In the last cafe: the last month has been enough to turn my hair white. 🙂
And now, crazy season at work is over, we finally have a fully staffed team for the amount of work we do, and it’s summer. Yay! Another week or so and we’re off to Acadia.
The Finny had his first time away from mom and dad at nursery school camp this morning, and did a great job playing with trucks in the sandbox, rains, making crafts, and keeping up with bigger kids. Here’s hoping he’s happy to go back on Wednesday! I’m enjoying working from home most of this week while he settles in at school and life gets back to normal after my travels for work (3 of the last 4 weekends).
And now I have time to catch up on my blog commenting again! How is everyone?
Boran2, how’s the running going? Injury healed? I need to check out your latest painting palooza and see what you’re painting now.
Indianadem, how is the summer treating you?
Ask, I’m jealous of your hiking options. 🙂
AndiF and JimF, how was vacation, and are you going anywhere else this summer? How was the old broads weekend?
BobX, I’ve been wondering about the birds. I never see hummingbirds here, but I’m hoping that some of our more recent plant additions will attract them.
Second Nature must be too busy smelling that sweet baby’s head to come to the cafevery often…
Acadia sounds so nice and cool — I hate this hot, hot, hot weather.
Vacation was fantastic (as I hope all the pictures showed). Besides all the great hikes, it was so nice to get to in May when the temps were pleasant and the flowers were blooming.
The old broads weekend was grand — a wonderful combination of good folks, good talk, good times, and good food.
According to the folks up there, it’s been absolutely delightful. Tomorrow will be hot at 88 ith a low of 63, but otherwise it has been in the 70s.
Being able to travel in the “off” season must be wonderful. Did you go anywhere exciting for your old broads’ weekend? Didn’t you go to Charleston last year?
We went to New Harmony, IN which isn’t exactly exciting but it’s an interesting little town and — critically important data point — it has some good restaurants.
All the little one’s have grown and flown the coop. We still see them occasionally.
Good luck with the plantings, it’s taken us years and we only catch them once in a while.
They never stay for too long.
We have robins who nest on a flat part of one of the logs under the eaves very year, and they’re all grown and gone for the year now. Finny has now taken to spotting baby bunnies and young groundhogs along the trail where we go running. “Bunny, bunny!”
I think we’re doing better with butterflies than hummingbirds…
We started planting the yard as a woody butterfly garden and slowly expanded into more perennials and host plants as well as nectar plants. The hummers began to show as a side effect of the b-fly plantings. A lot of the nectar plants are attractants for both. Your local extension service should have appropriate plant lists for suggestions.
Glad someone’s enjoying your run. 🙂
Hi CG! I’m glad that Finny had no separation problem. That really is a big deal. And I wish that I could work from home, madame boran does sometimes. It really is great.
My knees are feeling pretty good. I’ve been taking it easy and have a 5k on the 30th. I’m looking forward to it.
I really like working from home. I think it will be easier to do with Finny going to nursery school, now that he’s older and so busy getting in to everything!
Good luck on your race! I think my next one will be an evening one in August; in the meantime, I’m trying to work up to 10k (I have a friend trying to get me to do a half marathon in the fall, but I think tht’s more than I can handle. WAY more.)
Wow, nursery school! He’s getting to be a big boy!
Yep, we’re off to the southwest later on this summer to see what hasn’t been burned away. Unfortunately, the fires will likely once again close some of the sights we’d like to see.
I’ve never done more than a 5 mile race. My BIL asked me about a 10k but I’m not interested at this point. It’s just a little too much.
We had a Father’s Day weekend with kids and grandkids running in and out Saturday. Went to #2 son’s for a Sun. afternoon cookout with just he and his girlfriend and some nice, quiet sitting around to rest up from Saturday. Today I tried to resurrect an old laptop to give to a friend, but the 73 MS updates it needed wouldn’t load, so to the recycler it goes.
I rode over in Bartholomew County today, like most days, and the corn is only looking good if it is irrigated. Everything else is showing signs of severe stress.
Today s so much better than yeterday. We spen a pleasant morning at the local farmers’ market, and it’s still cool enough to tackle some chores while a little fellow naps-yay!
And today is the most fabulous hump day ever because I’m on vacation starting tomorrow! Hallelujah, I’ll have time to do laundry and pack everything before we leave on Friday.
