Month: June 2012

Romney’s Chief Strategist Is Sarah Palin

(and other takeaways from that BuzzFeed article) You’ve probably seen this BuzzFeed article by McKay Coppins: After a day spent waging bi-coastal combat with the Obama campaign, Mitt Romney’s team in Boston earned...

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Why Do Righties Defend Zimmerman?

Tom Maguire, who has been acting as George Zimmerman’s pro bono internet defense attorney since day one, has finally been forced to admit that his adopted client (and his client’s wife) are “stupid, scheming,...

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WSJ Ed Board Hits New Low

Everybody knows that the reason the Republican Party is making it harder to vote in every state where they have the power to make it harder to vote is because they know that high turnout hurts them. And it’s no coincidence...

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Pope Bendict XVI is Gunning for U.S. Uppity Nuns

. God rolls her eyes: Vatican vs. nuns (Ask Nicola Blog) – The The CDF’s eight-page doctrinal assessment of LCWR says, basically: God is a boy, the Pope is a boy, and Bishops are boys, so you girls just shut up! But...

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DOJ Goes After Florida

It’s about time: The Justice Department ordered Florida’s elections division to halt a systematic effort to find and purge the state’s voter rolls of noncitizen voters. Florida’s effort appears to violate both the 1965...

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