Well, we should have seen this coming:
Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod was shouted down Thursday at an event in Boston that was staged to attack Mitt Romney’s record as governor of Massachusetts.
Axelrod called the press conference to hammer home the Obama campaign’s critique of Romney’s time as governor, and brought along officials from around the state to reinforce the message.
But the pro-Obama speakers had to shout to be heard over the “boos” from Romney supporters who showed up for the event….
Mitt Romney has made a habit of using “I’m rubber, you’re glue” rhetoric in attacking President Obama — calling Obama “out of touch” after being called that himself, responding to Obama’s recent statement on gay marriage by charging that Obama is a flip-flopper — and now it appears that the Romney campaign is stealing tactics from Team Obama.
You may recall that there was a great hue and cry when Mitt Romney visited an inner-city neighborhood in Philadelphia and pro-Obama hecklers showed up. Right-wingers were outraged. Rush Limbaugh threw around accusations of reverse racism.
And the folks on Team Romney, who apparently require revenge the way you and I require oxygen, evidently decided that the proper course of action was payback.
Romney supporters responded by chanting “Solllyyynndraaa” like Bruins fans heckling the visiting team.
After he finished his remarks, Axelrod opened the floor to questions, but he couldn’t hear reporters over the protests.
It’s not the deployment of hecklers that shows immaturity — that’s politics. It’s the desperate need to avenge every slight. That’s not how mature people behave.
One thing we know for certain: If Romney wins the presidency, the grownups won’t be in charge.
(X-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
There are some reports that the hecklers were actually Romney staffers not your common supporters. And the difference is that in Philly, they were not disrupting any attempt by the Romney team to present something. It was more a counter demonstration while Romney was sitting in the charter school.
I vividly remember, when attending the Bush inaugural in 2001 (I was in the counter-protest), the political and media narrative of “now the grown-ups are in charge.” What they meant by “grown-up,” it turned out, was that this was a class of people that would lie, cheat, and loot the Treasury far more efficiently than their predecessors.
By that definition, I expect we’ll hear similar claims for any Romney administration.
You missed the best part!! According to TPM, Willard showed up today at Solyndra HQ for a press conference!! Seriously! Here:
When I get my most pessimistic, I truly think that Obama will lose this thing, not because of his campaign strategy (they are the best and way better than R-Money’s, IMHO), not because of the birther thing (cause if u are apt to believe this birther biz, u are likely NOT an Obama voter any darn way) and not because of the economy (not that the econ news being not so bright helps Obama, but I’m still not sure if it completly kills his chances yet).
I think the main reason is that the deck in the media is already stacked and it just seems like the MSM where people get much of their political news seems so damn afraid to call R-Money and his campaign and the whole GOP pack of liars on their bullshit. Between the bullshit fact checkers, the idiot pundits who just want the rating (I’m looking at you Anderson, Tweety, CNN etc) and the beat reporters and analysts who challenge nothing R-money says or does, but challenges any and everything said by afflitiates of the Obama campaign and WH, it just some times feels like we are fighting against a wall to try to get sound to the other side, but nothing can be done.
Case in point when reporting on R-money’s crew disrupting the Axelrod press conference like they were the Howard Stern Show and baba boo-ee, and R-Money’s contention that the Obama campaign does the same damn thing, Berger and the reporter and now Jessica Yellin laughed it up and made no mention that the Obama campaign would do no such damn thing.
I agree. The media is simply a huge problem. And I see no resolution in sight.
I mean really. I never thought I could dislike someone as much as I disliked Sarah freakn’ Palin and I rarely use the word “hate”, but I seriously hate this damn man and his bourgeois ass wife and him.
It’s amazing isn’t it. Palin is vile, mean spirited, narcissistic, ignorant. Romney incessant lying is much worse. I literally can’t listen to him for more than a few minutes, precisely the amount of time I can listen to anything on Fox, because the lies are so blatant and endless. He simply doesn’t seem to have any core of morality or decency or integrity. Perfect for vulture capitalism, but not for governance. The idea that this man could become president is astonishing.