There’s too much sincerity in Steve Almond’s piece for it to qualify as effective snark. Of all the problems facing our country, one of least consequential is that there is a breed of liberals that likes to watch and listen to right-wing media. Personally, I follow Almond’s advice, at least for the most part. The only time I watch or listen to right-wing media is when they are hosting a debate or I want to quickly see how they are reacting to a major news event. I am more likely to read right-wing blogs than to go to the Fox News website. And I look at what’s going on at sites like the National Review and the Weekly Standard because it informs me about Republican strategy and priorities. I think sites that watch and record everything that goes on in right-wing media are very valuable, but they remain a small part of my media diet. They watch Fox News so I don’t have to.
I know what Mr. Almond is talking about, though. I remember worrying about some of my liberal friends whose Twitter feeds made it obvious that the spent every weekday afternoon watching Glenn Beck’s shitty television show. Why put yourself through that? Go out and register some voters or something.
I am all for a MEDIASTRIKE in the abstract. I am not, however, for unilateral disarmament. If you feel like obsessing on right-wing messaging is turning you into a dick, turn off the television and do something nice for someone. But don’t lecture the rest of us who don’t have any nagging guilt over our low opinion of conservatives.
Oh, God, another guilty white liberal finding something new to feel guilty about. Spare me.
I don’t follow right wing media obsessively. But I want to know what their arguments are, and I want to know what sort of misinformation they (and anyone else exposed to right wing media, like the stereotypical low information voter) are exposed to.
We can’t make effective counter-arguments – factual or emotional – without understanding the contexts in which other people see or hear or read us. Following Almond’s advice means living in every bit as much of an isolated, self-referential bubble as the worst Teahadist.
I recognize right wing media is propaganda, but I want to know what they’re saying. If progressives should have learned anything over the past 40 years, it’s that sticking our heads in the sand and pretending these people don’t exist doesn’t make them go away – it just means their messages go unchallenged.
As a second son, I well remember my mother saying that I just ignored my brother, he’d leave me alone. It didn’t work.
Yes, I see what you mean. I also can’t help thinking there’s something a little narcissistic about his hand-wringing. I’d be surprised if there was any statistical evidence that the viewing and listening habits of liberal college professors have all that much influence on our nation’s politics.
Is this like covering your ears with your hands and yelling LA LA LA I can’t hear you?
As a radical Right-Winger…I see no point to reading Right-Wing blogs…I already know what they are going to say!
Reading delusional Progressive posts are MUCH more entertaining!
Is Arthur Gilroy here? The above post contained incorrect grammar!!! Reading delusional Progressive posts IS much more entertaining!!!
The posts themselves ARE more entertaining.
So, I’m delusional now?
Only if I’m crazy, mean and stupid!
Damn, I sure hate to say anything unkind about BooMan, but………..
2 out of 3’s not bad.
you get to pick the one that doesn’t apply.
My gag reflex ususally prevents me from spending much time at those sites anyway.
Sheesh–another slow news day.
Could have at least acknowledged the Colorado wildfire. That has more import than Steve Almond.