I think Steve M. is right. These nuts are about to unleash their inner Breitbart on unsuspecting moderates.
Meanwhile, Romney’s aides remain particularly livid about Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter’s suggestion last week that Romney committed a crime by filing apparently conflicting documents to the FEC and SEC.
“[Obama’s] policies have been such utter failures, the only thing he can do is to try to destroy a decent man and his wife,” the adviser said. “So he gets some hack political adviser from Chicago who has nothing to point to in her own life, and tells her to call him a felon… When did our politics get to that point? I mean, it’s Nixonian.”A second Romney adviser said the campaign may well benefit from Obama’s invitation to remove the gloves and engage in hand-to-hand combat.
“Obama has always benefited from being able to shape the argument such that he avoided harsh negative attacks,” the adviser said. “That served him well. He made other pay a price for going negative. These past couple weeks have completely squandered that positioning. They are now taunting how tough they are. OK, but once you cross that line, there is no going back.”
Romney already has a problem with repeating lies told by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh without realizing that those folks don’t deal in a factually-based reality. But if they ramp it up? We could be back in Palinville in a hurry. Even worse than Palinville, actually.
“… for going negative.”
(“… So now we’re going to go even more negative than we were. And that’ll work for us when it didn’t for them because shut up.”)
Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. [cough]. You go with that.
The Clinton campaign and then the McCain campaign started with the kitchen-sink-smear approach against Obama after other approaches had failed. Is the Romney campaign at that point already?
Is the Romney campaign at that point already?
Yes!!! After all, what else do they have? Willard won’t run on his time as Mass. Governor. And his time at Bain is a sham as far as doing anything to help the common man.
They think Obama has invited them to “take the gloves off”? HAHAHAH. Obama’s campaign has barely begun, and what they’ve done is ask a reasonable question,”Why don’t you release your tax forms?” And already Romney is ready to rumble. In July. Go for it, Romney, and watch your unfavorables rise higher and higher.
Imagining a real rumble between Obama and Romney. Even if that Mitt were equipped with a knife and brass knuckles, he’d still lose.
Yeah, he’d be waiting for a servant to lay them out properly for him like a place setting at a formal dinner while O was already opening his can of whoopass.
Mitt would bring a croquet mallet to a gun fight.
correction: polo mallet.
These people really think that Americans hate Chicago, don’t they?
They’re living in November 1960.
Don’t they?
Americans have already heard an unrelenting stream of ugliness directed at Obama for the last four years. Why on earth do Romney’s people think they’re not already associated with that, or that if they, personally, wallow in the same mud, it will suddenly change how people think of Obama?
It’s much more likely to change the thinking of anyone who doesn’t already believe Romney is a contemptuous, unprincipled hack who will literally say anything to get elected.
Romney is going to get some flanking tactical help from Citizens United, who are going to go all McCarthyite over the Occupy movement with a new documentary called “Who is Occupy?”. It even has Breitbart speaking from the grave, which gives you an indication of how long it has been in preparation.
The motive is obvious. One of Occupy Wall Street’s most successful grassroots campaigns is to get local governments (and state governments if they will) to pass resolutions calling for an end to corporate personhood and the treatment of money as speech.
Meanwhile the Occupy movement has moved from tents to chalk. It seems that writing slogans in washable sidewalk chalk on public sidewalks is now considered vandalism when done by folks over the age of 10.
a new documentary called “Who is Occupy?”.
Who cares? One of the intelligent things Occupy did is to make its messaging entirely separate from personality.
Making the people at Occupy protests less popular isn’t going to make Mitt any more popular. Nor will it put the class-consciousness toothpaste back in the tube.
Maybe if this movie had come out ten months ago, it might have changed things.
Who cares? I do. Because it goes to whether we will be able in the near future to change the post-Citizens United political process. And the key point in my report is the fact that city councils, county commissions, and some state legislatures have passed or have on their agenda passing a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment that limits corporate personhood and reverses the Citizens United decision.
If successful in creating an “enemy within” boogeyman, it opens up a new line of attack through guilt by implied association since the socialist-communist guilt-by-association of McCarthyism has long passed its shelf life and has no traction with the majority of the public.
And given the position of Democratic mayors especially regarding the Occupy movement, it could open the door to more wider suppression of constitutional rights.
In my estimation, if Democrats vote, Obama wins. How many Democrats vote affects the downticket races and whether President Obama will be able to do more in his second term than he has in his first.
As we’ve seen, an Obama victory is a necessary but not sufficient condition for returning the USA from the darkness of the Bush era.
The other interesting thing is that Citizens United itself is doing this defensively. It sees the Occupy Wall Street movement as a threat to the interests of its anonymous contributors.
What is more Nixonian than insisting “I am not a crook!”?
Pitiful. I suppose these people consider themselves well-educated.
they’ve called the President of the United States
everything BUT Nigger since he began running for President.
they think they can come up with something that hasn’t already been said?
My guess is that all we’ll see is even more of an effort to portray the Obamas as “Other”. And yeah, it’s beyond tedious at this point.
A venture capitalist CEO with a Swiss bank account whose daddy was a governor is a hell of a lot more “other” than a guy with a black father and a funny last name, to just about everyone who isn’t already passionately committed to the Republican Party.
Are you sure about that “everything but” line?
I for one have heard it said several times. Whispered now, but maybe shouted later or in another state.
what an awful thing to say about someone, “who has nothing to point to in her own life” that is much worse than her saying, Romney might have committed a felony. Deplorable
She’s spokeswoman for the President of the United States.
I’d say that’s a very big something.
But I know that kind of person that is saying that about her. No matter what talent or accomplishment someone has, they are nothing if they don’t come from the “best” background. Best is usually three or four generations after some particularly rapacious pirate.
My grandfather used to tell us we were descended from scotch (the drink) smugglers, but I never made it past county level elected office. <sigh>
What a Freudian slip coming from a Republican!
Back in Palinville. Did we ever leave Palinville?
No, unfortunately.