Some 24 year-old with Tennessee roots walked into an Aurora, Colorado movie theater with some guns, a gas mask, a bullet-proof vest, and some smoke (or, maybe, tear gas) canisters, and then opened fire on the audience. It was the midnight premiere showing of the new Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises.”. From what I’ve seen, the audience was also heavily black. The political finger-pointing has already begun and Chris Cillizza has already told us why no gun reforms will result from this tragedy. Even if he’s right, the timing is extremely insensitive.

At least 12 people have been killed, with many more injured. ABC News has this:

The young man who is in custody after allegedly gunning down 12 people in a mass shooting spree overnight in Aurora, Colorado has been identified as local resident James Holmes, according to federal authorities.

Law enforcement officials and witnesses told ABC News Holmes, 24, wore what appeared to be a bullet-proof vest and riot-type mask as he opened fire in a movie theater with three weapons at a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises.” In addition to the 12 deaths, at least 50 people were injured, according to police.

A San Diego woman who identified herself as James Holmes’ mother told ABC News she had awoken unaware of the shooting and had not yet been contacted by authorities. She immediately expressed concern that her son may have been involved.

“You have the right person,” she said, apparently speaking on gut instinct. “I need to call the police… I need to fly out to Colorado.”

Much more information will become available throughout the day. I am not going to jump to any conclusions about the shooter’s motivation.

Update [2012-7-20 12:21:1 by BooMan]: New reporting says suspect graduated from San Diego high school.