Here are two excerpts from a new e-book that is coming out from the Politico crowd. They are part of a larger narrative about Obama’s drive to win anything he attempts. You can find out who his card-playing partners are on Air Force One. I chose the following bits because they relate to Romney and the election.
‘[Obama is] the single most competitive man I’ve ever met,’ Robert Gibbs, his first press secretary, told me, adding: ‘What’s the one thing Barack Obama hates more than losing? Losing twice.’
“One factor made the 2012 grind bearable and at times even fun for Obama: he began campaign preparations feeling neutral about Romney, but like the former governor’s GOP opponents in 2008 and 2012, he quickly developed a genuine disdain for the main. That scorn stoked Obama’s competitive fire, got his head in the game, which came as a relief to some Obama aides who had seen his interest flag when he didn’t feel motivated to crush the opposition. Obama, a person close to him told me, didn’t even feel this strongly about conservative, combative House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Hill Republican he disliked the most. At least Cantor stood for something, he’d say.
“When he talked about Romney, aides picked up a level of anger he never had for Clinton or McCain, even after Sarah Palin was picked as his running mate. ‘There was a baseline of respect for John McCain. The president always thought he was an honorable man and a war hero,’ said a longtime Obama adviser. ‘That doesn’t hold true for Romney. He was no goddamned war hero.’”
So, the president is focused on Romney and he wants to beat him like a drum. Personally, I find it interesting that the people who actually compete against Romney in the political field all seem to develop a rather active dislike for the man. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether they win or lose to Romney; they hate him just the same.
I feel kind of the same way. At first, I just thought he was a timid politician with a lot of money who might be a little more rational and moderate than his competitors. I gradually came to think of him differently, and eventually much differently. Now, I just think he’s (for lack of a more accurate word) a dick.
He’s just not a nice person. He’s very arrogant. He’s very insulated. He lacks basic instincts for decorum and politeness. He’s the kind of person who is as likely to insult you unintentionally as intentionally, and you’re often left wondering whether he said something to be mean or just because he’s clueless.
And the more you learn about him and his achievements, the less there is to admire.
Finally, there is something fundamental missing from Romney. There’s this emptiness to him. Contrast him to Joe Biden who seem to always be all there. This goes far beyond the aloofness you sometimes sense from Obama. It’s not that Romney just wants to be alone with himself. It’s more that you cannot detect any core to Romney. There is no bottom line from which he won’t deviate.
In the end, he’s just a thoroughly unlikeable person. You can sense that he doesn’t have many friends.
In the end, he’s just a thoroughly unlikeable person. You can sense that he doesn’t have many friends.
And the only reason he has any is because of his money.
His Advisor on Women’s Issues is probably a little unfriendly to him right now, too.
What makes you think he has one? Other than the Mormon church, that is.
It’s a joke. His wife Ann. b/c he dissed the only thing she cares about outside her family
Romney’s a dick, no question, and it’s in large part due to his privileged background. Not all wealthy, powerful people turn out to be dicks, (like some of the Kennedy’s, who are certainly privileged). At least they had empathy for those who were not rich. They cared for the poor and the sick. And people LIKED the Kennedy’s.
Romney has no such understanding. He consistently says and does things that illustrate his complete lack of understanding of regular folks, like when he didn’t understand why the barista didn’t gladly accept to finish Romney’s half-finished cocoa. Romney genuinely thought anyone would be grateful for his leftovers.
People can sense when someone isn’t genuine. Romney is one of the least genuine people I’ve ever seen, in his mannerisms, his speech, and his overall demeanor. He sees himself as a deserving leader and let the minions be damned.
what’s the story with the barista, I missed that? I don’t think it’s about his $ at all, I think he’s got some personality problems. Having the $ just makes it easier to get through life without being called on the personality problems (i.e. he doesn’t have to interview for jobs, except this one, or get along with co-workers). Over at GOS someone posted a diary about rMoney as Dorian Grey – interesting idea. There’s a hollowness there, a reversal of what’s on the surface is what’s underneath. That Obama is running against rMoney instead of , say, the frothy one, has the result that many issues are being discussed finally (vulture capitalism, the function of gov re: business, etc) and I’d say. that his personality is so weird highlights the issues imo.
Here’s a link:
Why tip a guy for doing his job, amirite? He’ll be thrilled to get an actual cup touched by Mitt Romney!
