The Daily Caller really is a disgrace. Unfortunately for them, I predict that Jonathan Krohn will eventually lose his virginity, despite wearing thick-rimmed hipster glasses, reading works by important philosophers, having an interest in the liberal hipster art of screenwriting, attending college in Greenwich Village, and abandoning his conservatism. In fact, all of those things make it more likely that he’ll get laid than if he wrote for Tucker Carlson’s rag.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Gee, you’d think conservatives would cheer a kid these days who’s 17 and still a virgin. That’s a lot rarer than it used to be.
I’ve been astonished at the vitriol directed at Krohn. (The comments in the Daily Caller articles are, not surprisingly after Sandra Fluke, breathtaking.) It reminds me of nothing so much as the hatred some sports fanatics spew at college and even high school kids who either screw up in The Big Game somehow or play for the enemy team. He’s still only 17. And for God’s sake, kids should be wiser and different at age 17 than 13, and at age 21 than 17. Way to make sure Krohn, who’s still not an adult, never, ever reconsiders identifying with the conservative cause.
These two lines from Krohn’s essay:
are more perceptive than anything the Daily Caller has ever published or will ever publish. No wonder Krohn doesn’t fit in so well any more.
I hope he goes on to have the kind of life any reasonably bright college kid should have. Shame he’ll have extra trouble getting laid cuz of all the YouTubes floating around of that stuff he said when he was 13.
All the kid needs is some power and influence and he’ll be fine. After all, just consider Kissinger.
Maybe he should develop a little accent as well.
he won’t have trouble getting laid. he’s clever, he has a sense of humor, and he’s an unabashed dork. Chicks love that shit.
Speaking of dorks, it takes one to know one, Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson’s rag calling out somebody’s dress sense is some serious through-the-looking-glass level shit.
Wow have ya’ll seen this? Notice the emphasis on those who’ve “got the right to vote” and those uneducated lower income peasants.,0,4909639.story?track
The argument I’m seeing is that since she didn’t give her name, she obviously doesn’t actually exist.