I guess it’s okay since Finn has a doctor appointment early this morning.then my day is filled with lunch plans, taking Gracie to the vet for another shot of vincristine for her immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, pizza dinner with my knitting friends, and trying to squeeze in a run, too.
Glad to hear Family Man is okay in the last thread.
He called me last night. He hasn’t had any transportation so he hasn’t been able to get to the library to use the internet.
I told him you were a grandma and he was so happy for you. He wanted me to be sure and pass on his congrats (I was going to do one of my rare logins to FB but now you have save me that chore).
He’s still having trouble with his legs but other than that he is doing okay.
Did you ever notice that they never get the teleported sandwich quite right: the rye bread in on the inside, and the pastrami isn’t just warm but it’s toasted and on the outside of the sandwich. And then there’s that damned little fly.
We wrung over an inch of rain out of those clouds. Of course we’re up so much higher than you valley dwellers so that probably accounts for the difference. We walked on Friday with wet boots and pants legs; it was lovely.
I normally don’t really care much for the closing ceremonies in the Olympics — except for watching the parade of happy athletes — but Eric Idle made it all worth it.
One more work day this week for me, and then I think we’re off for a day at the beach. Trying to squeeze in paddleboarding, a bike ride, some live music, and a Sunday brunch before the summer ends, too. (Not all this weekend, though.)
Good morning,
At Geneva airport awaiting flight to Oslo. A few stressful days ahead to get back into the ‘system’ – including national health care (single payer) :)))
Young asklet arrives on Monday for a few days at the cabin before his school starts a week later.
swimmer is currently in Sierra Leone, but her and bf’s internships end coming Sunday. She and bf will come to the cabin later next week to stay some days before she starts as a TA at the University of xx in France early September.
Looks as if we are up for the same tomorrow night, then highs in the 70s for several days. Sounds pretty good after all those days over 100 last month!
Well, we signed all the paperwork for the mortgage last week, and I’ve been spending my “vacation” time since getting us moved in. We should be done by the weekend. Yay.
Just drove home through 65 miles of rain and lightning, the first substantial rainstorm I’ve experienced since the end of May! Normally I’d be grousing about the stupid speeders and low visibility, but this time I enjoyed the light show and was grateful for the wet.
Good news! On Wednesday, we had violent t-storms in the early, early AM and then on my drive home. That drive was a bit scary. The rain was so intense that we were moving at about 25 on the highway. I haven’t had to attend to the tomatoes very often, not that we’re getting very many this year.
Europe and the US seem to be exchange record summer temperatures per calender year. Last year saw soaring temperatures and forest fires in Southeastern Europe and Russia. This year the US experiences extremes from drought throughout the Mid-West and corn belt states to high temperatures in the Northeast.
In The Netherlands we have been very fortunate with mild temperatures (mid 70s) and quite some loving rain. We had only a single week of summer weather until today. Blowing north from the Sahara, temperatures surge. Normally I compare our climate to the Pacific Northwest in the US from San Francisco to Vancouver. The hottest temperature ever recorded here is 38.6 ºC [101ºF] during the German occupation on August 23, 1943. Today this record is expected to be broken.
Thanks for the photos! I love ’em all but this one is especially wonderful. I just want to walk into it, plop down into one of those chairs and bliss out.
Very well. More will follow.
We went on a picnic to one of our favorite islands today. Then busy all late afternoon and eve writing my contribution for tomorrow’s issue of The GOS Weekly Review. Just sent to editor.
Will upload and post pics tomorrow morning. Time for bed here.
O.K. I’m a little insane. There are several huge panoramics that I started in April on the D1X in 10mp mode, some need to be re-shot(with D2x), some are near completion and some are still raw in-the-can so to speak.
What I’d like is some honest critique on the project. Sock it to me, good or bad, as I’m considering submitting these to a Kennedy Center’s disabled artists show in the future. Here’s a sample.
