At the end of a painful article on Romney’s efforts to pivot to the center, John Harwood writes this for the New York Times:
Four years ago, the relatively inexperienced Mr. Obama sought to build his stature with a speech before a crowd of 200,000 in Berlin. Mr. Romney will travel to London for the Olympic Games — underscoring his identification with a unifying event he oversaw in Salt Lake City in 2002.
It’s not a bad idea for Mitt Romney to travel to London for the Summer Olympics. But he is isn’t going to attract throngs of adoring people. He’d be lucky if he could fill a corporate cafeteria. He’ll probably get some autograph seekers if the Secret Service lets anyone near him, but he’ll mainly get to put his mug on television during some of the high profile events.
I wonder how Prime Minister David Cameron will deal with him. He’ll want to be cordial, of course. He probably would like Romney to win since they are both on the conservative side of things. But, he won’t want to anger the Obama administration who he is surely expecting to win reelection. Getting too snugly with Romney would create domestic political problems, too, as the public there will see Romney as a complete oddity. They found George W. Bush’s religiosity odd and off-putting, but what will they make of a real-life Latter Day Saint? Especially one who’s doing whatever he can to convince Jerry Falwell’s army that he’s one of them.
Honestly, the only advice I saw in Harwood’s column that I thought had a prayer of working was to come up with totally new proposals and sell them in a different tone. Rather than staying in the tar pits he’s created for himself, he needs to recast the debate. That way he can stop having to explain why he’s changed his position. Create some policies that no one asked you about. Do something new that isn’t contradictory. You want to be seen as a moderate? Come up with a totally novel idea to solve climate change. Propose something that you actually want the government to do instead of stop doing. And create a hopeful message. His best bet is to convince people that he has a better chance of getting Democrats to work with him than Obama has of getting Republicans to work with him. But, to do that, he has to propose solutions to things the Democrats care about. He has not done that once.
I expect Romney never will, out of fear of the Tea Party howler monkeys who back Mourdock because he promised never to work with Democrats.
Except that every European I know think Republicans are…insane? You have Eurotrib here, you should know as well as I do 😛
If the world could vote they’d probably get 15-20% of the vote. And that’s including conservative Euros I know.
He isn’t going to have very many people coming to hear him speak. Especially because he’ll be treading on eggshells. Obama declared himself a citizen of the world…what’s Romney gonna do? Talk about how great America is?
Romney cannot do this:
Why? Because long before he attracted a meaningful number of Dem votes, he’d be hemorrhaging votes from his own party. Outside the .1%, his “base” is not at all loyal to him and will rebel over anything that any liberal could possibly live with, just because. (Oh, and you think Boehner could keep them in line? Good luck with that.)
Before convincing people that he can get Democratic votes, he’d have to convince them he could get his own party’s votes, too. And that’s highly doubtful.
I’m pretty solidly in the “Romney can’t do this” camp. But what he’s doing now is a recipe for a McGovern/Mondale sized stomp-down. He’s really boxed in not only by the radicalism of the GOP base but by his well-deserved reputation for flip-flopping. He just isn’t believable. The only way out is to throw out all the stale bullshit the GOP has been selling. Get rid of all this talk about repeal and climate change is a hoax and borrow money from your folks to pay for college. Come out with all new solutions. Go for the middle. The big mistake McCain made was to move aggressively to the right instead of telling them to fuck themselves. When you lose Virginia, sucking up to Falwell and Robertson didn’t work out for you.
I mean, McCain need a game change. He was right about that. Romney needs one, too. But if he’s going to gamble, he ought to gamble the other way.
I totally agree on climate change that is a pretext.
They don’t care about environment.
If Obama was white, this thing would already be over. But a significant percentage of our population would never vote for a black man, and that means there cannot be a “stomp down.”
Is it time to drag out the “lipstick on a pig” thing yet?
Y’all are such a buncha political junkies!!!
Wake the fuck up!!!
Obama’s in it to win.
R. Money’s in it to lose.
That’s all she wrote.
Deal wid it.
And…grow the fuck up.
Coming up with a novel solution to climate change would entail acknowledging it exsists in the first place. Cue massive howls of protest from the far right. Plus I’m not sure if Romney can come up with an approach to the problem that hasn’t already been proposed umpteen times.
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
And that sums up the conundrum that faces Romney. He cannot do what you propose without creating serious anger among his base. And he cannot create a convincing argument to independent voters without at least attempting to build some semblance of a bridge to Democrats. So which master will serve?
Ugh, way to ruin the Olympics for me Mitt. Please Gawd don’t let me have to see he face during the events I watch. Would ruin the whole experience.
But of course he’ll want to be on ALL the major newscast so he’ll of course be at the big events.
Oh, BTW, Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers on BT
Not only is Willard not likely to “attract throngs of adoring people”, more likely he’ll attract protestors, given the anti-religion/anti-corporate sort of behavior occuring lately in Britain.