The trouble I have with stuff like this is there’s no way to know if it’s true. Why waste time on rumors when there’s so much about Mitt that’s easy to document and equally (or even more) repugnant?
I was wondering if Mitt maybe thought that if the barista kept the leftover chocolate, maybe someday it would become a Holy Mormon relic…? Sitting in a baptismal font-like nook in some Mormon Temple someday? The Holy Cup of Mitt? The dried-up remnants of the chocolate touched by pilgrims? Cures warts and bad luck in the stock market?
ha ha
A very interesting story. Assuming it’s true, sounds to me like he really didn’t want to throw away the leftover chocolate. Juxtaposed with the tipping, – just speculation here – he’s used to people who serve him being his employees (not used to eating out, not used to tipping) and surrounded by family and employees to whom he could offer the chocolate (not that the employees would want it, but it’s ppl he knows). so he’s not “reading” this context, not able to “read” this context at all. it’s a strange story.
But, goddammit…I LIKE some people who are arrogant! Who are NOT nice, but have personality. There are plenty of people I admire for the job they do WITHOUT obsessing about whether they’re dicks or not!
Frank Sinatra was a dick. Frank Zappa was a dick. Glenn Miller was a dick. LBJ was a dick. Seal Team Six is led by a dick. My old boss is a dick. If a President wins and doesn’t become a dick by USING the power he won (anyone come to mind?), he is a failure…generally speaking.
Deciding which person to vote for as President is NOT A POPULARITY CONTEST. But even on the ‘left’, we have our character assassination teams.
You’re being played. Sure, you were never gonna vote for him in the first place…and neither was I. But we’re in a huge political kabuki stunt that will enlarge the number of American opinions. We’re being swayed, convinced, etc, of a PARTICULAR opinion.
I have no opinion on the dicktitude of Mitt Romney. I do not know him personally. When every bit of information about a person comes to you via the MEDIA–and not of your own experience–you are being pushed into a certain opinion. Hard. Depending on WHICH media you consume…
For the side that’s supposed to think deeply on such matters, the side that has the ability to probe and consider and philosophize, in detail…it sure looks like people are being swept away by the de-humanization of someone they’ve never met. I’m sick of it. If I were an old lady, I’d have to wag my finger and say “You ought to be ashamed of yourselves…”
Huh? Okay, I’ll go into the bad corner and hold my head in shame.
Part must be that offhand disdainful way he offered it. In other circumstances, if Howard Dean had said, “You look cold. Here have the rest of my cocoa”, I would have drank it. And I definitely know people who would drink Obama’s cocoa and consider it a privilege. It comes down to “Do you feel this guy is family?”
This is like when he mocked the cookies that his supporters baked for him.
Mitt was never and will never be ready for prime time.
Rmoney=Riding the bus bush league
100 million in an IRA?
Kiss MY ass.
Arrogant is right.
Give em’ the truth and they’ll think it’s hell.
The term sociopath comes to mind. He’s not a true sociopath because he doesn’t have the skill to manipulate people. But like a true sociopath, he lacks empathy and appears to have no conscience. Perhaps it’s best to think of Mitt as an aspiring sociopath who lacks the great mask that rarely slips.
the Dorian Grey idea is interesting [my comment above]. It’s all about some discrepancy between exterior and [empty] interior. very strange
Your long-distance diagnosis would make Dr. Frist proud.
not to worry, unlike Dr Frist’s this is just armchair diagnosis
There is a link between effective CEOs and sociopaths, so it could be used in both the arguments for and against Romney…
From anyone who has twisted himself into the sheer quantity of flipflops that Romney has, to hear the response of ‘trust me’ when asked about the returns begs the listener to gaffaw and the speaker to bear shame.
Apparently in Romney’s world core is not just irrelevant but gets in the way. He lives comfortably in the lie of the moment. As for friends, who would want to hang out with a guy that is always eyeing your wallet?
It’s hard for me to find much in here to agree with.
If you find reasons to detest or hate someone…what makes you any different from a Teabagger? Your reasons are ‘good’? ‘Logical’? They’re ‘reality-based’? That makes the difference?
This article tells me a whole lot MORE about Obama than Romney–a whole lot more than I ever knew before. All I’ve ever seen from him are big smiles, beautiful speeches and a proffered hand to the opposition. I knew he won elections…but not this way.
