Did you know that today is National Day of Blogger Silence? No? Well, it doesn’t matter. I think it’s more important that Michelle Malkin realize that her homepage is so dark that I can’t read her hyperlinks on my MacBook Air even with the brightness turned up to the highest level. Perhaps this is intentional. It makes it difficult for me to mock her dishonesty and borderline insanity.
I haven’t seen a collective freakout like this since people started buying duct tape by the crate in 2002. It’s hard to think of a worse way to try to protect our First Amendment rights than forming an online lynch mob to smear some random voting rights activist and then coming up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about how you’re being persecuted as a result.
They’ve actually terrified themselves. They’re convinced that if they say anything further about this poor activist that a SWAT team will show up at their houses and treat them like an anti-NATO activist.
They are oblivious to the real repression that is going on. Actually, I should correct that. They fully approve of that kind of repression because it isn’t aimed at them.
Personally, I might be willing to stand with these lunatics in support of their First Amendment rights if they weren’t such dishonorable and loathsome people. As it is, I won’t stand within a 100 yards of these freaks. They have the right to attack people within the bounds of libel/slander laws, and that right should be upheld. Other than that, I guess we can enjoy their fake silence today.
Let me just say that I have no idea what you’re talking about for most of this post, and I’m happy with that.
If I had to explain, I’d die of exhaustion.
I took the link and read the first few scrolls down, and I still don’t know what they’re going on about.
here’s the short version.
The discovered that a liberal activist who focuses on voting rights and election integrity had once set off some bombs and gone to jail for it. We’re talking about the 1970’s here. So, they decided they’d hype this up and call him a terrorist in order to smear anyone remotely associated with him. Then one of the guys writing about him lost his job over it and got really upset. There was some kind of personal altercation. Things went to court. Then a judge told the guy he couldn’t blog about the activist anymore. At that point it became a First Amendment issue, legitimately, in my view. Also, the guy was arrested for violating what amounts to a restraining order.
Meanwhile, another blogger had a SWAT team show up at his house after someone anonymous said there was a shooting or someone was suicidal or something, I don’t know. So, now they’re convinced that this activist is mind-screwing them with his legal skillz and criminal mind.
It’s kind of entertaining.
that’s RETARDED.
Yes, but entertainingly retarded.
Actually, I’ve been wasting my time reading about it for a couple of hours. This Brett Kimberlin dude is not someone you want to mess with. I’m not saying that because he’s violent or dangerous. I’m saying it because he’s smart and knows how to use the legal process to exact revenge on his enemies. These clowns are too stupid to defend themselves, which is exactly what the main clown did.
Thanks for the synopsis, although to be honest it doesn’t make a great deal more sense to me now than it did. I’m afraid I’ll have to get my own brain dirty in delving into the details to understand what’s up, but I’ve been avoiding doing so up to this point bc it doesn’t sound like something that would pay off in the final calculation. Rationalized ignorance, or whatever it’s called. But if it’s that funny, I might have to dig in.
This will save you some time. I’m not really sympathetic to anyone in this case, but I recommend the link for its conciseness.
Once again, thank you. I’ll give it a good look.
I love how Malkin describes James O’Keefe as an “investigative journalist.”
“On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) bravely stepped forward…”
I stopped reading immediately when I got to that moron’s name. His existence is a crime against nature.
Going Galt and nobody cares.
Hoping their sorry asses stay Galt.
Well, clearly they haven’t gone Galt ENOUGH.
Y’know, like the reason W failed was that he “wasn’t conservative ENOUGH”.
If the WingNuts return to blogging after just one day off, then it should be pointed out how they lack conviction, and are WNINO’s. TRUE WingNuts take off AT LEAST a week.
BTW, what’s with the SWAT-ings I’ve been reading about today (SWAT teams showing up at the homes of conservative bloggers due to some schmuck dropping a dime on them).
wtf are you talking about?
I clicked the link, and I don’t knowing what -Fuckface- I mean Malkin is talking about either.
You actually would get quite a few belly-laughs out of this if you took the time to look into it.
oh my. I am having a belly-laugh RIGHT NOW:
Holy shit, the Court has quite a sense of humor! “People honestly read this stuff?”
Sadly your honor, they do. There is an inverse relationship between the size of their brains and their capacity for feigned outrage: the smaller the brain, the greater the outrage. Please, could you order them put of their misery, and ours?
Did AG convince them to go on a CultureStrike? Maybe all that Ron Paul stuff was not in vain.
It’s amazing that those folks think that freedom of speech is hindered when someone disagrees with them or points out that they have an expensive megaphone way beyond their actual talents.
Meanwhile, publicly assembled freedom of speech is limited to 25 sitting places on the steps of Federal Hall–where the Bill of Rights was voted on. And other “freedom pens”.
They think that liberal causes succeeded by “playing the victim”. So for the last quarter century they’ve tried to “out-victim” those groups. If it didn’t create such a sewer of political discourse, it would be amusing.
The upside of all that gibberish is that she goes dark for a day. And I love those invisible links.
I’m thinking that if just the conservative bloggers go dark, this is a great thing!
There is a double entendre in there somewhere. 😉
Let me know if I miss anything.