Ah, the prospect of 11 days with no office work is so delightful. Did Imention my clients are on vacation the same week, making re-entry much easier as well?
Now to pick up an Acadia book and select a few new trails to hike. I hear Wonderland is good for the wee boy. I’m wondering if the big kids want to do Beehive the hard way…
Looks like an extra hot day for us with temps from 100 – 105 predicted. Red Flag wildfire warnings are up for most of Indiana due to the high temps, low fuel moisture, low humidity and winds of up to 30 mph later today. I’m planning an indoors day.
I heard that they cancelled (oops I mean postponed for 2 months) the fireworks. That’s probably a good plan but I bet there a lot of disappointed kids.
OTOH, someone was complaining on Facebook a couple of days ago because we were slow in enacting a burn ban. Too bad about the fireworks, but after surfing the Colorado Springs disaster for several hours yesterday, it seems a small price to pay. We have family there in the northeast part of the city. They’re currently hosting a couple of evacuee families at their place.
One small (4 acre) wildfire in Monroe County yesterday took about 6 hours to control and extinguish. Glad I’m no longer in that business as an active firefighter. Its not really too glorious an activity in 103 degree heat. Thankfully, no injuries reported.
I’m not sorry at all that they aren’t having fireworks; I just people don’t set off any at home.
What’s happening in Colorado Springs is just awful. I can’t help but think that the uncontrolled building boom really exacerbated this by literally providing fuel for the fire — just a couple of decades ago Garden of the Gods was in the middle of nowhere and now it’s completely surrounded by housing developments.
Yep, the same problems we’ve had here for decades with people moving into the woods. What saves us from the same fate is the usually high summer relative humidity (now 47%). If we had RH in the twenties and teens for extended periods like they have out west, look out!
As for fireworks, we’d rather go out to Weedpatch Hill where its dark and watch the Perseids in August. What a show!
In the last cafe: the last month has been enough to turn my hair white. 🙂
And now, crazy season at work is over, we finally have a fully staffed team for the amount of work we do, and it’s summer. Yay! Another week or so and we’re off to Acadia.
The Finny had his first time away from mom and dad at nursery school camp this morning, and did a great job playing with trucks in the sandbox, rains, making crafts, and keeping up with bigger kids. Here’s hoping he’s happy to go back on Wednesday! I’m enjoying working from home most of this week while he settles in at school and life gets back to normal after my travels for work (3 of the last 4 weekends).
And now I have time to catch up on my blog commenting again! How is everyone?
Boran2, how’s the running going? Injury healed? I need to check out your latest painting palooza and see what you’re painting now.
Indianadem, how is the summer treating you?
Ask, I’m jealous of your hiking options. 🙂
AndiF and JimF, how was vacation, and are you going anywhere else this summer? How was the old broads weekend?
BobX, I’ve been wondering about the birds. I never see hummingbirds here, but I’m hoping that some of our more recent plant additions will attract them.
Second Nature must be too busy smelling that sweet baby’s head to come to the cafevery often…
Waving hello to Olivia, Oui, and NDD!
Anyone else lurking about, what’s new?
Acadia sounds so nice and cool — I hate this hot, hot, hot weather.
Vacation was fantastic (as I hope all the pictures showed). Besides all the great hikes, it was so nice to get to in May when the temps were pleasant and the flowers were blooming.
The old broads weekend was grand — a wonderful combination of good folks, good talk, good times, and good food.
According to the folks up there, it’s been absolutely delightful. Tomorrow will be hot at 88 ith a low of 63, but otherwise it has been in the 70s.
Being able to travel in the “off” season must be wonderful. Did you go anywhere exciting for your old broads’ weekend? Didn’t you go to Charleston last year?
We went to New Harmony, IN which isn’t exactly exciting but it’s an interesting little town and — critically important data point — it has some good restaurants.
Oh yeah and we did go to Charleston last year.
Everyone seems happy at the buffet.
All the little one’s have grown and flown the coop. We still see them occasionally.
Good luck with the plantings, it’s taken us years and we only catch them once in a while.
They never stay for too long.
Another great picture.
We have robins who nest on a flat part of one of the logs under the eaves very year, and they’re all grown and gone for the year now. Finny has now taken to spotting baby bunnies and young groundhogs along the trail where we go running. “Bunny, bunny!”
