Calling the president a drug dealer on television is not that much different from pursuing a black kid with your gun because he looks dangerous in his hoodie. Once you dehumanize people based on their appearance, you go down a dangerous road.
SEAN HANNITY: It’s — the biggest campaign donor in 2008 was the media, Eric. What about this issue? Now, he said I was in a daze for years in high school playing basketball. I drank heavily. Used drugs — plural. He’s admitted to cocaine use. And I don’t remember many questions about the specifics of his drug use. Where did he get the drugs? Who did he do drugs with? How did he get off drugs? How deep did this go? What drugs did he use? Is that fair?
ERIC BOLLING: That’s more than fair, and I think he’s actually even admitted to buying or selling drugs, as well, which makes it a little bit different.
ERIC BOLLING: What would you call a guy who not only used cocaine, but dealt cocaine in high school and/or college? What would you call that kind of guy?
GREG GUTFELD: The president.
ERIC BOLLING: Besides “president.”
Whatever else you might say about the president, he does not behave like a street-thug from HBO’s The Wire. But that is how Fox News treats him day in and day out.
And, you know, the reason The Wire was one of the greatest programs to ever appear on television is because it portrayed the citizens and police of our inner cities honestly, and not with lazy stereotypes.
Don’t you love how they push their own narrative and turn it into news? Obviously anybody who did any drug would have bought it at some point (if done more than once or twice), but the whole selling thing was a phony rumor that Fox started years ago. Now they treat it like something “everybody knows.” Which, I guess they do, which is how it works.
well, you know what they say about all-male boarding schools, right?
Hint: they say it about the Navy, the priesthood, and prison, too.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
And Turkish prisons!
Oops, you mentioned prison already.
The number one rule for a drug dealer is to not try your supply. So, obviously a Mormon makes a perfect drug dealer. I mean, it would be reckless not to speculate.
That sounds like a decent premise for a new HBO series. Like a cross between Big Love and Breaking Bad. It would sell.
Romney has terminal lung cancer? That almost proves that he’s a gay drug-dealer!!
It`s like getting the marijuana stamp.
You couldn`t get the stamp without having some, while having some was illegal without the stamp.
He did this in 2008, too. It’s their go-to issue when something like comes up about Republicans:
And that’s why The Wire would never have been on Fox.
They tried this in 2008. Hannity is stupid. I guess they are trying to be number one in being offensive.
They succeeded in that goal years ago. Now they just want to hang on to number one.
Just more of the Rove doctrine: attack the enemy’s strength, especially if it’s your weakness. Obama is the least thuggish, most refined president since at least Carter. So the thugs attack him for being a thug. Does anyone in the media more perfectly fit the popular thug model than Hannity, Bolling, and their Fox colleagues (including as we’ve seen lately, Murdoch)?
I think this rankles. We have this black guy in the White House who can actually read and understand hard stuff while Hannity & co hit their level of competence somewhere around Sarah Palin and Maury Povich. Has to hurt when you’ve spent your spent your life devoted to low-class ignorance while imagining yourself as America’s greatest philosopher.
All probably very true and very well put…
…except I doubt they hurt at all. I suspect they are completely unconscious to how friggin’ stupid and bigoted they are. It all makes perfect sense to them.