How rich people think:
American International Group Inc. (AIG) Chief Executive Officer Robert Benmosche said Europe’s debt crisis shows governments worldwide must accept that people will have to work more years as life expectancies increase.
“Retirement ages will have to move to 70, 80 years old,” Benmosche, who turned 68 last week, said during a weekend interview at his seaside villa in Dubrovnik, Croatia. “That would make pensions, medical services more affordable. They will keep people working longer and will take that burden off of the youth.”
Or, you know, we could raise taxes on rich people instead.
Where’s a tumbrel when you need one?
we should probably take few dozen of those to his seaside villa.
Or we could, you know, raise the retirement age to infinity where Social Security and Medicaid go away.
I’m 37. I’m thinking plan B there is far more likely to actually be implemented by the time I get to 70.
I know when I want my roof fixed quick, I like to hire 80 year-olds to do that for me.
How about local fire/rescue companies staffed with 80 year olds?
Yeah, garbage collection. Housebuilding. Or, how about road and bridge construction?
The increased costs of SSD/SSI for roof-repairing (and other jobs) 80 year olds was apparently beneath consideration for this plan.
Pensions? What the hell are those?
Work till you’re 80. And the Tea Partiers all say…………AMEN!!
Because, ya’ know, this rich dude isn’t talking about THEM!!
He’s talking about all those “other people”. The ones that don’t know the secret Tea Party handshake.
In other words, we should all work until we drop dead. This sort of policy is the hallmark of a great nation.
Benmosche is a perfect example of why we shouldn’t raise taxes on the rich. If we did, he probably wouldn’t be able to afford the villa in Croatia, and if he had to get rid of it, the whole economy of Croatia would hit rock bottom, which would then send shock waves around the world, causing a massive depression which would wipe out all life as we know it.
At least, I am pretty sure he thinks that is true.
Hollande’s ideas seem just a bit more attractive to me.
The ahole CEO of AIG, one of the chief scammers that brought down the world economy, feels he has a right to preach about economic policy and austerity for the victims of his own criminality/incompetence? Just unbelievable. Why would this crook even have a house to live in, much less a “seaside villa”? I dunno, seems to me if we’re going to be using assassination drones we’d do better directing them at the sociopathic CEO types who destroy life for millions and then feel free to advise them to work harder.
If justice be truly served, this reprehensible excuse for a human would be dropping fries at some greasy fast food joint at minimum wage for the rest of his life.
dead and his entire fortune confiscated.
It’s gone viral on the web. He may be retiring sooner than he thinks.
It would be nice if he lost every single penny he has. That would shut him up.
Can some statistics junkie out there tell us what percentage of manual laborers die between 60 and 80? In fact, what percentage of the general population dies between 60 and 80?
Sooner or later one of these assholes is going to come across A Modest Proposal and not realize it’s a joke. Then they’ll start a think tank called the Swift Institute in order to promote the concept. They’ll hire some dipshit with an MA in statistics to prove the benefits of a Swiftian approach.
“Or, you know, we could raise taxes on rich people instead.”
Dream on.