It’s always fun when the circus comes to town! Clowns! Freaks! And a zany ringmaster leading the show! Come one, come all!
About The Author

Brendan Skwire
Brendan Skwire is a cultural and media critic. He offers nearly two decades of experience as a journalist, video editor, blogger, and community organizer. Skwire has worked for the Philadelphia Weekly, Scrapple TV, and Raw Story, and is a former member of the News Guild.
Funny show – seems well done on a low budget. What is it?
I somehow love that the first Youtube guy talking about his mad gun skillz is wearing a Heifer International hat.
when I’m not being an crotchety SOB on booman tribune, or working on my elitist, out-of-touch craft brewing business, I write scripts (and until recently, did video editing) for Scrapple TV, a local independent media shop here in Philadelphia.
We do these almost every week: news, piggie of the week, and life lessons.
Second generation of zero guns. My grandma had a Spanish-American War Colt service revolver w/o a trigger guard, likely still loaded with the ammunition that was in it when my grandpa died in 1938. My other grandpa had hunting rifles whose primary purpose was to scare off (or kill) chicken hawks around the chicken yard.
But…my son-in-law is a target pistol and rifle afficionado who makes artistic rifles on a custom basis. He also competes with a military target shooting team.
And my brother-in-law is a hunter who bags enough deer for his home freezer each winter and now manages his own deer habitat.
But those fantasies are nuts. Although driving sometimes I would have appreciated having a laser blaster under the hood of the car. My wife jokes that what is needed is a nude blaster that evaporates car and clothing but leave the naked driver. She didn’t appreciate it when I pointed out that hitting your nude butt on the pavement with a momentum of 65+ miles per hour could do some serious damage.