I think Steve M. is right. These nuts are about to unleash their inner Breitbart on unsuspecting moderates.

Meanwhile, Romney’s aides remain particularly livid about Obama spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter’s suggestion last week that Romney committed a crime by filing apparently conflicting documents to the FEC and SEC.
“[Obama’s] policies have been such utter failures, the only thing he can do is to try to destroy a decent man and his wife,” the adviser said. “So he gets some hack political adviser from Chicago who has nothing to point to in her own life, and tells her to call him a felon… When did our politics get to that point? I mean, it’s Nixonian.”

A second Romney adviser said the campaign may well benefit from Obama’s invitation to remove the gloves and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

“Obama has always benefited from being able to shape the argument such that he avoided harsh negative attacks,” the adviser said. “That served him well. He made other pay a price for going negative. These past couple weeks have completely squandered that positioning. They are now taunting how tough they are. OK, but once you cross that line, there is no going back.”

Romney already has a problem with repeating lies told by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh without realizing that those folks don’t deal in a factually-based reality. But if they ramp it up? We could be back in Palinville in a hurry. Even worse than Palinville, actually.