As a rule, I do not believe anything I read in the U.K. Telegraph because I consider it the least reliable “mainstream” paper in the English language. Less reliable even than the Washington Times. The Telegraph is often a witting conduit of misinformation. So, I can’t say that I automatically believe that a Romney adviser told one of their reporters that our president doesn’t understand our shared Anglo-Saxon heritage with Britain. In my experience, the disinformation disseminated by the Telegraph has uniformly been in the service of helping the Republican Party and their war efforts, but their standards are so low that I can’t dismiss the possibility that they’ve timed this article to Romney’s arrival in England in order to sell papers.
However, it’s quite possible that a Romney adviser actually did say this about the president. In that case, it’s a concern because that kind of language hearkens back to the rhetoric of the Ku Klux Klan. The following is an excerpt from a 1964 KKK leaflet that was created in 1964 shortly before the murders of civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney.
We do not accept Turks, Mongols, Tarters, Orientals, Negroes, nor any other person whose native background of culture is foreign to the Anglo-Saxon system of Government by responsible, FREE individual citizens.
Our governmental system is a Constitutional Republic, primarily designed to protect the Responsible, Individual Citizens from all tyranny: which selects its representatives by both the direct and the indirect Democratic process; and recognizes the necessity for the existence of an effective Loyal Opposition to any current Administration. This type of Governmental System is unique, and found only where Anglo-Saxons control the Governmental Machinery of a Nation. With rare exceptions, people of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend the Anglo-Saxon principle of “Equal Justice under Law” and the fact that EVERY “Right” must be balanced by an accompanying Responsibility. The inherent balance and reason of this system has little or no attraction for these persons of alien culture. The generally prefer to shirk Individual Responsibility, grab up as much material wealth as they can, and accept Centralized Authority and Dictatorship, in the hope that they can buy special favors and privileges for themselves.
The conflict between these two attitudes has now become a Life and Death matter in America. The people of the non-American cultures CAN and COULD live under the Anglo-Saxon System, but they prefer to see it destroyed. The true American Anglo-Saxons, on the other hand, CAN NOT live under a Dictatorship!
This issue is clearly one of personal physical SELF-DEFENSE or DEATH for the American Anglo Saxons. The Anglo-Saxons have no choice but to defend our Constitutional Republic by every means at their command, because it is, LITERALLY, their LIFE. They will die without it.
If you are a Christian, American Anglo-Saxon who can understand the simple Truth of this Philosophy, you belong in the White Knights of the KU KLUX KLAN of Mississippi. We need your help right away. Get your Bible out and PRAY! You will hear from us.
That rhetoric is already disturbingly familiar to anyone who listens closely to the modern Republican Party’s rhetoric about taxes and entitlements and social welfare. The constant questioning of the president’s birth certificate makes more sense when you see the lineage of those types of arguments. After reading the leaflet above, how do John Sununu’s comments sound to you?
“[The president] has no idea how the American system functions, and we shouldn’t be surprised about that, because he spent his early years in Hawaii smoking something, spent the next set of years in Indonesia, another set of years in Indonesia, and, frankly, when he came to the U.S. he worked as a community organizer, which is a socialized structure, and then got into politics in Chicago.”
Romney followed that up by saying that the president’s policies are “extraordinarily foreign.” And now we have an adviser who is purported to have said that Obama doesn’t understand Anglo-Saxon heritage.
Lee Atwater was a cutthroat political operative who helped get Poppy Bush elected to the presidency. In 1981, he explained the evolution of race-based politics in an interview with Alexander Lamis:
“You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.””
To a certain degree, this describes the political phenomenon known as the dog whistle. A dog whistle emits a sound that dogs can hear but humans cannot. An abstract racial message involves a sound that a Klan member can hear but that most people think is innocuous. When you start talking about our Anglo-Saxon heritage and the black president’s inability to understand it, you are echoing the Klan’s rhetoric.
There should be a very heavy price to pay for talking that way. But the very nature of the dog whistle makes it hard to hold people accountable. There’s always a less damaging explanation. There’s always a large subset of people who simply don’t hear what you’ve just plainly said.
I believe Mitt Romney has an obligation to identify the anonymous staffer publicly, and to fire that staffer from the campaign. And to apologize to the President.
Anything less is tacit agreement from the candidate with the message. And any refusal from the media to let this story die without getting the scalp and the apology is tacit agreement that such conduct is either acceptable behavior or worth excusing.
Mitt Romney may be relying on the votes of white supremacists in November, but he damn sure better not be employing them in his inner circle and letting them speak for his campaign.
There will be no need for Romney to comment, since no one in the media has even reported it yet.
It’s all over twitter and Axelrod tweeted about it today, but so far zip.
I’ve been tweeted as man so called “journos” as I can but still not one darn word.
