It’s about foreign interests, read some excellent pieces on the Adelson millions and his influence and US politicians and Israel interests.

Neo-cons still running the show, with help from Sheldon Adelson. Beware false flag incidents!
By Mattes – Booman Tribune on May 15, 2008

Sheldon Adelson flew with Pres. Bush this week on his trip to Israel. I wondered what promises or threatens were given to Bush, motivating him to follow the Likud/Labor/Kadima lines that, Iran is next on the agenda.  Even before the Lebanon war, Peres was out pushing Iran’s buttons, and he continued this week just in time for Bush’s mission:

Peres likens Iran’s nuclear threat to Hitler’s Germany

In sweeping comments yesterday before Israel’s 60th anniversary, Israeli President Shimon Peres compared the Iranian nuclear threat to Hitler’s Germany and said engaging Gaza’s Hamas rulers would be like talking to a wall.

Adelson is closely aligned with Netenyahu and all the other neo-cons that got us into Iraq in the first place. He does carry a lot of weight:

An article about Sheldon Adelson, “a huge–and mostly behind-the-scenes–financial angel for Republican, pro-business, and pro-Israel causes“, was published in the National Journal: Influence Game: A Betting Man.

Of course, any Israeli leader is worthy to receive the high distinction U.S. Medal of Freedom out of the hands of fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama. Interesting, Shimon Peres is letting Netanyahu doing all the tough talk about Iran now and washing his hands in innocence of any war crime against the Palestinian people. A fox doesn’t change his tricks.

Peres dismisses Holocaust, Iran comparison

JERUSALEM (AFP)—Israel’s President Shimon Peres distanced himself from the Israeli premier’s comparison between the Holocaust and the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear programme.  

“It’s not the same thing,” Peres told the Ynet website of Yediot Aharonot newspaper in an interview for Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s independence day.  

“Holocaust is one thing and Iran is another. The comparison is out of place.”

Spying on an Ally – Rewarding the President of Israel

Also interesting from the Leveson Inquiry:
Murdoch helped push Blair into Iraq quagmire. On behalve of US Republicans, Ariel Sharon or Bibi Netanyahu?

In addition, I wont forget who controlled security at Boston Logan airport and at Amsterdam Schiphol airport. ICTS International guarded Logan Airport, Boston on 9/11, was controlled and managed by Menachem Atzmon, who was also convicted of money laundering for his and Netanyahu’s and Ehud Olmert’s Likud Party. An overview Airport and Telecom Security Run by Mossad.

Diaries @BooMan with sheldon adelson as topic.

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."