A guy walks into a movie theater that is showing a big, dark-to-the-max, ultraviolent, totally media-generated hit. He is dressed in a flak jacket and is wearing a gas mask. He detonates some sort of smoke bomb and then proceeds to shoot as many people as he can possibly shoot. He then walks out into the parking lot and waits for the police to arrest him. His mother had…

awoken unaware of the shooting and had not yet been contacted by authorities. She immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved.

“You have the right person,” she said, apparently speaking on gut instinct. “I need to call the police… I need to fly out to Colorado.”

I go to the news stories for more. The first one I hit? Totally at random; I didn’t even check which so-called news source was providing the info…a Washington Post site that offered a series of images. In order to see the images, one had to sit through an advertisement. I always mute those ads and look away until they are over, but out of the corner of my eye I saw that it was an ad for…wait for it…Goldman Sachs. Yes, that’s right,  the Goldman Sachs that sits smack dead in the center of the ongoing financial scam that we call “America.” Bankers for the Permanent Government of the American Empire. (I need no reference to prove this. It is all over the news, expecially in foreign countries. You could look it up, as Casey Stengel used to say.)

Fascinated by the sponsorship of further news regarding the massive insanity that has arisen in the so-called “developed” world by a prime architect of that insanity, I checked out the ad. “Progress is everyone’s business” it says. It’s about how Goldman Sachs has made New Orleans new again. Images of devastated neighborhoods, brand new streets, once-again happy black people, etc. Boilerplate propaganda. “Treme” in 15 seconds. Then I went back to it again and a new Goldman Sachs ad appeared. This time about how Goldman Sachs has sponsored the “human genome” research that is part of Big Pharma/Big Medicine/Big Insurance health scam that has absolutely ruined the real health of Americans. Are there more? Oh yes!!! View Stories of Progress, it says.

I got yer “progress.” Right here !!! (Headlines from Google News, about 12PM EDT)

Colo. shooting suspect James Holmes’ apartment booby trapped, police say

Official: Shooting suspect was former med student

Gotta love that one, eh?

Colorado theater shooting: Police say 12 dead in shooting during new Batman…

Fourteen dead in Dark Knight Rises cinema shooting

Police: 12 dead in Colorado theater shooting

Obama calls Aurora shooting an act of senseless violence

There’s another good’un, ain’t it? How many innocent people have been killed by drones in the last 24 hours, Mr. President? “Dark Knight Rises,” indeed.

Gunman kills 12 in Denver shooting at “Batman” movie

Witnesses describe terror as gunman opens fire

Police: 12 killed, 50 hurt in shooting at movie

Colo. shooting suspect’s Calif. family cooperating

At least 12 people killed at Colo. Batman showing

12 dead in ‘Dark Knight’ Colorado theater shooting

Live blog: Shooting at Denver movie theatre

Obama: There will be other days for politics

Riiiiight. That statement is politics.

Colorado Theater Shooting: Cell phone video posted on YouTube shows aftermath …

Aurora ‘Dark Knight’ Shooting Suspect…

Movie theater rampage shakes up campaign

Mass shooting at Batman screening in Aurora, Colo.; At least 12 dead, dozens …

Batman Shooting: Suspect’s Flat Booby-Trapped

President Obama Speaks Out on Colorado ‘Dark Knight Rises’ Shooting

The last one from the “Hollywood Reporter” website. How accurate. This is all “Hollywood.” All media. Guilty as charged. Making money off of violence that they helped to propagate. A nice business model, eh? “The Feedback System to Wealth and Riches.” I oughta write a book. But…who’d publish it if it gives away secrets like that, I wonder. Oh well…

And on and on it goes.

Read on for more.

Much more.

I cannot get any more seriously pissed off.

Disgusting on the face of it.
So here we are, swirling around in this toilet-like nexus of violence, theft and lies, living in The Untied States of Omertica.

How did we get here?

Check this out.

Living With the Hegemon
Extending the Empire to New Frontiers


Recent wars from Libya to Afghanistan and Pakistan in a region of vast natural wealth and strategic importance highlight a phenomenon as old as humanity. Iraq and Libya had oil, but their leaders were longtime foes of the United States, now the world’s lone hegemon. Saddam Hussein allied with the Soviet Union before its demise, so did Muammar Gaddafi. They both displayed stubbornness. They were ready to drop the American dollar as the oil currency before bigger players like China and India dared. Saddam and Gaddafi ruled with an iron hand state systems that were brittle. They were too independent for their own good.

Saudi Arabia and tiny Arab emirates such as Bahrain and Qatar, on the other hand, are punching above their weight. Wealthy and dictatorial, their rulers accommodate the hegemon’s interests. These rulers sell their oil and amass petrodollars which they spend in vast quantities on weapons and consumer goods from the industrialized world led by the hegemon. It is far more agreeable relationship.