I like this image but think there is a problem in that there isn’t much visual interest in the foreground. I think it would be better if you cropped it vertically to just pick up the curve of the drive and horizontally just to the right of the turquoise sculpture.
Thank you, this does help. Part of the foreground was cloned to cover the missing part, now gone. Right side gone as well. I’ll post a reworked image soon.
The original intent is to bring the viewer to the place, in effect to provoke a smell or feeling of warmth, flowers, grass, salt air, whatever the viewer chooses, as long as a sense is stirred. Think of walking into a gallery and this is 4’x13′, would it provoke the feeling/smell of a walk through the garden? Would the viewer be overwhelmed by size? I don’t want to create photo wallpaper, but a large format, high resolution image with an impact. One where flowers look good enough to pick.
I don’t think it would be overwhelming at all — I went to a Monet exhibit where one room had walls covered by a series of his large panels and the effect was wonderfully enveloping.
I was using the flex program setting for exposure and auto w/b, as the shots move from left(northwest) to right (southeast)(quite a curve, greater than 90deg.) the angle of the sun made so much of a difference it caused the white balance to change as the exposure changed even though I tried to keep the program in the f9-f11 range, giving a deeper green. The sky color also changed in spots, that was edited. All shots came from the same camera/lens sequentially. Using the same settings.
Not only that, I think the sprinklers weren’t working properly, some parts looked dry and some wet(light green stripe), there’s also some large trees behind me that shade the southeast part in the later day. Maybe all those combined for color change. That’s my best guess.
Yeah, me too. Provided it is accepted into a show in it’s size and I can get a grant to complete the printing and panels. Then it’s a go, or it’ll be a lot smaller.
The south-east is the most boring part of the country. Lots of forest, hills and valleys. It has its own serene beauty, but little of the dramatic scenes of the western and northern coasts.
Today Jim and I get ready to leave early Friday morning to go to NYC for my niece’s wedding this weekend and then back home on Labor day. (Does almost over 700 miles of driving in one day count as labor?)
I expect we’ll be scarce so getting in my enjoy the holiday wishes now to all who celebrate it.
Okay, I’ve been holding out on you guys. I’ve been out west but for security reasons did not post that to the intertoobs as my RL address is fairly easily found. Here is the first photo, Sedona of course.
We finally got some serious rain here during the night. All the growing things appear much happier. Its the first shower that’s lasted more than a few minutes since Memorial Day weekend.
Why I am up so early on a vacation day?
I guess it’s okay since Finn has a doctor appointment early this morning.then my day is filled with lunch plans, taking Gracie to the vet for another shot of vincristine for her immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, pizza dinner with my knitting friends, and trying to squeeze in a run, too.
Glad to hear Family Man is okay in the last thread.
What is everyone else up to this weekend?
I missed the thing on Family Man…
He called me last night. He hasn’t had any transportation so he hasn’t been able to get to the library to use the internet.
I told him you were a grandma and he was so happy for you. He wanted me to be sure and pass on his congrats (I was going to do one of my rare logins to FB but now you have save me that chore).
He’s still having trouble with his legs but other than that he is doing okay.
Re: Facebook. I just thought you had changed your name to Jim. 🙂
I didn’t see that about FM. He is scarce lately.
He’s apparently had difficulty getting an internet connection. AndiF talked with him.
See above.
Repeating from the previous cafe …
Olivia will be putting the diary up later this morning.
The theme is Summer in the City is the Light in August: photos that suggest song/book/movie/whatever summer titles.
to Flog: here.
Morning everyone!
I would like them to teleport me a pastrami sandwich from Katz’s.
Beam me up, Scotty.
Did you ever notice that they never get the teleported sandwich quite right: the rye bread in on the inside, and the pastrami isn’t just warm but it’s toasted and on the outside of the sandwich. And then there’s that damned little fly.
Don’t get me started on the mustard.
