I think there’s just a tad bit of false equivalence when the right treats notorious pornographer and misogynist Larry Flynt as the left’s answer to Rush Limbaugh. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of the porn industry is aware that Larry Flynt pioneered the degradation of women in his Hustler magazine. I think some conservatives are confused about how the left feels about Mr. Flynt. On the one hand, anyone who cares about civil liberties is grateful that Larry Flynt fought and won his case against Jerry Falwell. I think a lot of people were grateful when he rose to the defense of Bill Clinton during l’affaire Lewinsky. But that’s about as far as it goes in the Larry Flynt admiration department. His work product has been deplorable from the beginning. I don’t know anyone on the left who would rise to the defense of Hustler, other than to the limited degree that Flynt has a right to publish it and we have a right to buy it.
I don’t know why every liberal in the country is supposed to be particularly offended by Flynt’s latest example of outrageous misogyny when he’s made a career out of it. But, yes, his treatment of conservative commentator S.E. Cupp is no more acceptable than Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Flake a “slut.” Indeed, it is less so. Now let’s see how many Democrats appear in Hustler compared to how many Republicans suck up to Rush Limbaugh.
As for the claim that the National Organization for Women doesn’t care about Larry Flynt’s antics, I found this in the Wayback Machine:
February 22, 1997|By Cathy Young
There are times when one finds it difficult to root for either side in a debate. The controversy over The People vs. Larry Flynt, the Milos Forman film, which received Oscar nominations for best director and best actor, is a case in point.
On one side is the usual strange-bedfellow antiporn coalition of conservatives and feminists. The National Organization for Women has waged a campaign to keep the film from getting an Oscar. On Crossfire, Lynn Cheney, the conservative commentator and former National Endowment for the Humanities director, joined NOW activist Anne Conners in deploring the film as a celebration of Flynt’s “barbaric and repulsive view of women.”
Of course, the film was not a celebration of Flynt’s barbaric and repulsive view of women. But that’s not the point. The point is that NOW has never seen Larry Flynt as an ally of any kind. Quite the opposite, in fact. They successfully lobbied against the Oscar nominations of director Milos Forman and actor Woody Harrelson, neither of whom were awarded the prize. On the other hand, they have better things to do than condemn Larry Flynt every time he prints a new issue of his magazine. He’s a pornographer, not a political entertainer or activist.
Pornography runs hand in hand with the Jew/”Christian”/Muslim/Mormon Cult of Male Domination in normalizing the degradation, the subjugation, of women. Larry Flynt is as big a criminal as the Pope.
wow. covered a lot of bases there. very concise.
I am getting the strange feeling that many of my readers think everyone should be in prison.
I am getting the strange feeling that many of my readers think everyone should be in prison.
Actually, it would appear that we are well on the way to that being the case.
As for the ridiculous notion that Larry Flynt somehow represents “the left”, just like Limbaugh is supposed to represent “the right”. Well, where does one start on something so delusional. Let’s just say that when I see a steady stream of duly elected Democrats showing fealty to Larry Flynt and groveling in public in order to maintain his approval and sanction of their leftie bonafides, then we can consider it a valid equivalency. Until then, all I can say is, “Are you effing kidding me???” Oh wait, that’s right….it’s Tucker Carlson. Idiot.
I am getting the strange feeling that many of my readers think everyone should be in prison.
Just the ones who aren’t them.
I don’t buy his magazine, I don’t look at the on-line version (if there is one).
He pays his models. Persons pay for his magazine. I have no problem with that.
This guy’s an idiot.
Are you kidding? Why on earth would I try to defend this crap? By the way, did you stop listening to Rush after he called Sandra Fluke a slut and a prostitute? I don’t have a subscription to Hustler that I can cancel, because I wouldn’t touch such garbage in the first place.
What do I look like, the New York Times? At any rate, it might have to do with the relative influence of Rush Limbaugh and Larry Flynt on our nation’s politics. I agree that it’s no less surprising that Larry Flynt is a misogynist slimebag than it is that Rush Limbaugh is a misogynist slimebag, but nobody in Congress gives a damn what Larry Flynt thinks.
Oh dear yes, you have got us now. How will we libs ever escape from the awful dilemma that Larry Flynt has put us in by hating both women and Republicans?
I don’t know what’s more stupid. That they just discovered that Hustler magazine is a disgrace or that they think we all love Larry Flynt.