The de-humanization of opponents is something I find hard to take. It’s what Teabaggers and Republicans and xenophobes and traumatized victims of the media War of Terror do. Demonizing your opponent was unnecessary in 2008, and more than ever, it sure looks like he doesn’t need to do it THIS year. Mitt and McCain are and were obviously unfit to be President to enough American voters.
I might be all alone, but I think it’s sick and demeaning. And Obama is the worst poker player I’ve ever seen–at least when he plays on Capitol Hill…
I think it matters that his peers detest him.
It’s not dehumanizing, describing reactions of ppl who spend time with him. Sounds like Meh evokes that reaction in ppl – very strange.
of course the President has no respect for a man born on third, thinks he should be worshipped for crossing home and has nothing but contempt for those who can’t make it to second. what, exactly, about Willard is there to respect?
I’ve said it before and will continue to say it:
unless you get a CHECK from Willard, you have nothing nice to say about him.
and yes, I include his family in this.
the most telling thing of all was when the bullying thing in high school came out, and they couldn’t find nobody that would step forward for him.
who the hell can’t find someone that could say something positive about you from when you were in HIGH SCHOOL?
that said it all.
That incident in High School painted a picture for me of not only a macho homophobic dick but a true monster. The others he led to commit this hate crime we haunted by it for years but Mitt claims he couldn’t even remember it. It was Mitt doing the cutting! What a monster.
Did Nixon evoke this level of antipathy in ppl around him? I can’t think of any other examples.
This is different than for any politician I can remember. That incident in High School including his indifference to it was a window into what kind of person he is. This is much worse than being a crook. The man is monster.
Heck, to Mitt, the first time he saw his future wife is this amusing and touching story:
wow! awful!
No kidding. And I think we can guess who led the pack.
Thinking back now how he said her preferred his gaited horse to hers – nasty nasty.
“He’s the kind of person who is as likely to insult you unintentionally as intentionally, and you’re often left wondering whether he said something to be mean or just because he’s clueless. “
Actually I think it is more likely that it is neither. I think he is mentally not well. He is I believe so self absorbed he is just completely unaware and unfeeling of others. Other people just don’t compute for him. If thrashing people’s lives means he makes millions, he feels nothing except that he followed the rules and the Book of MOrmon and so he’s OK. If he insults your cookies it is just because he barely notice you were there or even imagined what feelings you might have.
They are both hollow men and in the same way that family feuds are the most vicious because they are between people who are essentially the same so too this. McCain was a war hero and Obama isn’t much of a hero for any reason. He was the blankest slate available and had the best con. Here’s a test: Don’t listen or watch his speeches. Read them. The effect is completely different. They are empty.
I think “dick” is a perfectly accurate word for Romney.
I would expect any person at the highest levels of our political system to be insanely competitive. The system screens for that. The only other people who get there have had luck or patronage on their side and have led such comfortable lives that they assume they’ll win without ever needing to actually work for it.
That’s what’s so striking about Romney – in his case you don’t get a sense of competitiveness, just one of entitlement. Competitive people do whatever they need to in order to win – including faking normal social interactions they’d normally not be caught dead doing. Romney doesn’t bother, or has never previously needed to. Of course he should be president; he’s been handed everything else he ever had, which is in itself proof of his innate superiority. Why bother offering a reason that he should be the most powerful man in the world when it’s self-evident?
Mitt is Mitt. Everyone else, family included, is The Help.
I think this is a good assessment of Romney’s entitlement. There’s one thing about him that I find very hard to place, though: his obvious personal insecurity. He is so brittle and testy whenever challenged, even by softball Fox News reporters. And surprisingly awkward with others, even his “peers” like David Cameron. My sense is that this behavior isn’t just due to his arrogance. There’s an additional strain of anxiety and shame that runs deep within Romney’s psyche.
Maybe it’s the tiny, honest part of his inner self that recognizes how contemptible his behavior is, and how morally bankrupt his party is. Or maybe he knows what a disappointment he would be to his father, who was by all accounts a decent man and an excellent Republican public official of the old school (though apparently not a great parent). Or maybe it has to do with that “emptiness” BooMan mentioned.
But that’s just cheap armchair psychoanalysis. Romney surely has personal baggage we’ll never know about. But that insecurity of his is remarkable in such a high-level politician – almost Nixonian, in a way.
you have summed it up quite well
“At least Cantor stood for something…”
Wow. Just wow. That is one biting comparison.