Hate radio broadcasts.

And no my conservative friends, the left and Democrats don’t do this sort of thing when it comes to Republicans, etc. You are the purveyors of hatred and division in this country. You are the people calling for armed violence against our duly elected government and its officials. You are the ones egging on disturbed individuals to kill or other wise commit terrorist acts against people who are liberals, minorities, and Democrats.

You are too blame. Each and everyone of you who have voted for or support the people who have endorsed these vile attacks and conspiracy theories and incitement for taking up arms against our government.