I think we’re doing better with butterflies than hummingbirds…
We started planting the yard as a woody butterfly garden and slowly expanded into more perennials and host plants as well as nectar plants. The hummers began to show as a side effect of the b-fly plantings. A lot of the nectar plants are attractants for both. Your local extension service should have appropriate plant lists for suggestions.
Glad someone’s enjoying your run. 🙂
Couple of years ago. Just emerged.

Lovely shot, BobX!
Hi CG! I’m glad that Finny had no separation problem. That really is a big deal. And I wish that I could work from home, madame boran does sometimes. It really is great.
My knees are feeling pretty good. I’ve been taking it easy and have a 5k on the 30th. I’m looking forward to it.
I really like working from home. I think it will be easier to do with Finny going to nursery school, now that he’s older and so busy getting in to everything!
Good luck on your race! I think my next one will be an evening one in August; in the meantime, I’m trying to work up to 10k (I have a friend trying to get me to do a half marathon in the fall, but I think tht’s more than I can handle. WAY more.)
Are you going to Arizona his summer?
Wow, nursery school! He’s getting to be a big boy!
Yep, we’re off to the southwest later on this summer to see what hasn’t been burned away. Unfortunately, the fires will likely once again close some of the sights we’d like to see.
I’ve never done more than a 5 mile race. My BIL asked me about a 10k but I’m not interested at this point. It’s just a little too much.
We had a Father’s Day weekend with kids and grandkids running in and out Saturday. Went to #2 son’s for a Sun. afternoon cookout with just he and his girlfriend and some nice, quiet sitting around to rest up from Saturday. Today I tried to resurrect an old laptop to give to a friend, but the 73 MS updates it needed wouldn’t load, so to the recycler it goes.
Sounds like a very nice weekend!
The kids just craigslisted their old laptops that were basically spare parts yesterday. Gone already!
baby heads….
click for larger
We’ll be at the top of the hump about 7:08 PM (23:08 UTC) and start the long slide into winter.
Gotta start getting out the winter clothes.
Or the fans.
Are those fiddle-heads? Yum. Growing up in N.E. we sure had some great food choices that weren’t grocery store items.
It is predicted to be 99 degrees today here in the Hudson Valley. Stay cool folks. And it’s only June.
99 ~ ack! and I thought it was hot here at 90. Smaller trees are beginning to wilt from lack of rain.
I rode over in Bartholomew County today, like most days, and the corn is only looking good if it is irrigated. Everything else is showing signs of severe stress.
We’re getting the heat wave here as well … hit 107F yesterday and today is supposed to be hotter. Eek.
But on the positive side, the hoya plant is finally blooming after a few years of abstaining.
olivia, its lovely!
Thanks ID. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them. Repotted last summer and moved to a sunnier spot. 🙂
Andi was mentioning the lack of rain there … Are you having any troubles with fires due to the dryness?
46 of the 92 Indiana counties are under a burn ban, but we aren’t just yet. No big fires so far, thank you FSM.
That’s good to hear!
I’m glad there haven’t been any fires but the woods are so dry and beat up that they already look like it’s August.
I really do think they look like a cookie with a candy topping.
Well, they smell super sweet (almost too sweet), so that fits. 🙂
That’s a pretty plant. It looks like it went all out when the hoya finally decided to bloom.
Yeah, resting for 3-4 years helped it along. 😉
Hope you survived the temps today (or yesterday, now) there in your corner of the heat wave!
It was pretty uncomfortable here but it sounds like you had worse weather. Thankfully, it will relent a bit tomorrow.
Same here. Less humidity.
Today s so much better than yeterday. We spen a pleasant morning at the local farmers’ market, and it’s still cool enough to tackle some chores while a little fellow naps-yay!
That is an awesome shot. They really do look like candy.
Here’s a close-up of one of the flowers. The fuzzy & waxy combination is very odd.
Click for larger
It looks like a piece of fine candy. Amazing.
Wow, that is an incredible flower. The texturecof it looks so velvety.
Vacation is looming on the horizon…why is getting ready for it always so much work?
To make you appreciate getting there even more. 🙂
Hope you have a great time.
