I’d like to believe that I’m responsible for this. My mocking of John McCain’s cowardice on campaign finance reform has spurred him to team up with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.
Good-government advocates who worked with McCain in the 1990s and early 2000s had begun to think he’d given up on the issue. But McCain said Tuesday he could join Democrats once again to form a bipartisan coalition, even though it would annoy the Republican leadership.
“I’ve been having discussions with Sen. [Sheldon] Whitehouse [D-R.I.] and a couple others on the issue,” McCain told The Hill.
Will anything come of it? If nothing else, it will take up time that McCain would otherwise spend clamoring for war.
Probably it was Sarah Palin (she reads all the blogs) who spotted your prior piece and passed it on to McCain.
LOL you made me laugh out load
Comment of the day
you must be correct.
Will anything come of it? Stay tuned for the next six weeks’ worth of Sunday morning talk shows to find out!
Yes, at last McCain will have something new to say for the first time in 4 years.
Gentlemen! We have to protect our phony baloney <strike>jobs</strike> legacies! Harrumph!
Of course nothing will come of it. McCain and that Dem will talk about doing something. Then the Republicans will get into a fight with the WH over the debt ceiling or something tiresome. Then John McCain will go on TV all huffy, stick up for the GOP and declare that he can no longer work with Democrats in good faith.
Fuck McCain and fuck all these so-called Moderates who stood by and watched Congress turn to shit.