John McCain fanboys Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei have an article in today’s Politico that discusses Team Romney’s desire to avoid John McCain’s mistakes. This means that they don’t want to look like idiots in the middle of a financial meltdown, they don’t want to pick a half-witted moron as a running mate, and they want to successfully build themselves up as a safe alternative. In the Romney camp’s view, John McCain failed on all three scores. Of course, they’re right.
The most interesting stuff in the article involves their thinking on a running mate. If their reporting is accurate, Mr. Romney is more keen on Paul Ryan than his team who thinks he’s too much of a lightning rod. Despite his mantra that he’s not ready to be president, Chris Christie is seen as the guy who wants the job the most. Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, and Susana Martinez are seen as too inexperienced and too unvetted. Selecting Mike Huckabee is seen as naked pander to the base, which would be too Palinesque.
“If not [Sen. Rob] Portman [R-Ohio], [former Minnesota governor Tim] Pawlenty, [Indiana governor Mitch] Daniels — some other incredibly boring white guy,” the official said. “If there was a fourth name on the list, it’s [Virginia Gov.] Bob McDonnell.”
One argument for Pawlenty is that he would help the ticket with evangelical Christians who are suspicious of Mormonism……Campaign officials have floated the idea of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, now a Fox News and talk-radio host, as a pick who would strengthen Romney’s hold on the base. But Romney does not want to signal weakness. So under current plans, the pick will not be a blatant pander to the base – once again, the opposite approach of 2008.
How accurate and how important is that line about Romney not wanting to signal weakness? If he thinks picking Huckabee would show weakness, then the same would be true for anyone picked merely for their excitement value. He’d be saying, in effect, that he isn’t good enough on his own. If this is the kind of logic Romney is using, he really could pick someone like Tim Pawlenty. He would figure that Pawlenty is a northerner and not a fire-breather, so he wouldn’t scare the crap out of suburban voters. But he’s an evangelical, so he’d help reassure the base. It’s not bad logic. It at least addresses two concerns with one stone, but it would hardly kill those concerns. On the other hand, didn’t Romney watch Pawlenty’s campaign for the nomination?
I think he’ll lean harder towards Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana. Both of them have worked in the White House before and have a more plausible case to make as presidential material than Pawlenty. They both serve in more plausible pick-up states than Minnesota. The only problem is that they both worked on Bush’s disastrous economic team. They can argue that they understand economics, which is good, but their record on economics is terrible. It’s like trying to beat FDR by picking a running mate from Herbert Hoover’s economic team. If the issue is the economy, experience matters, but so does the record.
My money is still on Sen. Portman.
And what does Team Mittens call this past weekend? That’s the dictionary definition of pander!!
We assume it’s going to be a politically experienced nominee but Romney’s comfort zone is parasite capitalism I’m waiting for a private sector choice. Then again, the man severely needs ‘guidance’ so a Joel Osteen type would be an intriguing choice.
Idle speculation all. The only credible chance the Republics have against Obama is Ron Paul, and when we look at how much effort the Republics are putting into suppressing his popularity, into suppressing his near equal to Willard delegate count and inevitable participation in the convention, we can only conclude that as with ought-eight the Republics are throwing the election to Obama. The sixty-four thousand dollar question is Why?
Arthur Gilroy, is that you?
No, it’s not me. I don’t have to ask “Why?”
I cannot imagine Ron Paul taking the VP gig, although in politics “Strange Bedfellows” is not a homosexually-oriented movie theme but rather business as usual. Rand? A dark horse possibility, but I doubt it. Would losing in 2012 help him in 2016? Naaaahhhh…
I wouldn’t bet on any of the possibilities, myself, but if I wanted excitement I would pick Chris Christie in a heartbeat. He’s the only Republican besides Ron Pal with any human juice whatsoever. (Well…maybe Paul Ryan, in a reptilian sort of way.) But Christie? You can smell him when he is speaking. Human like a motherfucker!!! Funky, smelly, dirty-minded, appetites roaring out of control in all directions at once…the anti-Romney! Hot as opposed to Romney’s robotic coldness. He’d make it a race all by himself.
Which is why he won’t be chosen.
He’d be likely to ruin the fix.
But he’d surely sell some airtime!!!
I can see it now.
The Christie Bros. Circus. (He’s big enough to be brothers, right?)
As someone I used to know always said…”How fun!!!”
I don’t see Christie for two reasons:
From everything I’ve read, thought and heard indicates that Obama will win if the economy doesn’t tank in some realistic sense before Nov 2. If the economy DOES tank, then Romney will win if he isn’t convicted of white slavery, polygamy or some such equally rediculous thing. From this anaylysis, Romney would do well to select a young(ish) person with extensive experience at the state level in some kind of governance related field (Finance, Administration, Justiciary, Benefits …). As an added benefit, it would be nice if the person could firm up support in a critical state, help move a swing state, or put a strong leaning Obama state in play.
