In a series of comments and replies between myself and Booman regarding the election, Booman wrote:

The State Department was being run by Poppy’s guys, who happened to have ties to some of the shadiest stuff our country has ever been involved in, but who also had a pretty orthodox view of America’s role in the world.

This got me to thinking, and my reply grew past the bounds of that thread. Way past.

Here ’tis.

The shady stuff, eh Booman?

That “shady stuff” is the “orthodox view of America’s role in the world.” At the very least it has historically been a tool of the emerging American PermaGov. Without the shady stuff…at least since the Spanish American War and in truth well before that…no American Empire would have ever arisen. Think of Manifest Destiny and what was done to implement that idea, from smallpox-infected blankets to the sinking of the Maine and beyond. Think of the clandestine bombing of Cambodia. Think of the totally unnecessary “to save American lives” nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Shady!!!??? There are no words to describe the shadiness of an act like that. It was simply a declaration of American military primacy over the entire world and proof that the U.S. would kill whomever it wanted to kill however it wanted to kill them in order to achieve its strategic goals.

And Booman…the “shady stuff” is coming back to haunt us. It’s already here with the economic collapse under which we are living…an economic collapse that was to a great degree exactly what bin Laden and the Islamic opposition had planned for us in the late 1990s/early 2000s.

Bet on it.

Read on for more.
You can bet on this as well.

The shades are still on our case and flying US-ward fast and furious.

Oh yes they are.

Chickens home to roost

War is the way of the universe, Booman. Right on up from virus and insect wars to the destruction of stars and galaxies. But we cannot continue our own shady act in a world full of WMDS of all varieties. Them injuns got repeatin’ rifles now, podna!!! And unless we clean up our fucking act today’s Little Big Horn massacres are going to continue to get bigger and bigger until the really big Doomsday horn sounds. Gabriel’s already warming up backstage. Ah kin hear him!


In a country that was founded on the twin…and totally opposing…principles of universal equality (“…all men are created equal…”) and human slavery, the word “shady” loses almost all meaning.



It’s simply what’s for dinner in America, up and down the scale.


WTFU or die.

For real.

This is not about “morality” or any other debatable concept, it is simply about survival. Clean up or die. The junkie’s last chance. Clean up or die.


Is Syria next?


Cincinnati maybe?


Your house?


What was it that got ol’ Ron Paul so totally un-personed by the media?

(Among other things like advocating cleaning up the financial area of the PermaGov, of course.)

It was this kind of thing.

If he were president, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul says, the United States would remove its forces from Afghanistan as “quickly as the ships could get there.”

In a July 20 interview with PBS’s “NewsHour,” the Lake Jackson Republican continued: “It’s insane on what we’re doing. And I’ll tell you one thing about this business about the military: We just had a quarterly (campaign finance) report, and they listed all the money that all the candidates got from the military. I got twice as much as all the other candidates put together on the Republican side, and even more than Obama got, which tells me that these troops want to come home as well because they know exactly what I’m talking about.”


Cain’t have our heroic servicemen and women hestitating to press them drone buttons now kin we, Hiram!!! Git out them big guns. Call in the media!!! This Texas pol gotta go down!!!

And down he went.

Are we next?

Time will tell.

Oh yes it will.
