Today, we took the ferry to Little Cranberry Island and had lunch on the dock. It was perfect weather for a boat ride. Last night it was raining and foggy, so the fireworks were postponed. We consoled ourselves with a great dinner at Maine-ly Delights. And then we went and checked out the tidal pools at low tide at Wonderland. Lots and lots of snails, but also starfish, barnacles, mussels and assorted plant life. It was so fun we may have to go back for a second time.
The hardest thing about Acadia is deciding what to do because there are so many options. We brought bikes to take on the carriage roads, but I don’t think we’ll even get to that.
I hope you all had a good holiday.
Sunset on Cadillac Mountain ! Also, popovers at Jordan Pond house, try for Eagle Lake carriage road (sorry, guess I’m going through withdrawal…:-) ). I’m a big fan of this blog, by the way…
Glad you decided to stop by and comment. Welcome to the frog pond!
Thanks ! Yes, Acadia is a great place, from there we’ve road-tripped up to Campobello island and seen the FDR “cottage”…
Looks like a great spot for a vacation. Maybe we’ll get up that way sometime. I have relatives in Cape Neddick I’d like to visit, too and besides, I haven’t had fresh lobster that I can remember since moving to Indiana from Florida.
I was required to work. It was like working in a sauna. When I got out it was 105. Oh,well, at least I have a job unlike my poor cousin who has been out of work for four years, and I got overtime thanks to that nasty Socialist job-killing Union that I belong to (but not for long if Darryl Issa has his way with HR2309
Today was 107. But I take comfort that my Congressman, Joe Walsh (R-deadbeat dad) assures me that Global warming is not real.
Not to be too down about it, Happy Independence Day to all inhabitants of the Frog Pond, and I hope you all had a good day with barbecue, hot dogs (kosher of course), beer, fireworks, and family. I’ll be drinking a cold beer to you all later.
You guys in the NE are pikers in delaying fireworks. Our JUL04 celebration is postponed until SEP08. I hope we get some rain before then. New Year’s fireworks, anyone? It sounds like you’re having a great trip.
I sure am enjoying your vacation from afar. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever known. Thanks for the updates.
Islesford is cool. If you can get to Baker’s Island, that’s interesting too. The ladder trail up Beech Mountain is amazing. The Seal Cove Auto Museum is fun. Last time I was at Sonny’s in Manset, it was delicious. Thurston’s in Bass Harbor, too. You have to go take the picture at Bass Harbor Head Light. Don’t skip the Oceanarium, and you can pay your respects to my Dad and Grandfather at the Veteran’s Monument in the middle of SWH. (OK you don’t have to, but I would)
Ooh, I was just looking at the Beech Mountain trail thus morning, and thinking that should be on my list. I love Acadia, I alwys run out of time before I run out of things to do. 🙂
We did the pictures at Bass Harbor light last night…middle son and I are paddle boarding at Echo Lake before we leave, and now I have to go look for the Veterans monument in SWH…
I think Finny would love the auto museum, car guy that he is…
Echo Lake is great, but if I was just paddling, and not jumping in, I would go to the south end of Long Pond. You have to get a couple of miles away from the pumping station before you can swim there, but it’s one of my favorite spots in the world.
Echo Lake is a nice swim. Thurston’s is fun, apparently they filmed a couple of scenes of “Cider House Rules” there. I’m still lobbying for the ‘Lobsterpalooza’ at the Top of the Hill restaurant. Schoodic Point !
Welcome to the frog pond, lobsterboat!