Gosh folks! Maybe the term “dog whistle” can be retired now? DO YA THINK?
Or maybe that would be being oversensitive….
The problem with dog whistles is that, yes, the people thjey are intended for hear them loud and clear. And, yes, they may seem innocuous to other people. But at the same time, many of those others will hear the words, bypass the more radical intent (radical meaning racial) but still nod their heads and say, “Well, that makes some kind of sense.”
There needs to be a campaign to put side by side the words from the KKK flyer “people of other backgrounds simply cannot comprehend the Anglo-Saxon principle” and the reported words of the Romney staffer, “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and [Romney] feels that the special relationship is special. The White House didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we have.”
Only then can its blatant racism be made clear.
Thing is, it’s not just the dogs that hear “Anglo Saxon”, we humans hear it as well.
I’m waiting for a Mittens flack to use the term “100% American”, an even more blatant Klanism.
I watched a segment of History Detectives. A woman bought an old 1918 record player and got squicked out by a Klan-produced 78 with the phrase (100% American) that came with it. Turned out it was recorded in Klan-controlled Indiana in 1923 by some mooks from Logansport. Also turned out that the same studio that recorded and pressed that record singing of the greatness of cross burnings was owned by some Italian immigrants who just wanted the money, as they had also recorded Louis Armstrong’s first ever record just 5 weeks earlier.
Guess which recording is more remembered today.
Or, in Charles P. Pierce’s memorable formulation, “It’s not about race. It’s never about race.”
I heard the dogwhistle. loud and clear
You write,
“The Telegraph is often a witting conduit of misinformation.
“So, I can’t say that I automatically believe that a Romney adviser told one of their reporters that our president doesn’t understand our shared Anglo-Saxon heritage with Britain.
“In my experience, the disinformation disseminated by the Telegraph has uniformly been in the service of helping the Republican Party and their war efforts, but their standards are so low that I can’t dismiss the possibility that they’ve timed this article to Romney’s arrival in England in order to sell papers.
“However, it’s quite possible that a Romney adviser actually did say this about the president.
“In that case, it’s a concern because that kind of language hearkens back to the rhetoric of the Ku Klux Klan.”
Indeed so, and that would be the Klan anytime from the late 19th Century up through our own day.
Just as that language was found in the speeches and writings of all the mainstream politicians of the Progressive Era, including TR.
You may hear racism in those words, BooMan, but I hear the assertion of an American tradition of a much more extensive bigotry.
And I hear it from Mitt just as we all hear it, from time to time, from the likes of Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, and Peter Brimelow.
These are the conservatives who never tire of telling us about our special WASP heritage and that the truest of true blue Americans with the truest of true blue American values are those of British descent, especially those who live in Appalachia.
They are the same conservatives who insist the spirit of American liberty is not to be found in the “rationalism” or “radicalism” of Paine, the Jacobins, and the French Revolution but is taught in Edmund Burke’s profoundly monarchist, deeply reactionary, and bitterly anti-republican “Reflections on the Revolution in France.”
Why a modern conservative party dominated by Catholic Irishmen and Italians should talk such disgusting Nativist rot in a country most of whose people – and especially most of whose working class – are neither WASPS nor descended from WASPS is an everlasting mystery.
Like most Americans, I am not a WASP and am not descended from WASPS.
And like pretty much all progressives I deplore the traditional WASP values defended by the Republican Party in general and the Christian right in particular that they would, given the chance, impose on all of us by writing them into law.
TR – or maybe Woodrow Wilson – might have been the last progressive to talk that way about the Anglo-Saxonism of America and the glorious history and culture of the Anglo-Saxons as depicted by – guess who? – the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic racist historians of the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
What sickening rubbish it is and was!
What a triumph of the loyalist and then Federalist mind over the Francophile republicanism of the Jeffersonians!
We gotta per’teck owah culcha an he’tige, ya’ll!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Guess that leaves out the zionist Israelis, the Mormons and other non-Christians.
Meh. Mormons did join the Klan in the 1970s.
Wait ’till Romney and escort arrive in Jerusalem, since 1967 we are a nation based on our Judeo-Christian roots.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Romney and his team can get to work with his “Anglo-Saxon” partner who learned today England slumps into its worst double-dip recession in 50 years.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
But see, here’s the problem: The Queen actually likes the Obamas.
Listened to a Romney campaign speech for the first time yesterday. That man reminds me of Bush in that, if his lips are moving, you pretty much know he’s lying. I came away from it thinking “This guy is truly a sociopath.” Why does he even want to be president? Is being richer than God kind of boring after a while? Is life empty and meaningless? Will lying his way into the White House make it all better?
Romney is seriously confused. The guy needs to take up a hobby working in a soup kitchen or a leper colony. Perhaps he could use some of that ill gotten wealth to . . . oh, I don’t know — maybe help people.
Dave Johnson nails it: