Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: Summer in the City is the Light in August: photos that suggest song/book/movie/whatever summer titles.
Link of the Month: ‘I was gutted that I’d been such a coward’: photographers who didn’t step in to help. (Note: potentially NSFW images in article.)
AndiF’s Summer Title
olivia’s Summer Title
Next Theme: (Friday, September 14, 2012) Hands: suggested by wilderness wench.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
We’ve been slowly working through all the great theme ideas suggested by everyone, and thought it would be good to throw it out again. Are there any themes people are interested in seeing in future flogs?
Black and White…but not limited to color.
I like that one!
She sells sea shells

Sittin’ on the dock of the bay, wastin’ time

Summer breeze makes me feel fine

Very nice Bob! Love the colours in the shell photo, and the perspective of the birds on the dock.
Have you been enjoying working with the new camera?
Thanks. I’ve taken a little over six hundred shots so far under different and varying conditions and am still finding my way around different settings. Much more accurate as far as color and sharpness so more shooting and less editing. I’m still dying to get out, but it’s been so hot it’s keeping us in.
Love the composition and color of the top shot but the middle one is just perfect for the song title. 🙂
Thanks, That’s right at The Southern Most Point, Key West. No better place for wastin’ time.
Olivia, awesome way to execute a theme.
Thanks! 🙂
My contribution. Seen in my yard:
Wow! That’s great b2! Did you see the creator?
Thanks Olivia! No, I did not get to see him. It’s too bad that I had only my old Nikon at that moment. (4 megapixels of antiquated fury!) And I had recently purchased a new Canon Powershot.
Great capture.
Two types of “fences”. Nice.
A Potential Summer Thunderstorm
Before long, “It was a dark storm night… ”
I think I would run very far away if I saw that cloud.
Hah! You’d be doin’ a lot of runnin’ ’round these here parts. But where would ya run to?
Great shot, the way the sun lit the scene.
Thanks Bob, I very much enjoyed your shots too. And looking forward to see more from the new camera.
Love the drama of it. 🙂
Bonnie & Clyde
So are you Clyde or Bonnie? 😀
(nice photos of a very good-looking car)
Most definitely Clyde. You know this was once Dillinger country, I imagine. My friend Joe who had the original Dillinger collection also had an Essex Terraplane Sedan I would have given serious consideration to removal of a body part for. I think it went to a nephew over in Morgan County after Joe’s death.
Nice. Do they still get driven?
Hi all. I have a couple of camera questions. A few weeks ago I broke the little lever on my 7 year old Canon Powershot that switches from still to video to view, and I expect it will cost more than it is worth to fix it, IF they even have a part that will work. So, I am thinking of replacing that camera with another point & shoot.
I like the Powershot, and have taken lots of nice shots with it, but it’s probably past time I updated it anyway. So, what would people here recommend? I really like taking macro shots, so that’s a must. I also like taking candid shots of people as well as scenery, animals, etc., which I guess means I’d need something pretty versatile, if possible with different FOV options, but that I won’t need to fiddle with a lot to get good shots since a lot of times I see something happening and need to shoot pretty quickly to get it.
Also, does anyone have any experience or know anything about the GoPro Hero2? I know several people who have the older model, and they seemed to like it a lot. The main application for me would be to record animal training sessions (I could “wear” it on my body, or set it up in the training area – very useful), and I can see advantages to a very small camera for some of the other stuff I do. It has 170, 127, and 90 degree FOV, which is an improvement over the original model which only has the very wide angle.
I highly recommend the Nikon P5000.
It`s about $160.00 & I basically shoot anything that comes along with it.
I just use the manual setting & then only change shutter speed & the aperture, & from “flash” to no “flash”
I just got home a few minutes ago, & have not even posted on the FFFF yet, so I have no examples to show you but here are a few.
All shot with that camera.
I shall make this my contribution to the FFFF.
Fortune Telling Wizard (front entry)
Living Sculpture (Horned Toad)
Life Mask
Thanks KH, I’ll look into it. $160 is a really good price, and Fortunately I am still able to use the old Powershot, so I don’t need to rush into a decision.
KH, I checked out the Nikon P5000, and couldn’t find it for less than around $550. Are we talking about the same thing?