What a relief! 3/4″ of rain Thursday and highs in the upper 70s – low 80s for a few days.
We wrung over an inch of rain out of those clouds. Of course we’re up so much higher than you valley dwellers so that probably accounts for the difference. We walked on Friday with wet boots and pants legs; it was lovely.
Always look on the bright side of life!
Hmmm… somehow seems familiar.
I normally don’t really care much for the closing ceremonies in the Olympics — except for watching the parade of happy athletes — but Eric Idle made it all worth it.
I turned it off after a while. Too much brouhaha. Apparently they saved the good stuff for later on.
click for larger
Very pretty!
One more work day this week for me, and then I think we’re off for a day at the beach. Trying to squeeze in paddleboarding, a bike ride, some live music, and a Sunday brunch before the summer ends, too. (Not all this weekend, though.)
The wingers will probably make this cop a millionaire, once they find out who he is.
What a depressing set of comments to that article.
I skipped them altogether. Figured the article was depressing enough as it was.
Good morning,
At Geneva airport awaiting flight to Oslo. A few stressful days ahead to get back into the ‘system’ – including national health care (single payer) :)))
Then to the cabin early next week.
I hope you have a wonderful time at the cabin. It’s hard for me to imagine you won’t — it and its surroundings look so wonderful.
Have a great time!
Have a great summer break and hope you won’t need to use the health care at all;-)
Hope so as well. Everything seems to be working at present.
Oh, have a wonderful time – and pictures, please! It always looks so relaxing there.
Thanks, CG. In the process of finally getting wifi installed there, so there may be some pics late next week.
Are either of the kids joining you at the cabin this year?
Have a lovely time.
Good morning, Jim.
Young asklet arrives on Monday for a few days at the cabin before his school starts a week later.
swimmer is currently in Sierra Leone, but her and bf’s internships end coming Sunday. She and bf will come to the cabin later next week to stay some days before she starts as a TA at the University of xx in France early September.
Their blog from SL (they alternate in writing):
Enjoy ask! 🙂
Rather violent thunderstorms woke us up at about 4AM. It was cool for a bit but now the humidity is back.
Looks as if we are up for the same tomorrow night, then highs in the 70s for several days. Sounds pretty good after all those days over 100 last month!
I guess that I shouldn’t be complaining with the widespread drought.
click for larger
Pretty. Love that deep red colour.
Well, we signed all the paperwork for the mortgage last week, and I’ve been spending my “vacation” time since getting us moved in. We should be done by the weekend. Yay.
Mazel tov! May your new house become an old one filled with good times and the good memories of them.
Congratulations! No doubt that you’ve got an extensive “to do” list already. 😉
Congratulations! Hope your new “castle” brings many years of enjoyment.
Congrats and happy house warming!
Just drove home through 65 miles of rain and lightning, the first substantial rainstorm I’ve experienced since the end of May! Normally I’d be grousing about the stupid speeders and low visibility, but this time I enjoyed the light show and was grateful for the wet.
I kept turning on the outside light just so I could watch it rain. I can’t remember the last time I got to see it rain for so long.
Good news! On Wednesday, we had violent t-storms in the early, early AM and then on my drive home. That drive was a bit scary. The rain was so intense that we were moving at about 25 on the highway. I haven’t had to attend to the tomatoes very often, not that we’re getting very many this year.
You keep watch, I’ll nap.
Good plan!
Aww. Is this the new kitty? Love the dark stripes. 🙂
It is, finally caught her not moving.
Art imitating life or life imitating art?
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All without traffic control. Great shots.
When I saw the hummers in the first photo this was what I thought of.
Beyond beautiful!
Honeybees like to drink from our HummerFeeders.
Europe and the US seem to be exchange record summer temperatures per calender year. Last year saw soaring temperatures and forest fires in Southeastern Europe and Russia. This year the US experiences extremes from drought throughout the Mid-West and corn belt states to high temperatures in the Northeast.
