I watched the announcement that Paul Ryan will be Romney’s running mate, and parts of Ryan’s stupid speech. The whole thing was weird and foolish. Romney first told us that Paul Ryan is fond of lighting candles, and then announced that Ryan would be the next president of the United States. They chose some movie score to play for Ryan’s “dramatic” entrance, probably because almost no musicians will allow this conservative freak-show to use their music. Then Ryan delivered what can only be described as a lackluster speech filled with lies. His big applause line was that they are going to “make American great again.” What? You don’t think America is great now? F-U, buddy, move to Canada.

I noticed that Romney tried to inoculate himself on the Medicare charge by alleging that Obama cut Medicare by $700 billion. That’s an old stupid lie, but it telegraphs where The Stupid is going.

Buckle your chinstraps, we are going to be engaging a frenzy of

Overall, I am sure that the White House is doing cartwheels this morning. But, they shouldn’t forget, Romney is going to be feeding the American people lies through a billionaire-funded firehose.

Paul Ryan is probably pretty close to the worst choice Romney could have made. But he’s a very sincere-looking liar.