Hope you have time to have some fun while you’re there. I recommend a spot further north along the coast for a side trip. There’s a very nice cafe nearby where one can overlook the ocean whilst sipping a glass of wine.
Ooh, that looks lovely! Alas, will be working hard tomorrow and Friday, then hopping on a plane early Saturday to get home to my fellas. One of these dysmenorrhea I need to go to one of these places on a vacation. 😉
Are you folks suffering from the same heatwave we’ve had on the east coast? I’m loving the cooler weather here,
Those were the days, sweet sixteen and plenty of friendships. Full of ideals and expecting the world will welcome your contribution. Never mind … have a wonderful day with family and friends. Are you blessed with a warm, sunny day? Don’t foget the camera to take some pictures. Dad is more nervous than Asklet.
Looks like a great day; humidity is down, sunny and forecast high of 80. Just like when big sister graduated 4 years ago. Since he was a student at UNIS, the event takes place in the UN GA.
There were about 120 graduating students coming from 53 different nationalities. About 40% of the kids have dual citizenship of some kind. There are even a few with three.
Ugh – jet lag!
I’ll be back the first half of August, then the cabin in Norway for a couple of weeks – also to see off young asklet to his new school in late August.
Really cool! I loved watching hummingbirds when we were in Utah a couple of years ago. You’re fortunate to have them in your vicinity. They do make great subjects.
Curiously, this is the 2nd time this decade, the last one having been in 2004. It’s strange how two fall relatively close together in time but then a 100 year or so gap falls between this and the next one.
… there was a Frog Pond meet up at Andi’s and my sweet niece’s cupcake saloon, Sweet Revenge. It was fun, festive and mostly familiar. We all had met online, and some in person, prior to the meet up with the exception of one person. David was unknown because he was a lurker. I was sitting with him and we were taking. It turned out he was only visiting NYC. He’d been working in Australia; he was an astrophysicist looking for a new position. He was hoping that he’d be able to stay in the land down under to work on a new project called the Square Kilometre Array. The competition for this project was down to two countries Australia and South Africa. It was a fascinating conversation.
Recently the SKA telescope was awarded to both countries. You can find more about the SKA here: http://www.skatelescope.org/
Sometimes I see snow and miss it, love winter sports, hockey, skiing, I really don’t miss shoveling snow from my chair.
After the injury I did it for a few of years but after frostbiting my fingers(no damage, lucky) it was time for warmer climates.
Photo courtesy of AndiF, posted from my hotel room in San Diego during some downtime on a work trip.
I miss you people. What’s up?
Wait. All I gotta do to get you to post a new cafe is to send you on a business trip to San Diego?
The last one was incredibly crowded.
Hope you have time to have some fun while you’re there. I recommend a spot further north along the coast for a side trip. There’s a very nice cafe nearby where one can overlook the ocean whilst sipping a glass of wine.
Ooh, that looks lovely! Alas, will be working hard tomorrow and Friday, then hopping on a plane early Saturday to get home to my fellas. One of these dysmenorrhea I need to go to one of these places on a vacation. 😉
Are you folks suffering from the same heatwave we’ve had on the east coast? I’m loving the cooler weather here,
Blissfully cool and sunny today after several 90 degree days. More rain soon, which we really need after almost a month of dry.
Is this one of the strangest auto corrects on record, or am I missing something?
Heh, I was also wondering, but if you add the word ‘days’ after the strange word (I had to google it) it kind of makes sense.
That is hilarious. One of these DAYS…
I really like the tiny waterfall.
Wow, that’s gorgeous.
I’d almost expect to see unicorns at a place like that.
Only after a couple of drinks though.
Recognized that as soon as I saw it.
Yay, Cabin. I was getting worried that the FROGgy Bottom would be no more. I’m terribly jealous about San Diego. Hope you’re cozy at home by now.
Happily back ome, living in my own bed listening to everyone sleep. 🙂
Crazy season for my work ends next week, and I can’t wait to get back to a summer schedule.
Good morning!
Big day today – ‘young’ asklet is graduating high school.