In The Netherlands we have been very fortunate with mild temperatures (mid 70s) and quite some loving rain. We had only a single week of summer weather until today. Blowing north from the Sahara, temperatures surge. Normally I compare our climate to the Pacific Northwest in the US from San Francisco to Vancouver. The hottest temperature ever recorded here is 38.6 ºC [101ºF] during the German occupation on August 23, 1943. Today this record is expected to be broken.
Corn field in Holland
or maybe going round and round?

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I love the way raindrops act like mini hand lenses on leaves.
It’s interesting how the 4 largest drops form a line surrounded by all the little guys.
I’m guessing that’s because the leaf is curved and the bigger drops were formed by gravity combining smaller drops.
You are quite the smartypants.
There a lot going on in there. I love the life cycle aspect.
A four letter word and a straight A student in Prague OK
I’ve got another 4 letter word in mind for the school officials of Prague, OK
It certainly fits them. Haven’t heard that tune for quite a while. Thanks for the memory!
Good morning.
After some busy days in Oslo we finally made it down to the cabin yesterday afternoon.
Sooo relaxing.
The plot is mostly ‘au naturel’, with minor yearly pruning to keep fast growing bushes down before getting too big.
Small grassy patch right in front of cabin:
Different angle, this lovely morning:
Thanks for the photos! I love ’em all but this one is especially wonderful. I just want to walk into it, plop down into one of those chairs and bliss out.
Lovely spot, ask! It looks like a great place to do some relaxing;-)
I want to go to there.
Very nice! I would love to sip my morning coffee there.
(yet another lump day)

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Hey there, want company?
Visiting friends on LI a couple of weeks ago.
As Bebo can tell you, Sniff does not like to share. But I’d be glad of such charming company. 🙂
Exactly how I like to spend my days!
We had another gorgeous morning. Picking up swimmer and bf this afternoon.
What a beautiful place. Enjoying the pics, very much.
Thanks Bob. Let me know if it becomes spamming.
I like traveling vicariously through your photos.
Me too, ask – please keep ’em coming.
Very well. More will follow.
We went on a picnic to one of our favorite islands today. Then busy all late afternoon and eve writing my contribution for tomorrow’s issue of The GOS Weekly Review. Just sent to editor.
Will upload and post pics tomorrow morning. Time for bed here.
Looking forward to your photos!
See below. Avoiding potential margin issues.
Lovely. And I’m sure it will be nice to have swimmer in one of those chairs.
Beautiful, as always. It looks so peaceful and relaxing there.
That upper photo is gorgeous!
O.K. I’m a little insane. There are several huge panoramics that I started in April on the D1X in 10mp mode, some need to be re-shot(with D2x), some are near completion and some are still raw in-the-can so to speak.
What I’d like is some honest critique on the project. Sock it to me, good or bad, as I’m considering submitting these to a Kennedy Center’s disabled artists show in the future. Here’s a sample.
I’ll leave the full image dl up for only a couple of days. Look forward to the feedback.
I like this image but think there is a problem in that there isn’t much visual interest in the foreground. I think it would be better if you cropped it vertically to just pick up the curve of the drive and horizontally just to the right of the turquoise sculpture.
Thank you, this does help. Part of the foreground was cloned to cover the missing part, now gone. Right side gone as well. I’ll post a reworked image soon.
The original intent is to bring the viewer to the place, in effect to provoke a smell or feeling of warmth, flowers, grass, salt air, whatever the viewer chooses, as long as a sense is stirred. Think of walking into a gallery and this is 4’x13′, would it provoke the feeling/smell of a walk through the garden? Would the viewer be overwhelmed by size? I don’t want to create photo wallpaper, but a large format, high resolution image with an impact. One where flowers look good enough to pick.
I don’t think it would be overwhelming at all — I went to a Monet exhibit where one room had walls covered by a series of his large panels and the effect was wonderfully enveloping.
