I like to keep religion and politics completely separated, but the Republicans won’t play along. Using public funds to pay for religious schools is a bad idea but the only reason these conservatives have any problem with it is because there is no legal way to exclude Islamic schools from the program. Maybe they should have thought of that before they went ahead and passed the bill.

What’s more irritating to me is the constraint refrain from conservative Republicans that our Founding Fathers were Christians and wanted to set up a Christian country. If you accept that Christianity involves believing in the Holy Trinity, then Andrew Jackson was our first Christian president, and he only adopted the religion after he served two terms in office. And it wasn’t just our presidents who rejected Christ’s divinity. Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen, etc., were all anti-trinitarians.

The country was founded by well-read men of the Enlightenment. Learn it and love it.