Mazel tov and happy day (I hated h.s. so much that graduation felt like emancipation).
I believe his sentiments have been similar to yours. Big sigh of relief.
I hope his post-high school experience will match mine as well. My undergrad and grad school years were something close to perfect.
I hope so as well. I linked his next school in the previous cafe. Jim wants to go there, as do I 😉
Maybe you also saw it.
Congrats to asklet and, of course, dad. Looks like exciting adventures ahead for him.
I did see it and it looks like it will also be pretty close to perfect.
Those were the days, sweet sixteen and plenty of friendships. Full of ideals and expecting the world will welcome your contribution. Never mind … have a wonderful day with family and friends. Are you blessed with a warm, sunny day? Don’t foget the camera to take some pictures. Dad is more nervous than Asklet.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Looks like a great day; humidity is down, sunny and forecast high of 80. Just like when big sister graduated 4 years ago. Since he was a student at UNIS, the event takes place in the UN GA.
That’s really cool!
I put up a few images on my FB-page.
Great pictures — everybody looks so happy.
And pretty impressive commencement speaker at a highschool graduation. The venue was pretty spiffy too. 🙂
One of the perks that come with that school.
BTW, Amb. Rice’s speech was quite progressive. swimmer and I were both very pleased by what we heard.
Great photos! What a wonderful occasion for you and your family! Again, congratulations to asklet.
I imagine that there are quite a few perks that would come with a school like that — including an amazingly diverse student population.
There were about 120 graduating students coming from 53 different nationalities. About 40% of the kids have dual citizenship of some kind. There are even a few with three.
Wow. How do you get three?
Looks like a very nice ceremony. Im sure this visit flew by, with all the excitement. Are you going to be back later this summer?
Ugh – jet lag!
I’ll be back the first half of August, then the cabin in Norway for a couple of weeks – also to see off young asklet to his new school in late August.
Congratulations! He must be thrilled.
Congratulations to all!
Cool shot, Andi! Makes me think of a painting…
One of yours (current or future)? 🙂
Future perhaps.
We’re calling this one “Moe with the gimpy leg”.
One leg is developed but doesn’t seem to work at all.
New camera, well, new to me. D2X, Fast!
Nice shot — though it doesn’t quite look like Moe agrees. Maybe he wasn’t ready for his close-up. 😉
He’s extremely wary, even at 25 feet away he can hear the shutter release, so he’s keeping an eye on me. 🙂
That’s a nice shot. Good luck with the camera!
Hey B2, thanks. So far so good!
This morning.
Really cool! I loved watching hummingbirds when we were in Utah a couple of years ago. You’re fortunate to have them in your vicinity. They do make great subjects.
Mrs X. is a wonderful planter of gardens to attract wildlife, so credit to her.
Apparently so. 😉
What a fantastic capture.
This had to happen in Arizona.
She thought if it worked for Mitt and pet care, it was worth a try for child care.
Yes, Mitt Romney and Nick Cage are real role models for all young mothers.
I had nightmares about doing that when I had babies.
So did I.
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*Chesler Park, Needles District, Canyonlands National Park
I’m not sure why I’m excited to watch a black dot on the sun but I am — maybe because it’s the last time in my lifetime.
Curiously, this is the 2nd time this decade, the last one having been in 2004. It’s strange how two fall relatively close together in time but then a 100 year or so gap falls between this and the next one.
I should correct my statement. It last happened in 2004, within the last 10 years but not this decade.
We watched the NASA live feed from Mauna Kea for awhile but as it turns out watching a black dot isn’t all that fascinating. 🙂
And yet, there used to be a certain fascination around here with a blue dot, if I remember correctly. 😉
That truly is a blast from the past…
Ah but the Blue Dot had interesting backgrounds! 😛
Good point.
The Blue Dot is always on point. 😉
I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.
It is all about the scenery…
Speaking of which, did you get to go to the beach while you were in San Diego?
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Friday Foto Flogging is tomorrow and the theme is Random.
How about theme Hawaii ..