The new one is up, same link. The curve now leads from left to right even though there is still a grass carpet.
Original with all images.

What caused the color change in the grass?
I was using the flex program setting for exposure and auto w/b, as the shots move from left(northwest) to right (southeast)(quite a curve, greater than 90deg.) the angle of the sun made so much of a difference it caused the white balance to change as the exposure changed even though I tried to keep the program in the f9-f11 range, giving a deeper green. The sky color also changed in spots, that was edited. All shots came from the same camera/lens sequentially. Using the same settings.
Not only that, I think the sprinklers weren’t working properly, some parts looked dry and some wet(light green stripe), there’s also some large trees behind me that shade the southeast part in the later day. Maybe all those combined for color change. That’s my best guess.
I think the new version works really well. I wish I could see it “huge” size.
Yeah, me too. Provided it is accepted into a show in it’s size and I can get a grant to complete the printing and panels. Then it’s a go, or it’ll be a lot smaller.
Good luck!
Went for a picnic to one of our favorite islands yesterday. I posted a few pictures from the island last year as well.
The island from a distance
Towards the ocean
swimmer in tailor-made African pants
I believe AndiF used the word ‘bucolic’ last year
Another favorite destination floating in the ocean in the SW
Today we will drive down to Kragerø, a town close by.
If I did, it was a pretty (literally) apt word choice. 🙂
Such a wonderful place — I don’t know how you can bear leaving it.
Thanks for letting us enjoy it with you.
I love the last shot, it makes me want to get out and sail.
What a nice bright day you had! That is a very pretty spot.
Driving young asklet to his new school today. A five hour drive ahead.
View from the restaurant table in Kragerø
In the inner harbor.
Hope the scenery on the drive is as good as that in all the photographs you’ve been sharing with us.
The south-east is the most boring part of the country. Lots of forest, hills and valleys. It has its own serene beauty, but little of the dramatic scenes of the western and northern coasts.
Pretty wooden boats.
Best wishes to Asklet at his new school.
What a great place to visit for lunch, I can taste the gravad lax and herring from here. Yes, I’m a Swede but the food…
It’s almost as if someone arranged the boats in the bottom photo. It must have been a very pleasant day.
You live in paradise, my friend. Beautiful wooden boats.
I just bought myself an Old Town kayak. Love it. Kayaking, I’ve found, is a form of meditation 🙂
I’m enjoying the look at your scenic summer neighborhood. Thanks ask!
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The story of my life. 😉
Sometimes, I’d be happy if everything went over my head because I just rather not know.
Nah, there’s already too many blissful ignorants.
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One prick follows another.
They even hold prick conventions, (((Boran2))).
They’re called RNC 😀
It’s the Prickathon!
Today Jim and I get ready to leave early Friday morning to go to NYC for my niece’s wedding this weekend and then back home on Labor day. (Does almost over 700 miles of driving in one day count as labor?)
I expect we’ll be scarce so getting in my enjoy the holiday wishes now to all who celebrate it.
Have fun and be safe!
Have a great time and be sure to eat some of those luscious cupcakes for your friends here!
Have a good drive!
Thanks all. Just about to leave and not looking forward to the long drive.
Sorry about the long drive, but have fun, and best wishes to the happy couple!
Okay, I’ve been holding out on you guys. I’ve been out west but for security reasons did not post that to the intertoobs as my RL address is fairly easily found. Here is the first photo, Sedona of course.
Oh, cool! I think I need to post a new cafe for you to post more…
Yes, you have. Very cool, we’ll definitely need more.
If you zoom in just a bit, you can see Richard Dreyfuss lurking in the bushes;-)
With a plate of mashed potatoes, no doubt.
Heh – nice shot too, I forgot to mention.
We finally got some serious rain here during the night. All the growing things appear much happier. Its the first shower that’s lasted more than a few minutes since Memorial Day weekend.
Good news! We got a bit yesterday here.