Do any of you make over $250,000 a year in taxable income? And, if you do, would you mind paying a modest 4-5% additional tax on all the money you make in addition to that first quarter million so that people won’t have their retirement security slashed or their food stamps cut off or their unemployment insurance terminated?

You see, if you make a quarter million dollars a year in taxable income, you are one of the very few people in this country who might legitimately have tax reasons for voting for Mitt Romney. But you don’t really want all the struggling people in this country to have their benefits reduced, their safety net slashed, and their educational opportunities denied just so you can pay a slightly lower tax rate than you did under George W. Bush, do you?

And, I’ll tell you what. If you’re concerned that your taxes will just go to fighting wars in the Middle East and to interest payments on the debt, why don’t you join us in opposing foreign and energy policies that lead to war in the Middle East and help us make sure that we address our debt problem is a fair and sensible way that puts ideology aside and focuses on spreading out the pain while making sure that we don’t stall the economic recovery?

Can we make that deal?