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’d like the theme even better if I was the one that was there taking the pictures. 🙂
Here’s the link to the diary: Random!
Come on over and share your images. 🙂
Great graduation speech.
… there was a Frog Pond meet up at Andi’s and my sweet niece’s cupcake saloon, Sweet Revenge. It was fun, festive and mostly familiar. We all had met online, and some in person, prior to the meet up with the exception of one person. David was unknown because he was a lurker. I was sitting with him and we were taking. It turned out he was only visiting NYC. He’d been working in Australia; he was an astrophysicist looking for a new position. He was hoping that he’d be able to stay in the land down under to work on a new project called the Square Kilometre Array. The competition for this project was down to two countries Australia and South Africa. It was a fascinating conversation.
Recently the SKA telescope was awarded to both countries. You can find more about the SKA here: http://www.skatelescope.org/
I remember him but didn’t get a chance to have much conversation. That really is fascinating.
That is really cool.
And that was a fun meet up. We need to do another one.
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At 5 foot 7, that’s pretty much the story of my life. 😉
Are you kidding — 5’7″ is a giant to us folks down here in 5’2″ land. 😛
From Bois the Chênes last Saturday:

Too bad it wasn’t Bois des Chiens so it could a perfect match for my photo. 🙂
Hah – it is actually a forest preserve. Dogs must be leashed, no walking outside the paths.
Happy dog with all his sticks.
Very happy and very handsome but most amazingly very clean — wouldn’t ever happen here (which is why we have never had a white dog).
The cleanliness is only temporary.
Where’s the dog in the (very) wet grass?

There it is, now all cleaned up:

That sequence gave me a big laugh.
Two or three throws of the stick = clean dog.
If you track back to the album on my photobucket account there’s more like that.
And thanks for the suggestion on the album — lots of nice photos there (and not just of the dog … and the goats).
Makes me miss New England.
That should have been a reply.
Oh well, here’s another tree pic.
Spring Trail, Valdez, FL. 18mp stitch, D40.
You won’t be missing it come January. 😉
Sometimes I see snow and miss it, love winter sports, hockey, skiing, I really don’t miss shoveling snow from my chair.
After the injury I did it for a few of years but after frostbiting my fingers(no damage, lucky) it was time for warmer climates.
That would do it for me. We actually have a piece of property in AZ, hopefully the future site of a home for our golden years.
If its in the Sedona area, you can do regular UFO and ET reports for us!
It is there. I can do live webcasts!
ET-on-the-street interviews ~ cool!
BTW, you’ll need to memorize the phrase, “Klaatu barada nikto” just in case.
I’ll be looking forward to the paintings if they’re anything like the last.
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* “Humps, what humps” you say. I say “Look very closely at the ends of the petals”.
Mighty Purty!
Thanks — it isn’t easy finding an interesting/pretty photo to take of fleabane. 🙂
I like the asymmetry of the five pointed arrangement in contrast to the symmetry of the buds.
I liked that too — I think that’s why it caught my eye.
Off to my annual old broads get-together with 6 of my friends from college.
Hope everyone has a fine weekend.
They had college back then?
They had dress codes and curfews for women back then. Now are you really shocked? 😛
Did you also have the required rose per minute for the number of minutes the young lady was returned to the dorm past curfew time…
You meant to say goddesses, did you not?
Definitely not — we’re 100% flesh (and getting fleshier every year) and blood (probably iron-deficient).
Wow, you codgers really stick together. 😉
Interest groups and demographics are where its at. Geezers unite!
Today’s hike – up to La Dôle:

It looks deceptively close; here we are about half way up.
Direct along the Swiss-French border, extremely beautiful.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Beautiful indeed. Great hike, sore thighs tomorrow.
Today’s trip.
Scary – now I’m seeing ads for vacations in the Jura Mountains. Never before.
That looks like a great way to spend the day.
We took Finny to see Thomas the Tank Engine at Strasburg Railroad today. Big fun.
Beautiful place for a hike!
Lovely place to hike. Thanks for sharing.
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Where did you get my photo?