Congressional approval is at 10%, which ties (February 2012) for the lowest rating ever in the history of Gallup Polls. You could probably get better than 10% for the question “Do you approve of gonorrhea?” Because, you know, not everybody knows that gonorrhea is a bad thing.
When you are less popular than a venereal disease, you’re doing it wrong.
So the key to winning the Presidential (and congressional) elections by a wide margin is to depict Ryan as the embodiment of Congress and to tie the Romney Ryan ticket to that congressional failure.
President Obama needs to campaign on the theme “Give me a Congress I can work with”, “A House Divided is sure to fail”. He also needs to make personal appearances in every winnable district to boost the standing of Dem candidates and explain how that candidate can make a difference in improving the lot of ordinary Americans.
Hell, at this stage Obama can probably afford to campaign even in some apparently unwinnable districts to emphasise how important the Congressional vote is to him. This isn’t about swing states anymore, its about winnable Congressional and senate seats – not to mention state level offices.
Sounds good to me, and I’ll do my part by working to GOTV.
“President Obama needs to campaign on the theme ‘Give me a Congress I can work with'”
So he can pass more Republican ideas like the ACA.
Ya know, it’s bullshit like this that causes crap like the ACA, Pat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah ACA was an R idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah ACA is a lousy excuse for a healthcare overhaul. Yeah, yeah, yeah ACA will take 20 years of constant fighting to improve to the point where is begins to approximate something good and worthwhile.
Did you ever think, you ineffable FOOL that if we had passed this “Republican” idea in 1993 … WE WOULD NOW BE AT THE END OF THE 20 YEAR PROCESS??????
I’ve seen shit like this for my whole life. If it’s not perfect it isn’t worth doing. Well FUCK IT. It’s time you perfection liberals grow up and get real.
Okay mature wise one, name one Republican/rightwing solution enacted in the past thirty odd years that didn’t turn into a costly mess and was subsequently and easily corrected and is now working well? DADT was worse than nothing and only took two decades and an extraordinary amount of political capital to reverse. How many individual lives were harmed more during that period of the “adults” accepting that half loaf?
Ok, little bird, here it is.
Without DADT in force (go back to the early 90’s and look it up … it was a huge step forward) gays would still not be able to serve. AT ALL
Grow up, learn some history, and realize that you don’t change entrenched privelege without the backing of ALL segments of society. Not just the white liberals.
While I agree with your sentiment to some degree, I see institutions like the Catholic Church. Why not tell them to grow a pair? They deserve to be told that a thousand times more than half-disappointed liberals.
The Catholic Church is the enemy. They always stand with their rich donors and the status quo.
You should have seen St. Vincent’s in River Forest during the fifties and sixties. They had a huge board in the lobby showing what every parishioner had donated. Tony Accardo ( was at the top of the list. They should have refused his money, but with the CC it’s always about the money.
Hell, canker sores poll better than 10 percent.
Makes sense to me. At least my canker sores aren’t fucking up the country.
10%, eh?
OK…so let’s break it down, eh?
Here it is.
So if you add it all up, there are 251 DemRat-allied Congress Critters and 289 RatPub-allied Congressional assholes of the RatPub stripe.
About 540 or ’em, let’s say . About 54 are “approved” if one trusts the pollsters. Which I do not. But still. Even if 100% of the RatPubs were “disapproved” by the biliously overfed/underinformed population of the U.S., that would still leave …lemme see. 10% of 540 equals 54. 54 Dems out of 250 or so? About a 20% approval rate for DemRats, at best.
What kind of Preznit can be elected wif that kind of plurality?
Ain’t none.
So…where’s the beef?
Where do the numbers really line up?
It’s all bullshit, that’s where it all lines up.
Media elects politicians.
Nothing else.
Or maybe you’d rather believe that a political party with a maximum of about 20% approval rating on a day-to-day level can ramp up a 50% “approval” for a candidate who is part and parcel of that system?
Wake the fuck up.
If you get the clap, at least you’re getting laid. With this Congress, we’re just getting screwed.