With all eyes on London 2012, Mitt Romney has had visions of lots of gold.  As Bob Holher reported in the Boston Globe in 2007, he isn’t shy about his efforts to

Having been defeated in his Senate race against Senator Edward M. Kennedy in 1994, Romney knew his political future hung on the fate of the Games.
”If this doesn’t work, I can come back to private life, but I won’t be anything anymore in public life,” he confided, according to D’Alessandro.

Nothing like another Olympics for Mitt to insert himself into during the beginning of the stretch to his POTUS race.  To assert once again on camera that he’s the guy that saved the SLC Winter Olympics.  Not to waste a trip to London for what may be no more than a five minute photo-op, he’ll hang (NYTimes link) (no cameras please) with some one-percenters and wanna-be one-percenters.

They were envisioned as low-key, across-the-pond fund-raisers that would allow Mitt Romney to extract campaign cash from expatriates in London by night as he played statesman by day.

Just a few of his “friends” stuffing wads of cash into his campaign coffers.

…The former chief executive, Robert E. Diamond Jr., has since withdrawn his name as the event’s co-host. The bank’s lobbyist, Patrick J. Durkin, remains a co-chairman: he has bundled $1.1 million for Mr. Romney from friends and business associates, more than any other lobbyist, according to federal records.

Besides Barclays, executives at several banks under investigation, including HSBC, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse, are co-chairmen for the Romney fund-raisers in London.

Apparently there’s lots of excitement for Romney among the bankster ex-pat communities.  Israel is another planned fundraising pit-stop.  Can Dubai, Macao, Hong Kong, Tokyo be far behind?  Easier assignments and better press than showing up at teabagger rallies.  Particularly since all the LIBOR banksters are garnering so little public attention in the US.  Unlike the UK press that is all over the LIBOR scandal.  There are also a few members of the British public that don’t take kindly to Romney’s UK exploits.  And those few happen to be members of Parliament.

There was British Members Of Parliament Call For Closure Of Romney’s Cayman Islands Tax Haven as Travis Waldron at Alternet reported.  Now we have Parliamentary motion calls on Barclays’s senior staff to stop fundraising for Romney.  Am guessing a “Parliamentary Motion” such as this one in the UK is similar to the “sternly worded letters” Congressional Democrats issue when they get upset.  Still, there’s a chance that the UK press will run with it as part of the continuing LIBOR, banking, and elite corruption scandals.  

The third piece of the Romneys’ gold treasure hunt is an actual Olympic event.  One of the elite events.  Not elite as in the ranking of phenomenal athletes, but elite in that it’s really expensive to acquire/ride an elite horse.  It’s a sport for  royals (those with bloody ancestors that stole untold wealth)  such as Princess Anne, serious newish money such as that of Athina Onassis, and then there’s Ann Romney’s hobby horse, Rafalca.  (Sorry, Mrs. Romney, claiming an income tax deduction for a horse (that you don’t train or ride) that you enter in dressage competitions isn’t therapeutic for MS or anything.  It’s an exhibition of wealth as arrogant as saying “We’ve given all [that] you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how we live our life, …”  

So, this is totally fair game and I only hope that the Olympics highlight for average Americans that part of  “our financial situation and about how we live our life, …” that you’re so fond of:

Mitt Dancing Around The Issues”