Everybody knows that the reason the Republican Party is making it harder to vote in every state where they have the power to make it harder to vote is because they know that high turnout hurts them. And it’s no coincidence that the way they have decided to make it hard to vote impacts people who don’t drive the most, and that people who don’t drive tend to be either very elderly or live in urban areas with good public transportation. And when we’re talking about people who live in urban areas, we’re talking about a lot of racial diversity. When you make it a requirement that people have a state-issued photo ID, it disproportionately impacts people of color. And that’s the feature of these laws. It’s not a bug. It’s the entire point. No one can find any systemic voter fraud. Not one election has been decided wrongly due to voter fraud. The number of people we know would be disenfranchised by these laws is so vastly greater than the tiny handful of fraudulent votes that have been discovered that it’s obvious that election integrity has nothing to do with why the GOP is passing them. But don’t tell that to the Wall Street Journal. They say that the Attorney General is just stirring up racial hatred of whites. Seriously. They say that. They say Eric Holder is inciting racism when he talks about the importance of the Voting Rights Act. For real.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The NeoConfederates and their FerengiMediaTM allies have gone all in – there is nothing they won’t stoop to (or in the media’s case, ignore) in their quest to remove President Obama from office and finish looting the country. Jake Tapper was still flying the flag for Faux Snooze after they created and aired a straight-up smear ad against POTUS, not on behalf of a candidate but ON THEIR OWN BEHALF AS A NETWORK.
The last vestiges of normalcy have been ripped away. President is up against the GOP, the media, and others that either don’t know or don’t care that a RomTron3000 Presidency/GOP Congress will effectively finish the United States as a country.
I said back in ’08 (the morning after Grandpa Walnuts selected Griftzilla) that the election was going to be an IQ test for the country. Looks like 2012 will be the final exam.
Okay, I get it. Although Holder never said anything about racism, it is racism to try to prevent a state from enacting laws that are racist in nature. Makes perfect sense to me. After all, doesn’t it take a thief to catch a thief. Therefore it must take a racist to stop a racist or some such drivel.
Here we go again, complaining about the actions of corporate media.
Of course the WSJ, owned by Murdoch’s News Corpse, is a front man for the wealthy priviliged class. Of course one of their main objectives is to keep democrats out of office, since having democrats in office might mean they have to pay one extra dime in taxes instead of getting a new painting or Rolex.
Whatever. There’s nothing new with any of this.
The actual issue is what is the democratic party doing about the continuing voter ripoff in Florida? Nothing?
Yesterday I received one of those canned emails begging for money from FL congresswoman Wasserman-Schultz. there was nothing in her email regarding the voter rippoff in Florida, and there is nothing mentioned on her website.
The notion the democratic party is “powerless” to stop this is total nonsense.
That’s fucking idiotic.
What are they doing? They’re using the DOJ and the Voting Rights Act to respond. That’s what they’re doing.
WTF. Where do you people come from?
that’s like teabag stupid.
Links, please?
There’s nothing on the front page of the DNC’s website. Nothing on their Issues/Voting Rights page. Nothing on FL democratic congressperson Wasserman-Schultz’s website.
In a long article in one FL newspaper, there’s no mention of national democratic action on this.
You do know that the Attorney General of the United States, a Democratic serving in a Democratic administration, is using the enforcement powers of the Department of Justice to stop this, right?
What we have here is a perfect example of someone truly devoted to politics as entertainment, with absolutely no interest in politics as something that has effects in the real world.
Actually stopping the disenfranchisement? Meh, so what, I want some messaging that makes my tummy feel good!
Read something.
You can tell Murdoch owns the WSJ.
Notice to the Wall Street Journal.
I am white and I do NOT feel the least bit of hatred by Mr. Holder’s comment. However, I do have a huge amount of hatred for the bigoted a**holes in your organization including your owner that continuously publish such claptrap.
This is the WSJ giving the game away. They are acknowledging that the voter disenfranchisement effort is based around race, by claiming that any effort to do undo it, even an effort that has nothing to do with race, is a racial issue.