This guy makes it sound like Romney’s inability to answer a question is part of his strategy.

“The campaign needs to become more nimble and forward-leaning ASAP from both a political and policy perspective or it isn’t going to be enough to beat a very beatable and weak incumbent in November,” the strategist said. “Romney’s inability to define himself, in the hopes of keeping this of a referendum election, have turned him into a blank canvas that is rapidly being painted by the Obama campaign.”

The press likes to describe the Romney campaign as “disciplined.” But what they really mean is that the Romney campaign is totally risk-averse, won’t answer any questions, won’t articulate a positive agenda, and wants to keep all the focus off their candidate.

It’s an odd way to pivot from the primaries. We see that conservatives are increasingly upset with Team Romney, but not for the reasons we would have expected. Team Romney isn’t really trying to create any distance from the crazy base. They’re not alienating the base through their positions, but through their lack of aggression. The base needs red meat or it starves and grows weak.

But all of this is kind of beside the point. Unless Romney comes up with a plan to win back numerous states that Obama carried in 2008, none of this bickering will mean a thing. So far, I haven’t seen any state-level strategy from Romney at all. All he seems to be doing is lying back and hoping the national numbers move his way.