The hegemon is thus left with states of two more categories of significant kind. In one category is Iran since the 1979 Revolution, Syria since the 1963 Ba’athist coup, and Sudan. The hegemon intervenes seeking to overthrow uncooperative regimes by diplomatic, economic and military means. In the second category are China, Russia and, to a lesser degree, India, where even the world’s lone hegemon has limits. Beyond these categories are the discarded–completely failed entities like Somalia, Ethiopia, Mali, where utterly poor and miserable people live.

The hegemon and satellites have not a care in the world for the welfare of such people, except sending drones or troops from neighboring client states to kill those described as “terrorists.” What desperate poverty and misery lead to has no space within the realm of this thinking.

Plato’s Republic, written around 380 BC, has a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon about civilized society. They discuss how a society develops from primitive to higher levels of civilization. Trades and occupations multiply and population grows. The next stage of development, according to Socrates, is an increase in wealth that results in war, because an enlarged society wants even more for consumption. Plato’s explanation is fundamental to understanding the causes of war. This is how empires rise, military and economic power being essential to further their aims. A relevant section in the Republic reads:

We shall have to enlarge our state again. Our healthy state is no longer big enough; its size must be enlarged to make room for a multitude of occupations none of which is concerned with necessaries. There will be hunters and fishermen, and there will be artists, sculptors, painters and musicians. There will be poets with their following of reciters, actors, chorus-trainers, and producers; there will be manufacturers of domestic equipment of all sorts, especially those concerned with women’s dress and make-up.

Nearly two and a half millennia after Plato, Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt offered a Marxist vision of the twenty-first century in their book Empire. Their core argument in the book published in 2001 was that globalization did not mean erosion of sovereignty, but a set of new power relationships in the form of national and supranational institutions like the United Nations, the European Union and the World Trade Organization. According to Negri and Hardt, unlike European imperialism based on the notions of national sovereignty and territorial cohesion, empire now is a concept in the garb of globalization of production, trade and communication. It has no definitive political center and no territorial limits. The concept is all pervading, so the “enemy” must now be someone who poses a threat to the entire system–a “terrorist” entity to be dealt with by force. Written in the mid-1990s, Empire got it right, as subsequent events testify.

New World Order indeed.

And here it is.

Read the entire article.

Plato got it right 2,500 years ago. The only real difference now is one of scale. Scale and decentralization. It’s hard to have a revolution when the rulers are not even within marching distance.

Here’s some more.


Norwegian scholar Johan Galtung, regarded as the father of conflict and peace studies, said in 2004 something that is a fitting definition of the term “empire.” He described it as “a system of unequal exchanges between the center and the periphery.” An empire “legitimizes relationships between exploiters and exploited economically, killers and victims militarily, dominators and dominated politically and alienators and alienated culturally.” Galtung observed that the U.S. empire “provides a complete configuration, articulated in a statement by a Pentagon planner.”  The Pentagon planner in question was Lt. Col. Ralph Peters:

The de facto role of the United States Armed Forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing. (Fighting for the Future: Will America Triumph? 1999, 141)

The American defense planner’s confession was as revealing as it was terrifying. Economic interest and cultural domination are interwoven in imperial thinking, driven by its simplistic logic. Imperial powers are expansionist by nature, always inclined to enlarge territories they control. What lies behind their ambition is access to more and more resources–energy, minerals, raw materials and markets to trade. Imperial behavior drives a great power to expand its domain of direct control or influence by military and other means to territories that have resources and a certain cultural symmetry with the center. The greater the cultural symmetry, the better for the hegemon.

New World Order?

New World Empire!!!

Wake the fuck up.

“Economic interest and cultural domination are interwoven in imperial thinking,…imperial behavior drives a great power to expand its domain of direct control or influence by military and other means to territories that have resources and a certain cultural symmetry with the center. The greater the cultural symmetry, the better for the hegemon.”

If this “empire” has no real center, then we as Americans must consider ourselves also among the colonized. And how exactly has this been done? By “other means,” of course.

Media means.

The fact that evidence of that colonization…of that slide into depravity slavery that is the mark of the colonized…is brought to us by (and is thus under the informational control of) entities like Goldman Sachs is all that we should really need to know about our real position in the world.

We are slaves of the media. No chains needed. Clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp, we on de chain gang jus’ like alla them other third worlders, only our masters have found a better way to control us than the use of force.

“To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing.” To those ends, we will allow a fair amount of killing as well.

Bet on it.

“Gotta keep them colonials sceered an’ lonely.”

Bet on that as well.

By any and all means. The more efficient…the more cost-effective…the better.

Wake the fuck up.

You want some change?

Do I hear you calling for a “revolution” of some sort?

Is that your problem, Bunky?

It ain’t gonna happen by the use of force. Y’ jes’ cain’t shoot them bits an’ bytes, folks. They fast!!! They will keep on bitting and byting you no matter what you do as long as you let them into your house.

Into your head.


Sigh. (I do keep trying…)





Wake de fuck up!!!

Living In The Empire-Denver 2012. And everywhere the fuck else as well.

Bet on it.
