Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: (Friday, June 8, 2012) Random!
Link of the Month: The hidden beauty of pollination by Louie Schwartzberg is truly amazing. Take a few minutes to watch his video.
AndiF’s Random Cliches
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Behind every cloud is a silver lining
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Draw a Line in the Sand
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Feed Me, Seymour
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olivia’s random forest critters
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Next Theme: (Friday, July 13, 2012) The zen of it all suggested by NorthDakotaDemocrat.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Good morning to everybody, but first a word for our sponsors.
Thank you AndiF & Olivia for having kept us all in a bunch for the past years.
If you were fish, you`d be these beauties in the Frog Pond.
I’ll echo Knuckhead’s thanks.
Gorgeous fish too.
And I’ll echo Knuckhead’s and JimF’s thanks!
And they always post great photos too!
Obviously, “they” refers to all four of them thar critters.
Thanks from here as well. Its been lots of fun and certainly educational for me. The link this month is amazing. Shared it on my FB page.
Wasn’t that something – I loved the bats sticking their pink tongues into the cactus flowers and the spiralling hummingbird.
I’ll pile on too. You guys and girls give me inspiration when there is none.
Bob and ID, I appreciate your appreciation. 🙂
And thanks, Knucklehead, for all the fish. 😀
Ha! Love ’em and you too. Thanks Head. 😀
Some random Memorial Day shots.
Looks like a good parade. The local paper had a story about the declining number of D-Day vets that are still around.
Most of the vets I meet are Korea or younger. Very few WWII.
Nice shots — I especially like the uprightness of photo #2.
They really stood out of all the shots that were taken that day.
My very favorite of this series is, of course, the old fire truck;-)
That really doesn’t do it justice. It really is “spit and polished”.
Beautiful photos Bob. Looks like you had a wonderful day for the parade and the spectators to enjoy. Were these taken with your new camera?
Hi and thanks. We had a great day. Dad’s name was added to the Lake County veterans memorial for his service in Korea.
No, these were taken with the D1X, I didn’t have the new one yet. Only the last couple of shots in the cafe’ are from the new one.
I’m dyin’ to go somewhere and give it a workout but it rained all week. 🙁
Yeay!! more baby birds and beasties.
Why does a snapping turtle cross the road?

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Thrust & Parry

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A Toad Enters the Froggy Pond

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That snapper is as least a big as a Sherman tank, isn’t it? Must be the king/queen of snappers!
I put a ball point pen near her for scale, and I estimate her shell was 14-16 inches across and a little longer from near her neck to her tail. I thought about moving her across the road, and then thought better of it. I’ve seen a larger one down at the camp lake. Watch your toes, kiddos.
Whoa – that turtle looks massive! And scary w/ the claws and sharp beak. Love the hummingbirds … amazing creatures. As for the toad, we know how frogs and toads can be good friends. 😉
O, were you a Frog and Toad reader as a little kid?
Very much so! I had recordings of the books on little 45 records and I’d be allowed to listen to them when I went to bed, ha! Pretty sure I still have them, packed away in a trunk with all the other albums at my parents’ house.
Great snappers batman! Although they start small.
And he did try to bite me.
He almost looks cute there. Almost.
Yikes. I’ve totally forgotten how to post pics from Photobucket. They’re way too big and there doesn’t seem to be a thumbnail option anymore. (?)
If by “random” you meant “gratuitous pics of first grand child” I’ll be okay.
Looks like a little cutie jogged your memory of how to post. 🙂
the thumbnail thingy option had been deselected. Or something like that. 🙂
My favorite is the second from the bottom … no wait, it’s the second from the top … no, no it’s the … oh nevermind, I love them all. What a sweetie.
She’s beautiful SN! Congratulations!
Oooooh … how sweet! Congratulations SN … 😀
Like we could pick.
Venus Transit 21.19 CDT (c)NDD
Venus Transit 21.21 CDT (c)NDD
After a reminder of the event in an email from one of my brothers MsNDD and I rounded up an old welding helmet, then added sunglasses which worked pretty well once the sun got closer to the horizon. We enjoyed the event immensely.
I took numerous shots over fifteen minutes prior to the sun going behind clouds as it set. Exif data is available at Flickr, however the exposure on these two were 1/3200 sec. I don’t believe I’ve used that shutter speed before! Also used tripod plus timed delay feature.
BTW, I was careful to only briefly view the sun while focusing the camera and then just kept pushing the exposure button hoping to get lucky.
Wow, great work! We made a shadowbox which didn’t really work but thankfully there was the live feed from Mauna Kea so we did get a good view of it.
Good catch ~ nice colors, too!
NDD, that’s fantastic! Glad you weren’t injured in the attempt … 😀 Beautiful colours. Like Andi, we attempted the pin hole here as well but weren’t able to see anything … online viewing as well.
Great shots.
Hey NDD,
Great capture. A perfect shot.
Total WOW!!
How is everybody on the Northern Plains?
For all of you out there, I know you all have good hearts.
Please remember the less fortunate.
This is what my Tshirt reads today, as a reminder to others.
Oh, and a picture of a friend I`ve known for the thirty years he`s been homeless.
He created the National Food Bank, & has worked tirelessly for no reward but that in his heart, on feeding other homeless people.
I help him out as often as possible.
One of my contributions is in fixing the vehicles that he uses.
He travels to citrus & fruit orchards & with permission, gathers fallen fruit.
He will fill a vehicle to the top, trunk, front passenger seat, & trunk with these perfectly good edibles.
He always has a carton for me also.
Here are some of his oranges.
He will also show up at a homeless camp, set up a little table & start juicing oranges for hours & passing the juice out to any & all comers.
He`s holding up his KARMA booklet which he also hands out, but never ever have I heard him preach to anybody about Hare Chrishna.
He also has a sense of humor.
Thanks for this and the above reminder. And congrats on having and being such a fine friend.
A “friend indeed” from the old adage. It seems like he fits both sides of the equation.
An inspiring person, to be sure. Love that he gathers the fallen fruit – that’s wonderful. Thanks for sharing his story with us Head.
There are a million stories, as the saying goes and none more interesting than this. Amazing people are
everywhere, we just need to open ourselves up and look.
One of my blooms I took this morning on my way off to work.
Back later.
What olivia said.
I wasn`t done yet, AndiF
Yay for the blenny (but I still wouldn’t have resisted the Hitchhiker’s allusion).
Did you think I`d forgotten you?
Look forward to this tank in the near future.
I shall be stocking it with fish, shrimps & maybe a “kittenfish”.
A Kittenfish?
Well, it will be a real small catfish.
The tank is only 12″ across.
(See if you recognize the “rock”)
The “rock” is also from this image I made some years ago.
Big Brother is watching you
Good to see you here as well as your discomforting image.
That says an awful lot in b&w.
Great catch.
Random shots around the yard
Bee Balm ~ Mrs. ID calls them Dr. Seuss flowers
Stinkhorn fungus Mutinus caninus
The male representative of our resident Cardinal pair
Hey, there’s no peanuts in there!
I notice you’re not making any comments about what Mrs ID calls the stinkhorn fungus. 😛
I especially love the squirrel photo — great capture.
I thought briefly about a “finding Jimmy Hoffa” crack, but thought better of it.
The squirrel babies are almost grown now and delight themselves by mocking the cat.
Special for CabinGirl and Guys ~ our firehouse will soon look like your house.