My high temperature broke last night and our area, i.e., western New York, dropped from mid to upper 90’s to low 80’s today (degrees in Fahrenheit for our Canadian and other international friends). What’s your temperature today and are you getting any relief? Let me know in the comments. Or bring up any topic you like.
It’s 87 degrees here in the Philly burbs. And it’s overcast and a bit humid.
Chicago- it broke last night. We had 4 straight days of a heat index above 100….and, no, it wasn’t ‘ dry heat’.
right now, it’s 82
It’s amazing how cool even 93 feels, isn’t it?
It’s about 83 here in Ann Arbor. Partly sunny too – I don’t even remember the last time that I saw the sun where we weren’t also setting an all time record high temperature.
This was the weather on Friday afternoon where I work (Northern Detroit suburbs):

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The last day of this heat wave claimed six lives in Chicago, mostly or all old people without A/C.
Mid 70’s here in Oceanside, CA. the ‘June Gloom’, is starting to break. Soon we will get our two months of mid 80’s weather, then back to mid 70’s.
102, feels like 108.
95 in SW Ohio. Supposed to break tonight and be in the mid-80’s all this coming week. The air conditioner needs a break.
Yes, Mr Bachman, I’m here in SW Ohio, too, and it’s 91 F. Yesterday it was 104 actual temperature. We’ve been breaking records all week. The Dayton Air Show and Exhibition is going on here this weekend, and twelve people had to be treated for heat exhaustion. It’s been above ninety during the days for quite a while now. Our grass is toast, and our air conditioner is barely making a difference.
When we get a cool front, hopefully today, we’re hoping to see the eighties again. And although any rainfall will be like a piss in the desert, we welcome it, just to settle the dust around here.
A/C is normally sized to just barely jandle normal highs. This produces good dehumidification.
When you replace your unit, consider a two-stage unit. Neglecting technical details, they have two running modes controlled by a smart thermostat or a circuit board in the air handler. One mode is say 3.5 tons and the other 1.5 or 2 tons. Most of the time the unit will run on low giving dehumidification. When it runs in low for too long without bringing the temperature down, it will shift into high cool mode. If it runs too short in high cool, it will return to low cool mode.
Should cost about $500 more than a single-stage.
Yep, new AC is definitely on my radar screen. Two stage is the way to go. Our system is single speed, is pretty old and it’s really not capable of keeping up with the kinds of temperatures we have had this year. The technology has improved so much in the world of HVAC that I have little doubt a new system would pay for itself in a relatively short period of time.
Or I guess I could just keep the old inefficient one for another 15-20 years and join the “!!! DRILL BABY DRILL !!!” crowd. After all, isn’t that why we fought the revolution? So we could have the freedom to waste resources and destroy the planet while shouting that god put it all here just for us to exploit indefinitely?
I forgot that the new system will probably be more efficient. If the old system was Freon, the new one will be greener as well.
Win. Win. Win.
Yes donnah, it was 102 at my house yesterday. Rumbling thunder outside right now, but I don’t think any rain we get will amount to anything. Most of it is staying south of the the river in Kentucky. Been a rough couple of weeks on the flowers and vegetable garden.
Don’t worry, Global Warming is all a hoax. </snark>
Heard that the last rolling 12 month period is the warmest in Illinois history (due to the warm Winter being followed by a hot Summer). I believe 1911 had a hotter July, but the Winter was probably colder. Winters then generally were.
Well, I heard today that George Will, Senior Pundit Climatologist, Meteorologist, Herpitologist and all-around gas-bag, said, “Hey, it’s summer… with it”. So if a highly respected and world renowned climate authority like Will says it, then it MUST be a hoax!!!
Its the first day in four or five that hasn’t been over 100 here. Its about 90 now, but Bloomington, IN just west of us is reporting 77. There’s a thunderstorm sitting right over them that’s hopefully inching our way. We’ve had no appreciable rain for several weeks.
Be careful what you wish for – we hadn’t had any appreciable rain for weeks until earlier this past week. And when it came, it was a hellstorm. Trees knocked down all over the place, 1000’s without power for days, flooding across roads and interstates, etc, etc. And of course, the temperatures jumped right back up to 100+ the next day.
There is that to consider. However, no power here = impromptu vacation for me, so maybe not so bad at that except I hate to see any trees come down. We only got a trace of rain from an afternoon of thundering, but the temp is now a blissful 74. This too shall pass.
If Columbus had landed in Southern California, everything east of the Rockies would still be wilderness.
It’s a breezy 72 degrees in the great Pacific Northwest.
All that and Liberal government too. Maybe I will move when I retire.
My conservative friends say that my arguments are getting too heated lately. They wonder what’s wrong with ME, spitting out so much vitriol. I have only recently started commenting on conservative insanity,their lack of trust in scientific institutions, and their blatant lying. I’ve been pulled aside by friends, worried about my “disinhibition”. I guess it is not polite to question people’s intentions and rationality. I think it goes to the heart of the matter. If people care, they would seek the truth. Depressing. I have shut up for way too long. Maybe the heat is getting to me.
74 in San Diego, cool in the shade, hottish in the sun. I love southern california!
So do I! If only I could afford it. I’ve wanted to move there ever since my first visit in the late Sixties, but the housing prices are always one or two steps beyond my reach.
I hear you. Expensive, crazy freeway traffic, but on a day like today its worth it.
Twas 105 today in Raleigh-Durham. The forecast is for a slow cooling until a high of 80 on Thursday. The 80-degrees in the house is now feeling kinda cool.
Supposed to be 86 today finally after triple digits last week.
It’s almost 90 here and it is a bit humid. The humidity rolled in last night.