Is Harry Reid’s source Jon Hunstman Jr. or Jon Huntsman Sr.? Inquiring minds want to know.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
A thing of beauty.
As I watch Kevin Drum, Josh Marshall (albeit in a less dickish fashion), and various internet commenters all over the place flail around in disbelief at Harry Reid’s source’s assertion, I have to ask:
Do people not realize how easy and common it is for high finance professionals to avoid taxes?
Seriously, this has been going on for decades, it’s not unusual or difficult. Once you have money flowing internationally (as you inevitably will when you set up an investment fund), there are plenty of opportunities to dodge taxes.
Do people generally not realize this? Is that why everyone is so shocked and in disbelief?
It is indeed fascinating how the Mormon connection factors in. Sr.’s my bet but doubtful that Jr. hasn’t been aware.
This is a reasonable pot to stir and hey, the polls are showing the people are paying attention so stir baby stir!
It’s funny because last night drum tweeted how glenn greenwald supported him and his asymmetric reid-hate. i lol’d.
It was Greenwald’s supportive tweet that triggered this post.
More accurately, last night’s post.
Some speculation that it may be Robert Gay.
Here’s a WAG to answer your question. Whichever is closest to the LDS leadership.
If you accept that hypothesis, then speculate on why the LDS leadership might want to sandbag the Mitt.
Some in the LDS may believe that Mitt has not been under tithing to the church.
Could be a motive but a very weak one. Institutions, both secular and religious, first protect and promote “their own.” Individual failings wrt to institutional teachings and practices are a distant second, and if dealt with at all are done internally unless or until such failings jeopardize the institutional standing outside the institution. LDS seniors would no more try to scuttle the POTUS ambitions of Romney over something as minor as not forking over his full tithe than the RCC would have thrown JFK under the bus for being a philanderer.
OT, just to reiterate this.
Parliament Takes Over in Libya’s First Peaceful Transfer of Power. Less than a year after the fall of Gadhafi.
Robert C. Gay is still close to Mitt Romney and has renewed his 2007 campaign ad of his missing daughter Melissa in N.Y. Huntsman Jr. is not a friend of Willard but is not a Bain Capital insider so he would not have first hand knowledge of the tax returns. I just found the article where Robert Gay quit the Huntsman Gay Capital Group. I would place my bet on Huntsman Sr.
Begs two important considerations:
Robert C. Gay has been a partner of Bain Capital for 15 years and it is logical he uses the same tax deferrance and investment funds through tax havens. After a brief stint as Mormon bishop/missionary, he started his investment company HuntsmanGay with Huntsman Sr. Even from the press statement it lists the agreement to donate 100% of their carried interest to philanthropic organizations. It’s a legal escape to avoid taxes, unless there are other agreements made …
Huntsman has already denied begin Reid’s source. Your argument for Gay as the source remains weak: First, he’d be calling attention to the practices at all the Bain type vulture capital operations including his own. Second, he would have been guessing as to how Mitt handled his taxes.
I don’t care who told Reid, and frankly I don’t care. I’m just enjoying the show, and looking forward to Reid revealing everything a day or two before the GOP Convention. Pass the popcorn!
Will the words “October surprise” for once be connected to an event with positive consequences? It’s too much to hope for.
What about Huntsman’s daughter, Abby. She writes for Huffington Post. She was the one who wrote the article a few weeks back claiming Romney didn’t expect to have to release his tax returns:
The article even opens similarly to Reid’s statement:
“Mitt Romney has been determined to resist releasing his tax returns at least since his bid for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and has been confident that he will never be forced to do so, several current and former Bain executives tell The Huffington Post. Had he thought otherwise, say the sources based on their longtime understanding of Romney, he never would have gone forward with his run for president.”