Mitt Romney got lost and wound up in Philadelphia. He was not well-received by the citizens or the mayor. In fact, Mayor Humpty-Hump was verbally abusive in a humorous way.

Later, as Romney was touring the all-black school, which the city school district turned over to a charter operator two years ago in an effort to improve student achievement, Democratic Mayor Michael Nutter held a press conference on a sidewalk outside blasting the Republican’s visit.

“I don’t know why this guy’s here,” said Nutter, standing behind an Obama campaign sign. Romney “has suddenly somehow found West Philadelphia, somehow now wants to talk about education.”

But the Democrat questioned whether Romney would learn much in a visit lasting less than two hours.

“I don’t know that a one-day experience in the heart of West Philadelphia is enough to get you ready to run the United States of America,” said Nutter, surrounded by several dozen chanting Obama supporters and neighborhood residents.

“Mitt Romney running his financial services firm put people out of work, damaged Americans, damaged families, caused people to lose their jobs, possibly lose their homes and all of that,” the mayor said.

“So let’s talk about that. You want to have an urban experience? You want to have a West Philly experience? Then come out here and talk to somebody in West Philly.”

How’s that for a respectful greeting? It’s like immune cells trying to eject a pathogen. “What are you doing here? Get the hell out.”