Does not include you. Or your children.
From Friday:
“I think this is a land of opportunity for every single person, every single citizen of this great nation. And I want to make sure that we keep America a place of opportunity, where everyone has a fair shot. They get as much education as they can afford and with their time they’re able to get and if they have a willingness to work hard and the right values, they ought to be able to provide for their family and have a shot of realizing their dreams.”
This is actually a step backwards from April, when Romney suggested that students who weren’t sufficiently independently wealthy to pay for a college education could always borrow the money from their parents. Now, apparently, Romney’s position has evolved; you shouldn’t get an education at all unless you, personally, can afford it. If you don’t have the time and money yourself, prospective students don’t deserve “a fair shot,” or a chance to “provide for their family” or “have a shot of realizing their dreams,” no matter how much money your parents might lend you.
If you’re the beneficiary of a trust fund, however, it’s apparently all good. See? This really is a great nation.
But Geov! Ann and Mitt suffered in college with their cement floor apartment. And gosh darnet, they had to sell some of their stocks just to pay for it! I mean, imagine the pain they had to go through: selling their stocks at 16x what they paid rather than holding onto them to make maybe 20x later. But it was a sacrifice that had to be made.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’ve read this transcript a few times over the past day or two and it still sounds like something Sarah Palin shudder would say. It’s tossed word salad, proof yet again that this blockhead cannot speak naturally or with any coherence. The sentences sound stupid.
And as for content, well, there’s proof again that this guy is completely locked in an ivory tower, viewing his peasant class from on high, tossing the occasional breadcrumb to us. He who’s probably never actually worked in the physical sense, as in earning his money on a factory assembly line or driving a tractor. He clearly doesn’t talk at length with anyone in the real world or he wouldn’t make such privileged observations every time he opened his mouth.
It would be laughable to think he could be president, but the possiblility of that happening chokes the laughter right out of me. Half of the American public could be that insane.
Romney is a prime example of how education isn’t worth a damn for some people. How do you get through Harvard and still write a statement like this one? Near as I can parse it, he’s saying he wants “to make sure that we keep America a place of opportunity, where everyone has a fair shot” by limiting education to those who can afford to pay cash for it, like he could. So what would make America a place of not-opportunity would be prohibiting rich people from going to school. Which he’s bravely standing against.
We should note that it follows from his argument that it’s not just college aid that limits opportunity, but all public education. The same logic applies: if you can’t afford private schools, or are working too hard to have the time for school, you have the opportunity to have no education.
I suppose the same argument can be make for the opportunity of eating, having shelter, and getting medical care. So the Reps continue their bizarre new culture of openly saying what they really think. Which is why they will destroy America once and for all if allowed to get away with it.