Our national greed marketing specialist Mitt Romney, vowed if he was the boss of Hillary Clinton, did would not happen under his watch. She would be handed the envelop with a pink slip … U.S. handling of Chen case is Obama’s “day of shame”: Romney
Diplomacy may take a few days, you don’t use VOA to broadcast your grievances!
Today’s headline: Blind Chinese activist leaves Beijing for U.S..
(Reuters) – China allowed a blind legal activist, Chen Guangcheng, to leave a hospital in Beijing on Saturday and board a plane bound for the United States, a move that could signal the end of a diplomatic standoff between the two countries.
China’s Foreign Ministry limited its commentary to an acknowledgement that Chen had left the country. “Chen Guangcheng is a Chinese citizen. China’s relevant departments have handled the procedures for exiting the country in accordance with the law,” the ministry said in a faxed statement to Reuters.
State news agency Xinhua said earlier that Chen had applied to study in the United States under legal procedures. The Foreign Ministry said this month that Chen could apply to study abroad, a move seen as a way of easing Sino-U.S. tensions on human rights.
Chen’s friend, Jiang Tianyong, cited the activist, one of China’s most prominent dissidents, as saying that he and his family obtained their passports at the airport hours before he was due to board a flight. “I’m obviously very happy,” Jiang said. “When he boards the plane, he can finally say: ‘I’m free’. At the same time, I feel a sense of regret because such a large country like China can’t even tolerate a citizen like him to exist here.”
There was no immediate indication where Chen might pursue his studies, but New York University’s law school has previously offered him a position as a “visiting scholar “.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."