You know, I was trying to remember what John Sununu was famous for. I mean, I remembered his time on Crossfire and I thought he was Lebanese. I knew he had been a governor and his son senator from the Granite State, and I knew he had been chief of staff to Poppy before Dubya had him shit-canned. I also knew that he had a role in getting David Souter on the Supreme Court, which still stands out as one of the greatest cons ever perpetrated on the Republican base. But there was something else about him that I just couldn’t remember. So, I looked it up.
As White House Chief of Staff, Sununu reportedly took personal trips, for skiing and other purposes, and classified them as official, for purposes such as conservation or promoting the Thousand Points of Light.[14] The Washington Post wrote that Sununu’s jets “took him to fat-cat Republican fund-raisers, ski lodges, golf resorts and even his dentist in Boston.”[14] Sununu had paid the government only $892 for his more than $615,000 worth of military jet travel.[15] Sununu said that his use of the jets was necessary because he had to be near a telephone at all times for reasons of national security.[16] Sununu became the subject of much late-night television humor over the incident.[14] Sununu worsened the situation shortly afterwards when, after leaking rumors of financial difficulties in his family, he traveled to a rare stamp auction at Christie’s auction house in New York City from Washington in a government limousine, spending $5,000 on rare stamps.[17] Sununu then sent the car and driver back to Washington unoccupied while he returned on a corporate jet.[17] In the course of one week, 45 newspapers ran editorials on Sununu, nearly all of them critical of his actions.[18]
There it is in all its glory. John Sununu is famous for being one of the biggest assholes to ever serve a president of the United States, surpassed, perhaps, only by H.R. Haldeman. John Sununu is famous for being one of the most profligate and shameless wasters of taxpayer dollars in history.
This is a guy who was born in Havana, Cuba to a Palestinian father and a Salvadoran mother, who just had the gall to tell the president of the United States that he doesn’t know how to act like an American because he grew up splitting time between Hawaii and Indonesia, and smoking weed.
Think about it. The guy is an Arab from Havana who is also a Latino immigrant. And he’s a Republican!! I think Michele Bachmann needs to get on this infiltration before her head explodes. And even though Sununu, like Sirhan Sirhan, is a Christian, someone in his family must surely be tied to Hamas or Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood. Has Sununu ever interviewed Anthony Weiner? Does he know George Soros?
Any way you wanna look at it, this is some weak ass shit from the R-Money campaign. Sending out morally compromised Crossfire rejects to question the president’s American bona fides who aren’t even natural born citizens? Trying to change the subject from your tax problems by using a Cuban-born Arab-Salvadoran who is most famous for wasting taxpayer dollars?
John McCain is right. Sarah Palin was a better candidate.
Sununu was a treasure today. As he over pronounced his attack all I could think of was that the Rep party has decided to only use the old fellers who have no career left to lose over supporting Mitt.
And soon, I’m betting, we’ll see Bain Capital and their family of vultures up the volume on their displeasure at having targets put on their asshat policies.
Have you seen the community, where Bain is outsourcing the employees NOW? The City Council is siding with the employees and these ladies who have been employed there over 30 years are all having to train their Chinese counterparts.
Best part is they’re reaching out to Mitt to help stop it and THEN they asked if he and Obama would please come to town and have a debate! Ha!!
If there were a just and merciful god, Sununu’s middle name would be Osama.
Maybe Kissinger was busy?
I picture him hot tubbing at some high end spa in Dubai, surrounded by gorgeous twenty something yo females. There is no justice.
See my diary how Bain ransacked the Specialty Retailers Inc. and Stage Stores, collect $175 million bounty in stocks before the company collapsed and filed for bankruptcy with $445 million debt.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I was talking over the weekend with one of the savviest political observers I know who pointed out that the Romney campaign suffers from a serious “surrogate” deficit—both in number and quality. They just don’t have many people they can send out to talk to the media, let alone do it well.
Contrast Sununu’s scattershot, bludgeoning approach yesterday with Stephanie Cutter’s precise, surgical use of language to get this current round of Bain Capital stories going. And Sununu’s about the best Romney has right now.
That’s not Willard’s only surrogate problem. John Sununu? Who TF knows who Sununu who, besides political junkies(and NH residents)? Does anyone really remember he used to be CoS for Poppy Bush?
Looking at the shitstorm that’s erupted among the Reavorpublicans in re the new Batman movie and PBHO’s supposed remarks about business owners not building their own businesses, I’d say the only real effective surrogate Rmoney has atm is Rush Limbaugh. Nobody else is capable of getting a potent message through, or at least not a message that works in some way to the GOP’s advantage.
Adding, I can even (in more reflective moments) muster up a bit of sympathy for Sununu on a personal level.
Any Cuban-born, Maronite-Catholic, Greek-Palestinian-Salvadoran-American growing up in 1950s New Hampshire (I’ll go out on a limb and venture a guess that that’s a demographic subset that was pretty much limited to Sununu’s immediate family), had to pay a price to “learn how to be an American”. And the definition of “American” was not what it is today in most of the country…even in much of New Hampshire.
That said, it’s another illustration of how the GOP suffers from being trapped in the demographic box it built for itself over the past 40 years. (You know what they say about payback….)
The recent posts on the subject set me thinking, how did McCain decide on a Veep? How is Romney making the decision.
And, thank you Monte Python, for explaining it.
Just have a “Summarize Proust” competition (skip to end of clip, if you must).
“This is a guy who was born in Havana, Cuba to a Palestinian father and a Salvadoran mother…”
Governor Sununu was born in Havana, Cuba to international film distributor John Saleh Sununu and Victoria Dada. The father of governor Sununu was a native American, born in Boston.
John Saleh Sununu was born in Boston, MA. March 21, 1909 (d. on January 1, 1997 and a longtime resident of Forest Hills, NY until his retirement in 1979. He was an entrepreneur and was President of Peerless Export Co. of New York City. He loved to travel and was fluent in half a dozen languages. He was a Knight of the Order of St. Ignatius of Antioch, and a devoted and active member of the Orthodox Church. (Orbituary NY Times)
John H. Sununu’s mother, Victoria Dada, was born in El Salvador. Her family was Greek and settled in Central America at the turn of the century. He met his wife Victoria while traveling and their son John was born while on a business trip to Havana, Cuba.
Must be Sununu’s religious beliefs to support Mitt Romney for President, his ideal of a Palestinian state is not on Mitt’s horizon – Mitt Romney has a warm friendship with Bibi Natanyahu. The Sununu’s are staunch supporters of The American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP). He is a Smarta$$ with an IQ 180.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Looks as if the Mittster’s Zionist moneybags need to have a talk with him wrt who he may enlist to speak for him.
“The guy is an Arab from Havana who is also a Latino immigrant. And he’s a Republican!! “
But that’s just the point. The fact that he’s a Republican cancels everything else out. Remember, IOKIYAR.
It’s like the Dachshund/German Shepherd mix I saw in Tampa once – you have to ask, “How in the world did that happen?” I figured it was either due to a really desperate shepherd or one really gung-ho wiener dog, but it’s a head-scratcher either way.