Republican legislators are scared enough of their crazy base that they are unwilling to refer to any rise in the sea level even in studies on how to prepare for a rising sea level. But, so far at least, the legislators aren’t crazy enough to refuse to make any preparations for a rise in the sea level.

State Del. Chris Stolle, R-Virginia Beach, who insisted on changing the “sea level rise” study in the General Assembly to one on “recurrent flooding,” said he wants to get political speech out of the mix altogether.

He said “sea level rise” is a “left-wing term” that conjures up animosities on the right. So why bring it into the equation?

“What people care about is the floodwater coming through their door,” Stolle said. “Let’s focus on that. Let’s study that. So that’s what I wanted us to call it.”

Some of these authentic climate deniers have already been elected. Pretty soon, they’ll start introducing legislation, not to raise road levels or fortify ports, but to fund the construction of a giant ark “three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.”

And, also, drill, baby, drill!!

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