So many similarities, who was responsible for the deadly attack on civilians in Houla, Syria yesterday? A bit of recent history …
(BBC News) Feb. 5, 1994 – Indeed foreign broadcasters at the time, including at the BBC in London, were surprised at the speed and shocking detail with which they received the raw television pictures from Sarajevo.
General Michael Rose, the British head of the Sarajevo-based United Nations Protection Force (Unprofor), said at the time that he could not be sure who was responsible.
But in his memoir, Fighting for Peace, General Rose relates how three days after the atrocity he told the Deputy Commander of the Bosnian government forces, General Divjak, that the mortar shell had indeed been fired from their own side, according to UN experts.
Obama: Using Yemen Model for Assad Removal … below the fold
U.S. Hopes Assad Can Be Eased Out With Russia’s Aid
WASHINGTON (NY Times) — In a new effort to halt more than a year of bloodshed in Syria, President Obama will push for the departure of President Bashar al-Assad under a proposal modeled on the transition in another strife-torn Arab country, Yemen.
The plan calls for a negotiated political settlement that would satisfy Syrian opposition groups but that could leave remnants of Mr. Assad’s government in place. Its goal is the kind of transition under way in Yemen, where after months of violent unrest, President Ali Abdullah Saleh agreed to step down and hand control to his vice president, Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi, in a deal arranged by Yemen’s Arab neighbors (read: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Mr. Hadi, though later elected in an uncontested vote, is viewed as a transitional leader.
Great model Hillary and Obama …
Yemen blast kills 100 soldiers, blamed on AQAP affiliate; U.S. offers condolences, support
SANAA, Yemen (GSN) – As the government of Yemen blamed an affiliate of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) for the May 21 suicide bomb attack at a military ceremony that killed more than 100 soldiers, White House counterterrorism officials condemned the violence and vowed to stand by the country’s government.
The blast on May 21, that also injured as many as 200, happened at preparations for a parade to be held during National Day of Unification ceremonies in Sana’a on May 22. The holiday celebrates the 1990 unification of the formerly separate countries of north and south Yemen into the singular country of Yemen. The attack has been called the deadliest ever on Yemeni troops.
Bombing targeted senior military leaders cooperating with the Americans and Saudis
The short answer: No.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The Pentagon is always planning on the basis of contingencies as situations change in the world. The notion that contingency planning foreshadows intervention is a major failing of critics of US foreign policy. The Scoop author falls into this trap.
The Washington Post mentions concern about Syrian chemical weapons. Exactly what chemical weapons does Syria have and why have we not heard of them before? And does the US know where they currently are?
The politics of this election push against having another war.
The accusation of Al Quaeda involvement is a common one with challenged Middle Eastern regimes; there must be more “there” there to be credible.
And the US stood aside for the Rwanda and Darfur genocides because intervention, like in Syria, would have been too complicated to execute.
You have US allies Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Israel all with different agendas relative to Syria. That in itself is symptomatic of the complexity of making decisions about what to do. I suspect the US under these circumstances will do nothing. And I think the meddlers among Syria’s neighbors will probably back off if there is a serious threat of Syria becoming a failed state.
From the same nations, different persons being vocal drumming the beat of war. Where’s John McCain? Must be present on the Sunday PR talk shows for American entertainment. From Great Britain, it’s
BlairCameron and from France it’sSarkozyHollande."But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I agree with Superpole.
The short answer is “No”.
Destabilization of Syria has serious regional consequences. And that is likely why the diplomacy around Iran has become more realistic (and not in the Realpolitik sense).
The problem with the Yemen model of easing out Bashar is that unlike in Yemen, Bashar is not the key figure in the regime but a figurehead for his dad’s Baath Party leadership. They own him, not the reverse.
Asking for Russia to act as an intermediary is just the reasonable diplomacy of the situation; Russia is Syria’s most powerful ally.
The situation is very complicated; cautious Obama will not approach it with simple answers.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well of course he supports “military intervention.” He’s the current managing director of U.S. Military, Inc. What else is he going to say if he wants to keep his PermaGov position for the rest of his life?
Does the managing director of GM support the gradual abolition of automobiles? Hell no!!!
Bet on it.
In an election year?
Whaddayou, kiddin’ me or what!!!???
He…they, his handlers…will parse the poll numbers.
If it will help his campaign, then he…they…will either do it or make it look like they are doing it but not really so’s they can claim first rights of denial should it backfire.
If it will not help his campaign, they will either not do it or make it look like they are not doing it but actually bomb the shit out of somebody so’s they can claim first rights of triumph should it appear to be widely applauded among the electorate.
Or, if The Third Rumsfeld Rule Of Uncertainty should appear to apply here:
If number three seems to apply…that is, if the poll numbers are inconclusive or in any way confusing…then the only option is to punt and play defense.
He’s the best punter in the business, don’tcha know.
Them punts is sure hard to handle now, yessaram!!!
“Pretty little thing, lemme light your candle ’cause Momma I sure am hard to handle now, yessaram!!!”
You been had, babies.
From the left rear.
Wake the fuck up.
Is President Assad using the Sharon defense of innocence?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Cross-posted from my diary – Our Hawk Running the State Department with USIP Support.
Just one question, how many special envoys have failed their mission of diplomacy: Frederic Hof, George Mitchell, Richard Holbrooke, Dennis Ross, Marc Grossman and add Susan Rice. Failed missions: Iraq exit, Pakistan alliance, North Korea nukes, Taliban talks, Golan heights, Syria conflict and Palestinian statehood or peace with Israel.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."