I’m sure some of you have friends, family, and/or co-workers who plan to vote for Mitt Romney, but have you met anyone who’s actually impressed with him and thinks that he’d make a great president?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
There may be some people I know who are going to vote R-Money in this election, but it won’t matter electorally (IL). Most people stay away from me about politics because I come armed to the teeth!
Absolutely NOBODY likes mitt. That’s part of the underlying hilarity of the campaign.
I’m in a very liberal county that was 80% for Obama in 2008. There are people who will vote for Romney, mostly because they are voting against Obama. There are the ones who hate and the ones who are disappointed. What is missing, perhaps, is the excitement of 2008 (at least so far) to motivate infrequent voters to get involved enough to be sure they are registered and to get out to vote. Young people seem to not care. The Republicans over the past 4 years have made “government” so ugly that many are just disgusted and want to turn away, as if trying to avoid a rotten smell. I think that’s what is what’s keeping this a fairly close contest so far.
So my question to all out there: How to get the young people excited again? How to get infrequent voters to the polls?
Nope. Most everyone I know is voting against the socialist Kenyan. They might couch their intentions in some less sinister way, but that’s the essential takeaway, if you can drill down long enough. Not everyone, mind you. But most. The Fox News “socialist”mantra has permanently taken root.
Don’t you mean the socialist Kenyan Muslim?
Oh yeah, thanks! I sometimes forget all the obligatory and derogatory descriptors. Too many to keep track of. :p Oh shit, he’s The Antichrist, too. Whatever the f@#k that religious nuttiness is supposed to mean. But you can bet your sweet ass it’s a dog whistle to someone.
Come on, a Serious Question?!
Cayman islands and the fury of Isaac.
OT, but I called this weeks maybe even months ago.
Rick Warren Cancels Presidential Forum At Saddleback Church
I call BS. Warren cites “uncivil discourse”, but I’m betting even money he did not want to put Mitt Romney in the position of having to discuss Mormonism in a church full of evangelicals!!
Yeah, I didn’t think it was going to happen either. I was surprised they even announced they were going to have it in the first place.
I might as well repeat my prediction here that Romney will try to weasel out of the full 3 scheduled debates. Probably the same thing as this, he’ll fall back on this “hateful campaign” bs.
I volunteer with a group of seriously conservative women, mostly Catholic and Mormon and some Evangelicals. None (about 40) will be voting for him. The Mormon women especially are contemptuous of him. He strikes them as false and not giving the best impression of their faith. I have known this group of women for the past 20 years and we have had some lively debates while working (putting together care packages for homeless teens, soldiers overseas, victims of flooding etc)about all sorts of social issues. We rarely agree on anything except sort of basics (generally “do unto others”) and local sports teams.
The MORMONS have contempt? WOW! That’s impressive.
I do know people who are going to vote for Romney and they hope he will win, but they have utter contempt for him. They are voting for him because he is a white Republican. They ARE enthused about Ryan, which is hilarious in a stomach-turning way because he wants to take their pensions and rip up their union contract.
Nope. I’ve been struck with the curious lack of enthusiasm for the candidate — much less than there was for McCain, even, I think. The lack of affection, excitement, whatever you call it, is something I’ve never seen before. It’s all just negative and based on GOP lies — socialist, European, African, etc etc. Even Bush managed to inspire some affection among the believers. In my experience this is just not happening for Romney.
It’s sad and threatening that this election will turn on whether hate for Obama can beat out practical issues. I don’t believe the pundit claim that it’s the economy. A roaring economy and plenty of jobs wouldn’t change the believers’ attitudes one iota.
I know enough movement conservatives who are only voting for Romney because they hate the Kenyan Muslim (they haven’t said it in so many words – because I’d give them an unwelcome earful – but that’s what it amounted to). They are not the least bit impressed by Mittens, however.
I prefer to follow Ben Franklin’s advice, “If you lay with dogs, you will get up with fleas” (or something close).
I won’t discuss politics with the idiots I know are Republicans because I value my time more than that.
In a country where VelveetaTM is sold as cheese, it may take a while, but it will happen, if it has to happen. Bush II was decidedly unpromising material, but by the time of the 2006 mid-terms, among the believers he was a demi-god.
Remember this from Hindraker?:
Hey BOY, what you sayin’ ’bout Velveeta? That’s my goto breakfast, FOOL!!!
But, honestly, Mittens Romney? Nah, I don’t know anyone who even admits to liking him, here in MA. Lots that will vote for the guy against Obama, but noone who likes Romney.
It must be hard being the 15 year old dork everybody hates … when you’re 65.
If they get him into the White House, the people that do such things can turn him into anything they want or need, and barring a screwup as big as Iraq and Katrina, make it stick.
They made Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton into liberals.
They made Reagan into a jovial grandpa — though he was every bit near the hater Nixon was.
America is the country, after all, where ‘marketing’ became a university degree, alongside science, philosophy, law and medicine.