That’s what I say. The packing and especially the other preparations are exhausting. I dread getting ready for a longer trip.
This has everything you could ever want in a mystery. Someone raise Dominic Dunne from the dead, please.
It’s beautiful here in the Huson Valley! Unfortunately, errands will keep me from totally enjoying it. See ya later on.
Sigh. Hudson Valley.
I thought maybe you had moved;-)
If you’re going to sigh over a typo that easy to understand, I’m going to have to tag you as a perfectionist. 🙂
So I shouldn’t tell you that I was actually thinking of moving to the Huson Valley? (wherever that is)
click for larger
click for larger
And today is the most fabulous hump day ever because I’m on vacation starting tomorrow! Hallelujah, I’ll have time to do laundry and pack everything before we leave on Friday.
Ah, the prospect of 11 days with no office work is so delightful. Did Imention my clients are on vacation the same week, making re-entry much easier as well?
Now to pick up an Acadia book and select a few new trails to hike. I hear Wonderland is good for the wee boy. I’m wondering if the big kids want to do Beehive the hard way…
Looks like a tough climb, but the views will be lovely from up there.
Have a great vacation and enjoy Acadia and Bar Harbor.
L and I had a few great days there back in 2008.
Looks like a fun hike. Have a great trip.
Have a great trip! Don’t forget to post photos.
Woo hoo for vacation! Hope you have a safe and speedy trip getting there and a great time enjoying the splendor of the Acadia.
Takes lots of pictures to show to us!
Good morning.
Getting ready for a mini-vacation. Meeting curly in Dublin tomorrow morning for a few days in Ireland.
Cool. Have a good time!
Oh, fun! You’ll have to post pictures!
And of course, give my best to culy!
That sounds like a really fantastic weekend. Enjoy, enjoy.
Looks like an extra hot day for us with temps from 100 – 105 predicted. Red Flag wildfire warnings are up for most of Indiana due to the high temps, low fuel moisture, low humidity and winds of up to 30 mph later today. I’m planning an indoors day.
Stay cool. Debby is gone, the sun is out, and it looks we’re going to get real hot this weekend. Predicting 95+, but I’m thinking higher.
We could sure use a bit of Debby’s leftover precip here, since we’re down around 11″ at this point.
We’re going to get the high temps as well. Fortunately, it has been raining here regularly, so low fire risk. Stay safe, ID!
I heard that they cancelled (oops I mean postponed for 2 months) the fireworks. That’s probably a good plan but I bet there a lot of disappointed kids.
Huh, how did this get here? I was sure I hit reply to Indianadem. Oh well, either I’m having a geezer moment or the BT is.
OTOH, someone was complaining on Facebook a couple of days ago because we were slow in enacting a burn ban. Too bad about the fireworks, but after surfing the Colorado Springs disaster for several hours yesterday, it seems a small price to pay. We have family there in the northeast part of the city. They’re currently hosting a couple of evacuee families at their place.
One small (4 acre) wildfire in Monroe County yesterday took about 6 hours to control and extinguish. Glad I’m no longer in that business as an active firefighter. Its not really too glorious an activity in 103 degree heat. Thankfully, no injuries reported.
I’m not sorry at all that they aren’t having fireworks; I just people don’t set off any at home.
What’s happening in Colorado Springs is just awful. I can’t help but think that the uncontrolled building boom really exacerbated this by literally providing fuel for the fire — just a couple of decades ago Garden of the Gods was in the middle of nowhere and now it’s completely surrounded by housing developments.
Yep, the same problems we’ve had here for decades with people moving into the woods. What saves us from the same fate is the usually high summer relative humidity (now 47%). If we had RH in the twenties and teens for extended periods like they have out west, look out!
As for fireworks, we’d rather go out to Weedpatch Hill where its dark and watch the Perseids in August. What a show!
I think there’s just a slight difference in the populations growth issues for the two areas. 😉
Colorado Spring Metropolitan Area
Brown County
Absolutely, as are the differences in fire fighting resources when needed.
This morning’s rain ought to be a nice aid to our firefighters (our rain gauge says we got 1 1/4 inch).
Our town is having it on schedule even though the heat will be in the high 90s for the next few days. Maybe they ought to reconsider.
But you said you’ve had plenty of rain. It’s the drought that is the problem here, not the temperature.