I`ve purchased over half a dozen of them, most I`ve given to friends.
I retain two of them. Also I did not purchase them all at one time, & the price was constant at $160.00/$165.00.
I`ll be right back.
Here you go.
They are getting even cheaper.
I just may buy a few more.
I`ll see if I can contact the original seller (who expressed surprise at my purchases of numerous quantities of these models.
He told me they were selling a lot of them suddenly & wondered if I had anything to do with that.
On the left of the linked page there are three testimonials concerning this little camera.
The middle one is wrong, the monitor does not turn & pivot.
That feature was on other models such as the CoolPix 5400.
Scroll down on that same linked page to see the product description.
I find no errors there.
It is quite the camera.
I would not steer you wrong.
At this link, you can see for yourself.99% of the shots at the link were taken with the P5000.
Ah – you are talking about used cameras, and I was looking at new ones. That accounts for the price difference!
All the ones I`ve purchased have been “reconditioned” cameras, never “used” cameras.
I was not able to tell the difference between a reconditioned one & a new one.
The first one I purchased was a “new” one.
From that time on, I got the “reconditioned” ones.
Ironically The “new” one I bought, I dropped shortly after acquiring it, & as a subset of Murphy`s Law, it did land butter side down, right on the shutter release button.
It`s sitting on the shelf in my office along with some other “fails” dating back 50 years or so.
I do stand behind my opinion of the Nikon P5000.
I hope you get whatever you feel is best for you.
OK, the only one that is available on eBay right now is “used”, so I guess I should keep looking, and/or wait until a reconditioned one comes along. There really isn’t a lot of urgency, especially since I just took delivery on the GoPro Hero2, so have a new toy to play with. The best part of the GoPro is that I didn’t pay a cent for it – used credit card points to buy it.
Now, if only I could find the time and resources to actually learn something about photography! 🙂
KH, your Flickr link takes me to MY organize page, not yours. 🙂
Monday night my dog, Jacques, and I returned from five weeks in Sweden. If anyone is interested in what I was doing there, you can check out the blog I started while there. I’ll be blogging retrospectively about the Sweden experience, as well as subsequent related activities in case anyone is interested in the subject. Sorry, you’ll have to look at the blog at least once to find out what that subject is – clever me. 🙂
While there I pulled out my old Powershot and took quite a few snapshots, a few of which I think are worth sharing. I hadn’t used it in so long that I forgot a lot, and ruined some otherwise good shots with bad settings.
So, here are a few of the snapshots I liked. I was going to try to relate them to the theme, but by the time I figured all that out it would be next week, so…
Nice blog, wasn’t aware your command of chickens. Hurria’s beautiful photo serie on Aleppo.
Just can’t believe the West aims to destruct all of Syria in their proxy war with Iran.
Thanks, Oui. Isn’t it surprising what chickens can be trained to do? That’s the power of classical (Pavlovian) and operant (Skinnerian) conditioning.
Thanks for linking to my pictures of the public park in Aleppo. Nice, isn’t it? My heart aches for Syria, and the more the U.S. gets involved the scarier it becomes.
Hi Hurria, good to see you posting. Regarding your camera, have you looked at the updated powershot line?
Well, it looks like I have forgotten how to embed an image, and I’m too tired to try to figure out what I am doing wrong, so I’ll try again tomorrow.
Link to photostream
Yes, like that – thanks. But I still haven’t been able to make it work, and I don’t see what’s wrong with my HTML tags. 🙁
The value in your tag was to the flickr page instead to the actual image (which is what knucklehead has done).
This is the code:
<a href=”http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8283/7763772498_185c3423bc.jpg”>
<img src=”http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8283/7763772498_185c3423bc.jpg” width=”440″> </a><br>Click image for larger version.
Thanks Andi. Funny, I could have sworn that was exactly how I always did it. Memory can be funny.
Welcome back!
There are links to instructions on how to post pictures toward the end of the diary. I hope they help.
I’m looking forward to seeing your photos.
click for larger
click for larger
Hummingbird! Love their little feet. And beautiful golden glow.
Not late, it’s Tuesday and I’m still checking.
That second shot, the sun rays are so warm I can feel it.