You can find someone like these two in nearly every state of the union:Sarah Steelman (assuming she doesn’t win the R nomination for Senate from Missouri); Hope Andrade Texas woman scretary of state
All these people would make decent candidates for VP. All have significant local support and access to intelligence on local conditions. All of these people are proven campaigners and should have few, if any, truly serious skeletons.
JBJ knew.
Another sweaty, funky, nasty, brilliant, utterly ruthless motherfucker.
Christie and LBJ would have recognized each other as kindred spirits.
Kindred hustlers.
Bet on it.
Christie goes for the balls as a first target.
Bet on that as well.
I think you’re probably right, although it will be 20 years before Christie can be be as actually powerful as LBJ (not because he’s less of a bastard/ politician/ or asshole it just takes that long to get the goods on everyone).
Furthermore, VP is a dead end position. If you don’t make it to Pres on the next iteration, you’re screwed and its the end of the line. Everybody is going to hate you. The far right for losing, the middle right for not winning and left right for being there in the first place. Its a lose,lose,lose position. I think Christie (or any other R who has any chance at all of running for Pres in 2016/20/24) will run screaming from the VP pick.
But you still got to have one. Look for a newbie who can come back in 2020 (ala Nixon) to a major state race, or an oldie but goodie who will be willing to fade gently into that good night.
I really do not much care who gets the Ratpub VP spot except for entertainment purposes. All previous political paradigms are broken now…it’s all media, all the time, a faux reality show where he “winner” is the one who won’t make too many waves and looks good on TV.
Over and out.
Wrong Paul.
Speaking of Runny Paul, I guess his jobs done now that Rmoney is safely in the saddle.
Someone better send AG some Xanex as he tries to spin this away with irrelevant BS.
A Romney/Daniels or Romney/Pawlenty would be the weakest foreign policy ticket in my lifetime. Is Romney just going to ignore his lack of foreign policy experience/knowledge?
Hasn’t stopped the Republicans so far. How much experience and knowledge do you really need to tell international allies “do as we say or we won’t like you” and non-allies “we wish you were dead and will try to make you dead.”
That’s what essentially been done so far.
“On the other hand, didn’t Romney watch Pawlenty’s campaign for the nomination?”
And Pawlenty might well have beaten him had he been able to stay in the race.
The main thing I take from this article, if it’s accurate, is that Team Romney is busy re-fighting the last war. Which almost never works.
He would figure that Pawlenty is a northerner and not a fire-breather, so he wouldn’t scare the crap out of suburban voters. But he’s an evangelical, so he’d help reassure the base. It’s not bad logic.
True, and there’s the additional plus that Pawlenty’s commitment to low taxes has an actual body count.
That combination of qualified without signaling a Willard weakness may be an impossibly high bar given that he has no real strengths. Someone like him in every way except religious affiliation and previously elected to a federal office would be the safest choice. IOW, a boring white guy from a middle-class or richer family that made a fortune in the private sector and entered politics to preserve that fortune.
Lamar Alexander seems to come closest to fitting that bill. Or the much wealthier Darrell Issa.
I’ll buy Alexander, in fact I’d say he has a great chance on being selected. I’m sure he’ll end up on the short list … which we won’t see until Feb.
Darrel Issa? Nah. Not even Romney wants an accused car thief, weapons dealer, arsonist for a running mate.
Even if the actual evidence is sketchy and not prosecutable it doesn’t paint a very pretty picture. Vulture Capitalist and ChopShop Dude.
I’m loving it.
But think about it. Issa is everything Willard is but richer and slimier and beloved by fundies. Would definitely be a more entertaining losing ticket than the one we’ll have to endure for a few months.
Wait. Is Issa actually richer than Romney? I’m asking honestly because I don’t know.
And if it’s true, that’s pretty damn rich.
yes. He’s richest in Congress
Issa $448 vs Romney $200-$225.
Ron Paul campaign partially suspended today. Reason given is financial issues. Intriguing to see him get outta the way at this point because it throws a wrench in the delegate strategy he’s been working off of.
Mittens needs the ching ching that he was spending pretending to fight Paul for the nonination, and everyone else is gone so there’s no need for a spoiler for Rmoney anymore. So a few quiet words saved Romney some cash.
Besides, Paul can do what he has been doing and keep undemocraticly stealing delegates at caucuses without all that tedious active campaigning. he knows pretty well that most people when they actually look at his program run a mile, so not actually campaigning will probably gain him votes.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t think ANY Conservative African American (aside from that idiot Allen West) would ever join the ticket against Obama. It’s one thing to talk the talk on tv ala Michael Steele or Ron Christie, but I would bet even money that they wouldn’t even think about it.
Still not getting that he fares worse with fundies and women than McCain did.
I would have thought Portman to be the best choice a year ago, but not now. He looks distinctly unhealthy, almost skeletal. He is 56 but looks 70. It’s just a hunch but something’s wrong there.