People who lose their jobs in Massachusetts are unlikely to find themselves permanently uninsured. That’s because they have RomneyCare. Somehow, though, it is a grotesque miscarriage of justice to do on the federal level what they’ve done in Massachusetts. It’s supposedly a states’ rights thing. But if you think the right really buys that distinction, go over to Red State. When you are done reading the article, skim through the comment section. What you’ll learn is that they think RomneyCare is indistinguishable from ObamaCare, and just as bad for all the same reasons. They could give a crap if it was enacted on the state level.

So, when Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul pointed out today that no one loses out on cancer treatment in the Bay State, she committed some kind of horrible faux pas. And it is supposed to be proof that Romney will never repeal ObamaCare, as he has repeatedly promised to do.

But, Ms. Saul didn’t say that. The clear implication of her statement is that each state should emulate Massachusetts, not that the federal government should keep its recently-passed health care bill.

They freaked out about the mandate and now the states are not allowed to ban deadbeats either.

The GOP has made a total transition. They went from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Black Disenfranchisement. They went from the Party of Personal Responsibility to the Party of Liberty for Deadbeats.

It’s shocking, really.

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